AK - The Alchemy Kingdom

Chapter 116: Departure

Chapter 116: Departure

Year 3, Summer, First Month, First Week.

The wood builder, the dream tool of all wood crafters, capable of shaping, bending, binding and changing the quality of wood at will. If someone had told Alfeur about it a few years ago, he would laugh at the persons delusion, but now, not only the tool existed, it was also on his hands ready to be used at his heart's content. Unfortunately, having the perfect tool and the right resources would expose ones inability for all to see. He was suffering from the oldest crafting problem, incompetence. However, it wasnt his fault, he never said he could build a bridge.

To make matters worse, this wasnt the only problem, he was also struggling to use the tool correctly. Everyone told him to take his time, they trusted he would eventually get a handle on it. What was an extra week for those who traveled for months and would travel even more?

So, a week passed, then another one, and when the Council was starting to worry, Alfeur finally announced they were ready. The news spread faster than fire through a withered field, and soon, almost everyone stood outside the tunnel trying to see the entourage preparing for the construction of the bridge.

A line of workers was carrying the fresh-cut trunks and all the planks used for the tests, even with a forest available, they wouldnt waste good wood. Unfortunately, the bridge would be built almost two kilometers south of the tunnel exit so they could only see small moving dots close to the river. Omero was amongst the crowd, controlling it. He searched for Katlyn, who was coordinating the hunters to provide security for the crafters and asked her if they could also escort the curious crowd to the construction site.

Essentially, everybody who cared about popularity or that was genuinely interested in the bridges construction was there. Since the WET, every tools launch has become a special event.

With the materials finally transported and the crowd safely escorted, it was time to build the famous bridge. The hunters were also curious about the tool, but none dared to be careless or distracted, being in the open, especially next to the river, was a big risk. Even so, who would miss this historic moment?

Alfeur signaled the security team, who activated the portable barrier and they finally moved to the river shore. Next to him, three other crafters firmly held a giant thick tree trunk, which they had previously obtained by merging three big trunks, they stopped and positioned the trunk ten meters from the river. The Head of Crafting breathed deeply before activating the tool.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The silence matched the anticipation of everyone present, all attention was focused on the shining wood, which slowly started to stretch diagonally toward the river. Two other crafters quickly moved to support the now semi-arched trunk, which continued to grow above the river. Time passed slowly, either because the effect took the time or because of their anticipation. The crafters holding the trunk sweat but held it still until it finally landed at the other side. A wave of cheer exploded from the crowd and crafters, although it was just a wood beam, everyone felt like they crossed the river too.

The cheers and expectation only last until the crafters formed their third arch, then the crowd was escorted back to the tunnel. It would take a long time to finish the bridge. Fortunately, the two weeks of training werent for nothing, the crafters become very good at judging the trunks' thickness and density, so only ten trunks ended up being shorter than needed, from which only two were lost in the river.

As for beasts appearing during the construction, a couple of water snakes tried to breach the barrier but ended up as meals for the workers. In two days, the bridge was ready and tested.


Are you sure its completely blocked?

Diana had already checked with them a couple of times, but what was the problem with being sure? The first group had already left yesterday and the second one was crossing the bridge. Only Karl, Diana, Toni and an escorting team remained behind to seal the tunnel. Fortunately, they remembered to leave an unmodified buffer room to work as a decoy for the tunnel. The real entrance was sealed by an artificial wall, hardened by an effect. The tunnel was also sealed by a barrier for extra security and to prevent beasts from digging their way in.

However, the barrier wasnt the regular protection barrier they were using until this morning, they couldnt afford to leave the MQ bubble crystal behind. So, they used a LQ bubble crystal instead, which could only offer the barrier property. The difference between the two barriers was that the former could block specific things and allow them to cross it, while the last would block everything. This way, the tunnel would be sealed until they returned and unpowered it using a secret compartment in the cave wall.

Now, they could officially start their journey towards their home.


Your Grace

The sound Mage bowed deeply to the Wind Lord. She felt ashamed for failing her task and couldnt bear to show her face.

So you failed to locate him.

I beg your forgiveness, Your Grace. I found the Merchants store, but when I got there he had already left, the store was empty.

Whispert didnt make any moves or expressed his irritation, he only kept staring at his subordinate, like he was considering something. Then, he stood up and picked the wind scepter before moving to the balcony. He felt a strong breeze caressing his skin as he looked at the magnificent high towers all over the city.

From Sky Palace, he could see the entire Wind Capital. However, there was another reason for such a big balcony to connect with the throne room, the Warden of the Wind region always had to be in contact with the winds the swept through his domain. Whispert brought the scepter next to his mouth and started to chant, the elemental spell sounded like a mysterious melody, the wind carried the Whispers through every street, house, city and village in the Wind region, and then carried them back, bringing tales of every place they passed. Whispert concentrated expression turned serious.

You may stand, its not your fault Hes not in the Wind region.


Phew I think were good now

Keller stopped the cart and allowed his employees to rest. He looked back at the Wind regions border and breathed a sigh of relief.

Heidi furiously dismounted and marched towards Keller ignoring her brothers protests. The Merchants personal Fighter prepared to intercept the woman but was dismissed by his boss.

Why did we have to run from the wind region? And why couldnt we speak during our escape? Are you being hunted by a sound Mage?

Its better if you dont know Lets focus our energy on finding more outcasts Adventurers, we dont have a lot of time, winter is almost here

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