Beast Taming: Infinite Simulation as a Tamed Beast

Chapter 222 - 222: 197: Desert Worm_2

Chapter 222 - 222: 197: Desert Worm_2

Translator: 549690339

This giant worm suddenly leaped out from the desert, like some aquatic pet beasts splashing through the water, bouncing up and down from the sand. It even nearly bit the Giant Bat twice.

Fortunately, the Giant Bat was quick to react, otherwise, if it had been bitten by that mouthpart, it would have lost more than half of the body.

Although the giant worm had no eyes, it was extremely sensitive to sound.

After sensing the sound of the Giant Bat’s wings flapping, it burrowed back into the desert.

After it burrowed in, there was no more sound.

“Huh? What’s going on? Giving up so easily?”

Vincent Wolf was a little puzzled.

He hadn’t even started probing yet, so why had the opponent given up first?

Just as Vincent Wolf hesitated whether or not to let the Giant Bat go down and take a look, he realized that the wind he felt was getting stronger and stronger.

It wasn’t long before a fierce sandstorm swept in, and the sky was covered with thick sand and dust, as if it had turned into a chaotic gray area. The sandstorm was so furious, with countless tiny sand particles attacking the ground like raindrops, as if trying to bury everything in the sand and dust.

In the vast desert, Vincent Wolf’s vision was obscured by the sand, and everything became hazy, making it impossible to determine the direction. The breath was filled with the smell of yellow sand, making people feel suffocated and uneasy.

The wind in the sky was very strong at this time, and the wind brought sharp sand grains whistling through the air, the pain that it caused people’s skin was intolerable. Moreover, this sandstorm was accompanied by terrible noise, with the wind howling, and the sand grains hitting objects making sharp, piercing sounds, causing people to feel endless ringing in their ears.

Vincent Wolf closed his eyes tightly, leaned his body downward, and gripped the Giant Bat tightly with both hands. The Giant Bat also struggled to maintain its balance in this hurricane, and if it was careless, it would be trapped in this intense sandstorm.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Vincent Wolf was starting to regret listening to President Wright now.

Why not harvest those players properly

I had to come here to suffer instead!

Spit, spit, spit!

The sand even got into my mouth!

At the moment when Vincent Wolf regretted, a melodious flute sound pierced the endless storm and reached his ears.

The flute sound seemed to be magical, and the Giant Bat, which had barely managed to maintain its balance, returned to normal under the influence of the flute sound, showing no signs of being in the midst of this violent sandstorm.

Vincent Wolf sighed with relief as he realized the crisis was weakening, and turned his head towards the direction the flute sound came from, and his tightly closed eyes opened a little crack.

Amidst the sky full of sand and wind, a winged human figure stood suspended in the wind and sand, focusing on playing a long flute.

Its wings were deep black, and when spread, the wingspan was about two meters. Its face was covered with a strange long-nosed mask.

Suddenly, Vincent Wolf felt an air vortex all over his body with gentle guidance in it, like it was trying to lead him somewhere.

The Giant Bat glanced at Vincent Wolf, he nodded, and then it flapped its wings and flew along the direction of the vortex.

After flying for a while, Vincent Wolf and the Giant Bat left the sandstorm’s range and landed on the ground.

“I never thought the desert would be so dangerous. What’s the story behind this giant worm?”

Vincent Wolf took out his mobile phone and checked the information guide.

After inputting the filtering conditions, the information of this giant worm appeared in the guide.

[Name]: Desert Worm

[Attributes]: Death, Wind, Ground

[Species Level]: High-Level Commanders

[Species Skill]: Sandstorm Raid (High Level), Sand Shell Body (Middle Grade), Sand Escape (Low Grade)

[Introduction]: The Desert Worm is a giant insect creature living in barren deserts, with a body as hard as a rock. They lurk beneath the sands, like the ruler of the underworld. They have the ability to control sand and dust and can use sandstorms to deprive enemies of their vision and swiftly navigate through the desert.

“It’s a three elemental Demon Beast, no wonder it’s so powerful.”

Vincent Wolf exclaimed and then looked at the sandstorm which was still going on, feeling somewhat troubled.

“If it keeps up this state, how am I supposed to take it down?”

“By the way, what was that winged person just now? A human, a pet beast, or a demon beast?”After searching online, Vincent Wolf found something, although he was just trying his luck.

“This is the Great Heaven Dog from the Archipelago Alliance, huh? It looks pretty cool, but why is it wearing such a weird mask? Its nose is too long. I guess it’s just a case of different cultures and customs between countries, I won’t understand. ”

He muttered to himself, curious about the reason, but decided not to say anything to show gratitude for the recent help of the Great Heaven Dog.

Looking ahead, Vincent saw the Great Heaven Dog hovering in the air with its robes fluttering.

Next to the Great Heaven Dog, there was also a girl dressed as a shrine maiden, floating in the air just like the Great Heaven Dog.

The girl and her pet beast were flying very fast, and soon reached Vincent’s location.

Vincent greeted them first.

“Hi there. Are you the players from the Archipelago in this competition? My name is Vincent Wolf from Los Angeles. I suppose it was you guys who helped me out in the sandstorm just now. Thank you.”

The girl was exquisitely cute, and the combination of her red and white shrine maiden outfit made her look even more pure and sacred. Her meticulously matched accessories added a touch of elegance and grandeur.

She hesitated after seeing Vincent’s face, her pupils contracting, clearly surprised, before she stuttered in response:

“I, I, my name is Miyazaki Sah, Sah, Sah…”

Vincent found her nervousness quite interesting and couldn’t help but tease her.

“So you’re Miyazaki Killer Killer, huh? Your family must be quite violent to give a girl such a name.”

“I’m not Miyazaki Killer Killer! My name is Miyazaki Sahui!”

With Vincent’s interruption, Miyazaki Sahui finally managed to say her name. “Miyazaki Sahui, that’s a nice name. But it’s too long, so I’ll just call you Sahui.” Upon hearing Vincent’s words, Miyazaki Sahui immediately blushed and began to stutter again:

“Th-th-this is the first, first, first time we’ve met, and you’re already, already, already calling me by my, my, my name, that’s too, too, too fast, fast, fast…”

This time, Miyazaki Sahui seemed even more nervous than before, and Vincent could almost see the steam coming from her forehead.

“What’s the big deal? If you don’t want me to, I’ll just call you Miyazaki.”

“Sahui is fine!”

This time, Miyazaki Sahui didn’t stutter at all, and Vincent couldn’t help but take a step back, seeing her excitement.

Miyazaki Sahui’s face flushed again after seeing Vincent’s reaction, and she shyly turned her head away, trying to maintain her composure.

“Ahem, let’s get down to business. I’m in a bit of a bind right now, this sandstorm is quite a challenge. If I can’t deal with the sandstorm, I won’t be able to handle that Desert Worm.”

“Before you came, I saw that the Great Heaven Dog also has a wind attribute. I was wondering if we could team up temporarily to deal with this Desert Worm together, and we can split the resources we find half and half.”

After listening to Vincent’s suggestion, Miyazaki Sahui agreed without much hesitation.

She hadn’t found many resources since she entered and had no clue where the resources required for her personal quest were located.

She entered the sandstorm purely out of curiosity.

But she never expected to encounter such a good-looking guy in the sandstorm, let alone receive an invitation to search for resources together.

Of course, she had to accept.

But the main reason for agreeing was because of the resources, not because he was good-looking!

[Name]: Great Heaven Dog [Attribute]: Wind, Sound

[Species Level]: High -Level Commanders

[Species Skill]: Feather Blade Storm (High-Level), Iron Feather (Middle Grade), Wind Assault (Low Grade)

[Introduction]: A mythical wind-attribute Demon Beast living deep within the mountains. It usually appears at night or dusk, transforming into a giant dark shadow, hovering in the sky, or lurking among the trees, observing travelers from a distance. Its feather fan and flute are powerful weapons. The longer the nose of the mask the Great Heaven Dog wears, the stronger it is. The strongest of them can have a nose length of up to two meters..

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