Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 429: So Unfair!

Chapter 429: So Unfair!

Gao Lan Mei looked at the child dangerously before speaking with disapproval. "Do you think I'm stupid? I do not want to leave inside a treasure!" As someone who had dealt with treasures with all her life, she is aware that most of the time, the guardians that are inside the treasures cannot leave.

She even considered herself to be one before since she was confined to a place that does not lack anything. However, she learned eventually that her situation is different as she has a physical form.

So Gao Lan Mei knows that what the child is saying is just a trap!

To her surprise, the child glared at Gao Lan Mei, "That is unfair! You can leave and I don't?"

"What do you mean?" Gao Lan Mei asked cautiously at the back of her head, she knows that the child is implying on something else and not her mortal physical form that is still with Ma Fei Hong.

"Isn't that you?"

The very moment the child stated that the image on the mirror changed into a large chamber that is so bright due to the thousands of lantern around it.

Each lantern emits light from small flames that look like they are burning with life. Gao Lan Mei knows thought that each flame is soul fragments just like what she had inside each stone before.

Now, in the middle of the room is a jade stone bed, where a female body is laying while a ritual knife is stuck on her chest.

Her eyes bulged as while looking at the female on the jade bed as it is none other than her original body!

Instead of moving closer Gao Lan Mei immediately floated away from the mirror. She cannot believe what she is seeing or how can the child knows about this.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Does this mean, the child that pretends to be Feng Ji knows where she is confined?

"That is you! I know it! You left! I want to be free too!" The child shouted around her, sounding distressed as well as envy.

"Who are you?! How do you know all about this?!" Gao Lan Mei asked, all her emotion is on haywire as she looked around the space.

The child did not answer, instead, the images on all the mirror started showing her original form!

"What is that?" Because of the images showing differently, of course, someone would notice it.

Aside from Ma Fei Hong that is concentrating all she got to revive Gao Lan Mei, everyone else is now looking at the mirrors.

The images on the mirror then immediately disappeared before they can look further.

"Stop! What are you doing?!" Gao Lan Mei asked furiously. So the child really can show whatever she wants on the mirror but instead of helping them, she decided to taunt her instead!

She does not want to admit it but, Gao Lan Mei is both surprised and scared with the child's sudden change of attitude.

This is the exact child that told her not to give up. Is this all planned? Was Gao Lan Mei saved so she can replace Cuojue inside the mirror?

No way! She would rather die!

However, Gao Lan Mei's thoughts are not really hidden from the child, "Hahaha! Good try, but you won't get away from here!" Cuojue laughed mockingly at her, as she tries to find a way to get out of the place.

Her next option is to get back to her body and though that is a gamble, it still better than be inside a mirror!

Gao Lan Mei then immediately floated towards her body, but the before she can even go there, a mirror appeared on just above Ma Fei Hong hindering her plan!

She tried to get away from the mirror as soon as possible, but a force started pulling her in and it feels exactly like the one Gao Lan Mei felt from her body earlier.

"It was your fault why I cannot get inside my body!" Gao Lan Mei blurted out surely.

Cuojue retorted stubbornly, "Hahaha! That is not your body! It will be mine soon!"

"How dare you! Your master is Sung Zhu Rui and she is doing her best to help me live!"

"I do not care! It is unfair! So unfair!" Cuojue shouted in anger. "I want to be free too! Why can you get a vessel and I can't?!" After that, the mirror force that is sucking her in started to get stronger and more painful.

"Gao Lan Mei don't you give up on me!" Ma Fei Hong suddenly exclaimed after feeling the strange energy inside Gao Lan Mei's body. Her face pale and beads of sweat are running down her face heavily.

The deacon has almost at her limit to, if Gao Lan Mei is still not going to wake up, she may need to sacrifice her own life!

"No! You must not die!" Yen Mingjue also shouted at Gao Lan Mei.

The mirrors around the space started to shake uncontrollably and the spiritual energy inside it started to become hotter that almost make everyone almost lose consciousness if not because of their own spiritual energy coating them for protection.

This made Sung Zhi Ruo pale as well. "Cuojue! What is happening?! Stop whatever you are doing!" She exclaimed with authority.

"Oy! Ms. Sung discipline your treasure!" Yen Mingjue shouted at her, feeling the slight pressure from the space.

"I know! You do not need to tell me what to do!" She responded with annoyance.

Sung Zhi Ruo also felt that something is wrong inside the space as the connection that she has with her treasure is strange a moment ago, but she did not expect for it to result in this way!

She felt Cuojue feeling of distress before rage that caught Sung Zhi Ruo off guard. What had caused the treasure to feel such a way?

Regardless, the treasure is supposed to be under her command and though there are still limitations on what she can do, it does not mean she will just allow it to do what it pleases!

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