A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 269: She was stronger now

269 She was stronger now

''Long time no see, Liling. ''

When Manager Su heard Richen, she gazed at both of them, a bit surprised.

''You know each other? ''

''Yes, she was a roommate in college. ''

Richen replied and Manager Su smiled.

''That's great; you won't have problems getting along with each other then. ''

Liling forced a smile and walked towards the empty seat which was beside Richen, sitting down she dropped her beg on her laps, not looking at Richen a second time.

She wondered why Richen was suddenly under Manager Su.

''Liling, right now you have over twenty endorsement offers, you won't have to accept all anyways. Just give me a minute, let me finish with Richen, I'll get back to you. ''

Liling smiled as she waited for them to be through.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

From what they talked about, Liling understood that Richen had been recommended by someone to Manager Su, and she was about releasing her Album.

It wasn't her business, so gradually; Liling stopped paying attention to them. After sometime, Manager Su concluded and dismissed Richen.

''Bye Liling, see you some other time. ''

Richen smiled_ as though she meant it, but Liling knew her well. She smiled too, with the same degree of pretense.

''Bye. ''

When she closed the door, Manager Su brought out the contract files for Liling to go through. They were twenty three in total and Liling had a tough time reading through them.

She selected the ones which paid more first and then checked the type of endorsements they were. Some were paid partnerships; others were wine brands endorsements and perfume endorsements. By the time Liling finished making her selection, she was left with just seven.

Manager Su took the ones she approved of and put the remaining aside.

''I'll inform you on when you are to meet with each of these companies, for now you are free to go. ''

Liling thanked her before walking out of the office. Remembering that Xin Yong was still in the company, she decided to call to know if? she was through so they would leave together,, but just as she was about to dial her number, someone called her name.

''Liling ''

Liling paused in her tracks, her brows creased irritatingly.? She slowly turned to look at the direction of the sound.

There was Richen, walking towards her with a conceited grin plastered to her face.

Liling sighed.

Why was evil chasing her everywhere she went?

''it's been a long time Liling, I see you are everywhere on the internet, you must be popular now.''

Liling licked her lips. To think that Richen would wait behind just to say that, she was indeed jobless!

''is that why you stopped me? ''

She asked, creasing her brows.

''No, not exactly ''

Richen said as she walked closer to Liling.

She paused, waiting to see Liling's expression, but regrettably it did not even change.

''Is that all? ''

Liling said raising one of her brows impatiently.

Richen was speechless, she had expected Liling to be startled, or at least show some signs of fear, but here she was, asking her if she had finished speaking, looking so unperturbed..

Richen bit her lower lip irritably.

''Just letting you know.''

She said, forcing a sly smile.

Liling chuckled; she shook her head and walked off, ignoring Richen. She had taken a few steps, when all of a sudden she stopped and turned around.

'' Richen, why are you so obsessed with my downfall? If you continue this way, you'll lose focus of your purpose in life. A little advice for you, stop bothering about me and focus on yourself first, work hard so at least, I'll find you worthy of being a rival. ''

With that, she turned around and walked away.

Richen stood rooted to the spot unable to speak. she had never been this stunned in her entire life.

Liling did not even see her as a competitor? What was she to her, a clown? Ha!

Richen heart squeezed so hard that she felt it would bleed.

Why was Liling always better?

She was given the best manager on a platter, while she had to sleep her way just to get recommended! And worse still, she had expected Liling to see her as a rival, but she did not even pay attention to her when Manager Su was speaking! As though having the same manager didn't bother her a bit.

Richen gritted her teeth devastatingly.

Liling had quite changed from back then. She was stronger now. Although she knew a few things, it was not enough to bring her down completely. And besides, she was seeing Liu Wei, who would stop at nothing to protect her, she really had nothing to pull her down, maybe that explained why Liling was laughing at her just now.

If she could win against her just once, then she would be okay. Why was she always above her? Why?

Maybe she should concentrate on her album? Manager Su said her songs were awesome, what if she had greater sales?

Richen's heart became slightly happy at that thought but the slight happiness disappeared as soon as it came.

How could she have greater sales? She was a newbie with nobody, there was no way she would have greater sales as compared to Liling, who was dating the CEO. That was quite impossible.

Unless she got popular before then… how would she do that?

Richen thought for a while, suddenly her eyes brightened as a thought popped into her mind.

Liling got so popular because she was dating Liu Wei, if she got herself a well-known CEO, she might as well be popular. Besides she was pretty and had a killer body, even though it was just sex, she didn't mind, as long as she would have the fame.

Richen mentally slapped herself.

Why hadn't she thought of this since!

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