A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 97 - 70: Yatun Duchy (Seeking Recommendations)

Chapter 97: Chapter 70: Yatun Duchy (Seeking Recommendations)

“Shall we establish a Princely State, or a Duchy?”

The smallest country is not a Duchy but a Princely State, which is to say, it’s one held by a Master of Miracles who only possesses one miracle artifact.

Count Thorn, Spring Water Marchioness, although they are an Earl and a Marchioness, these are merely honorary titles under the allegiance to the Iron

Eagle King.

In reality, their rule over their own territories is absolute and not subject to outsider interference.

Therefore, these people are called ‘Kings’.

Just like in Bailuo’s former life during the Spring and Autumn period, many countries were actually Marquis states, but out of respect, they would often be referred to as so-and-so Duke.

Of course, the title ‘Duke’ on the Miracle Mainland has a specific nobility rank, so it generally cannot be used casually.

Princes, Dukes, Kings, Great Emperors.

These are the four titles assigned to the Masters of Miracles on the Miracle New


Possessing one miracle, they are Princes and rulers of countries, three miracles for a Duchy, addressed as Duke, seven miracles for a Kingdom, entitled King, twenty miracles for an Empire, revered as the Great Emperor.

“Princely State…”

Adhering to the principle of keeping a low profile, Bailuo wanted to choose a Princely State because it matched the current national conditions, But wouldn’t that be somewhat insulting to their intelligence?”

Yatun has only one miracle artifact, how would you explain that lie in the future?

Crops, Pegasus, fairies, witches…

Are you saying these are just one miracle?

“Princely State indeed seems somewhat excessive.”

Bailuo’s uncle knew of Bailuo’s ability to find miracle artifacts, and that more miracles would accumulate over time.

This also means that Bailuo cannot hide them forever; eventually, they will be exposed.

People of Yatun can tell lies.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

For the sake of the nation, for the race, all righteousness and morality are


Survival and strengthening are the fundamental purposes.

But Bailuo’s lie is too excessive, it’s practically treating people as fools!

You claim to possess only one miracle, yet you can present so many things, is that a joke?!

“Cough cough cough.”

Bailuo felt that if he now claimed Yatun only had one miracle, it wouldn’t make sense.

But if he said it would be obtained later, the rapidly strengthening Yatun would attract more attention and lead to even more investigation, “So how many should we claim?”

“A Duchy is best.”

Claiming to be a Duchy is to tell others that our country possesses three miracle artifacts.

“In the conflicts between countries on the Miracle Mainland, a mere Princely State would be looked down upon,” said the uncle, “A weak country has no diplomacy. We cannot appear too strong, but also not too weak, so a Duchy is just right.”

Of course, it cannot be that Bailuo alone possesses three miracles; that would

be too terrifying.

“At that time, Lilith and Xiao Bai can also pretend to be Masters of Miracles.”

“Is that possible?!”


The uncle explained, “Lilith possesses infinite Miracle Power within her, you can claim she is a Miracle Creature, or you can say she is a Master of Miracles, and it cannot be detected.”

“Xiao Bai is the same, her Miracle Power is concealed, and Miracle Troop Types are not qualified to inspect, while those other Masters of Miracles who sense her will think she is the same kind of Master of Miracles as you, Xiao Luo.”

In short, there are two situations in which Masters of Miracles are perceived by outsiders.

The first is that they possess great personal strength.

Upon examination, outsiders would discover they possess endless Miracle


The second is the situation like Bailuo who obtained the Initial Sprout Holy

Pouch, Sherri, and Lilith.

Since miracles are functional and external, Bailuo himself has had no increase

in strength.

Then upon examination, outsiders would discover that Bailuo is protected by an extremely powerful force, immune to poison, curses, and nearly all debuffs.

Of course, Xiao Bai’s case is even more special.

But this isn’t a problem, after all, no one can discern Xiao Bai and Lilith’s identities.

“One Duke with three miracles is a completely different concept from three Masters of Miracles establishing a Duchy.”

The cohesion of the former is terrifying, while the latter offers much room for maneuver.

For instance, forming alliances or sowing discord, there’s a potential for division.

Uncle had considered this, he wanted enemies to see a Yatun that wasn’t united, rather than one that was as solid as iron.

This would make the Masters of Miracles from other nations lower their guard, buying Yatun more time.

“Xiao Bai is young. She’s like a Master of Miracles that we’ve fooled,” he said. “We keep her safe, constructing an illusion that she might not always be with US.”

Feeding false information to the enemy is also a tactic, Uncle said, “Of course, we mustn’t expose Xiao Bai’s actual abilities.

“If possible, we should keep her hidden for a decade or two,” Uncle said, “remain silent until the time comes to amaze everyone with her presence!”

“The capability of the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch can’t be hidden, as it’s too beneficial for trade between nations.”

“Exporting agricultural products can bring trade to Yatun, aiding in the accumulation of the nation’s wealth and prestige.

Once the other nations get used to importing our agriculture, would they still be willing to harm our Yatun? Uncle questioned.

When you get accustomed to various condiments, when you’ve tasted countless fruits and exquisite dishes.

If Yatun were to be destroyed, even if you had reserves, they would eventually run out.

Once they’re gone, they’re truly gone.

“It’s easy to go from frugality to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality.”

Uncle knew all too well those Masters of Miracles who yearn for pleasure, “What they lack isn’t wealth or even time, but something to make life more enjoyable and to pass the time.”

Once such things appear, how could the Masters of Miracles bear to destroy them?

“Our survival in Yatun can’t rely solely on military force.”

War is the last resort and a necessary one, Uncle emphasized, “National diplomacy, political dealings, economic sanctions, and even assassination and division are tools Yatun needs, and we must cultivate such talent.


During this time, Bai Luo had been eager to learn from Uncle about how to become a good leader.

“Your talent is unquestionable, Xiao Luo.”

Uncle remembered that during lessons, Bai Luo often combined history, military, and economics from his previous life to propose various hypotheses and make extrapolations.

Many of his ideas and examples were unheard of, even by Uncle.

Uncle himself had asked Bai Luo for advice, feeling that his horizons had been broadened.

“Whatyou’re lacking now is experience.”

Uncle said, “The matter of the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch must remain hidden, we can’t let the enemy know that these grains and crops come from a pouch!” Miracle Derivative Power and products can be exposed to create confusion and make it difficult for the enemy to grasp.

But the Miracle Entity is the core secret, and it must never be leaked.

“In addition, we also need to conceal Xiao Bai’s information.

“Perfectly, we can just claim to the outside world that Xiao Bai’s miracle is those agricultural products.”

The Miracle Pocket has no combat ability and paired with Bai Yino’s inconspicuous power, it’s even less likely to arouse suspicion about her specific circumstances.

In doing this, both the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch and Bai Yino are concealed.

Two birds with one stone!

“As for Sherri, we can choose to hide her or not hide her, but if we do, we can certainly do it well.”

In the future, Yatun will definitely form cavalry, and then Sherri will become key. Once the Pegasus appears, everyone will know it’s a miracle. “Fortunately, the Pegasus can be mixed up with the fairies.

The People of Yatun naturally know these are two distinct miracles, but outsiders won’t.

“At the same time, we can also hide Lilith’s power,” Uncle said, “and instead display the witches’ magic abilities.”

Just say that Lilith is a witch using magic with the ability to tram witches. There, three miracles covered by Uncle’s suggestions.

Agricultural products poured from a pouch, that’s the first.

The Pegasus is obscured by the fairy, counted only as a fairy, that’s the second. The Little Witch is distinguished from the fairy, emerging as a separate miracle, that’s the third.

Therefore, the miracles truly exposed are actually only two.

The Initial Sprout Holy Pouch and Fairy Power!

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