A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 248: I didnt wear them for you

248 I didn't wear them for you

Whenever he came back, she would hug him and whisper slowly:

'Any news yet?'

It hurt him every time because of his answer was usually 'Not yet'. Although she would smile as though everything was okay, he knew it wasn't. Sometimes, he caught her trying Xin Yong's number in case she answered, but it was usually switched off. Now, he was so happy that there was something he was going to tell her when he got home.

When he got back, Liling was already fast asleep, so he decided to not wake her up. He took a shower and joined her in bed. As though she felt his presence, she turned around and hugged him around the waists.

The next day was Saturday, and they were both staying in; she had been quite busy recently due to her album release, she was only free during the weekends. That explained why she was fast asleep by eight pm.

Closing his eyes, Liu Wei pecked her forehead and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Liling woke up before him; she stared at his sleepy face for a moment before climbing out of the bed. She washed her mouth and took a shower, by the time she stepped out, Liu Wei was already awake, but he was still sprawled out on the bed.

''Morning, sleepy fish, don't you want to leave the bed? It's past eleven.''

She remarked, walking over to the dressing table, while dabbing her hair with a towel.


Liu Wei remarked with a smirk. Liling turned around to look at him, a surprised raise of her brows;

''Wow? ''

''Your boobs are bigger, they were not this big the last time I checked.''

A blush washed Liling's cheeks.

''You… you check my boobs? ''

She asked, looking flushed.

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Liu Wei nodded, grinning.

''Are you on your period or something?''

Liling rolled her eyes at him and turned to pick up the hair dryer.

''I'm not...''

''Yeah, I guessed as much, it's not been three weeks since the last time…''

''You calculate my period too? ''

She instantly turned to look at him, her eyes widened in embarrassment.

''Yeah, ''

''Liu Wei! Don't tell me you know the color of all my undies?!''

Liu Wei laughed and turned sideways, so he would he would be facing her completely.

''Well, not that I know the color of all your undies, but I'm sure you don't have green undies, you hate green.''

He replied with a contended smirk. Liling stared at him unbelievably and turned around to continue with her hair.

''You're impossible! ''

Although she didn't want to see the smirk on his face, his reflection on the mirror was impossible to resist.

Liu Wei chuckled and after a while, he stood up from the bed.

''Well, I have good news.''

''What news? ''

Liling asked, looking at him through the mirror.

''What? Leads? They've found her? Where? ''

Liling turned to look at Liu Wei wide eyed. She was not expecting that news at all! It's been so long and she had slowly lost hope on finding Xin Yong.

''I'm not sure yet, but I'll check with the details they send to me then I'll get Jin Yue informed.''

''Oh my, this is great news! Finally! Where did they say she was?''

Liu Wei stared at the excited Liling for a moment, they were not sure yet but she was already too excited.

''We don't know for sure now, but I'll check my email after taking a shower.''

''Hurry!! ''

She screamed happily and Liu Wei walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

When he came out of the shower, Liling was no longer in the room. He picked his tablet and strode downstairs.

''Baby? ''

He called out when he did not see her in the living room.

''Here! ''

She screamed from the kitchen. It was weekend, so the workers were not around.

''What are you making?''

Liu Wei asked as he walked into the kitchen. Liling was putting on shorts which exposed a sumptuous amount of legs.

''Scotched eggs. ''

She replied; eyes still transfixed on the pan.

Liu Wei stared at her thighs for a while before walking over and hugging her from behind.

''Hmm! You smell nice…''

He said huskily, planting soft kisses on her neck and his hands travelling underneath her shirt.

Liling giggled lightly;

''You have to tell me what you really want, Mr.''

''Hmm… the food smells nice too, but I want to eat you first ''

Liu Wei continued; he nibbled on her ear making Liling moan softly.

''You are silly, you know that? We should eat real food first, I didn't eat yester night.''

Liling whispered leaning into him, her breathing had become ragged; it was as though she was contemplating on which one to do. Liu Wei kissed her finally on the lips before pulling away but not before lightly rubbing her ass.

Liling smacked his hand off, chuckling lightly.

''Go check your email, while I hurry up with the food, will be out in a jiffy.''

''Yeah, by the way, I like the shorts.''

Liu Wei winked at her, smirking as he took his tablet from the counter and turned to leave.

''I didn't wear them for you!''

She screamed after him, her cheeks were already too flushed.

''Obviously baby! Obviously. ''


''What did you find?''

Liling said as she placed the food on the table. Liu Wei, who was sitting on the dining seat, showed the tablet to her.

''It says that the lady who was admitted had a miscarriage and was later readmitted for tring to commit sucide, there are no pictures yet and they have refused to disclose her name. ''

Liu Wei commented as he zoomed in the screen for her to see.

''Hmm... she wasn't pregnant...''

''What if she was?''

Liu Wei asked and the room fell quiet.

''... where is this place? ''

''Sanji... ''

Liu Wei replied, placing the tablet down.

Liling sat down beside him, thinking for a while.

''No-one knows for sure, but this is the only lead in a while, we have to dig deeper, but first we have to tell Jin Yue, so he would know what to do. ''

''Yeah. ''

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