Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 451: Forcing through

Chapter 451: Forcing through

Before the melted cloth started sticking to Ma Wang Shu's skin, she already pulled it away immediately, showing her burned right arm for everyone to see!

Ma Wang Shu's right arm was still bleeding; the blood from it dropped to the ground and created multiple holes.

One of the soldiers under her hurriedly went next to her and started healing. His hands were raised above Ma Wang Shu arms, and they released light showing that it was healing magic.

Before they could even react, Ma Wang Shu's arm was fully healed. "So fast!" One could not help but exclaim. Since they had such a capable healer, they felt more secure.

"Of course. We are the best of the best. Right?" Ma Wang Shu's proudly declared.

The soldier who just healed her only tilted his head before shaking it. It was like he was silently mocking Ma Wang Shu for being injured in the first place.

"Arg! Don't be like that! This injury was a choice! A choice!" Ma Wang Shu emphasized.

"Captain Ma, what do you  mean it was a choice?" Xi Ma asked unhappily. They did not understand why she was hurt so severely. Her right hand could not even move properly earlier. What could have cost her such an injury? What did she find inside?

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"You! This is your master's fault!" Ma Wang Shu's pointed a finger blamingly at Xi Ma. "You do not have a reason to question me. I just saved your master!"

"What?! What happened?" Wei Jiayi was injured? Saved? Was he on the verge of dying? That was impossible!

"Hmph. He was poisoned. I just saved him. So he is fine now, I hope for him to wake up soon." Ma Wang Shu said. When she jumped into the tunnel, she was expecting the worst.

However, there were no enemies inside only black smoke. The nearest life form was a group of beings from the Wei Palace, their master, Zhao Liwei and some cultivators from the royal soldiers.

Everyone was frustrated and angry for only having to wait. She did not ask the specifics, but it seemed that others were fighting for them.

Ma Wang Shu also learned that were trying to release a sealed being under the Justice Affairs station. There were also traitorous officers, which made her want to jump to the capital and wreak havoc.

At least, she learned that her sister was still alive, which made her relax. Traitors could be dealt with later.

She saw the frustration and anger on Zhao Liwei's face when he tried to slow down the poison inside Wei Jiayi.

All of them looked too weak. With that, Ma Wang Shu confirmed that the boundary spell also limited the spiritual energy of the beings that were inside it.

Then it's a good thing that they had left the boundary a long time ago and decided to create an entrance underground.

Another surprising thing was that, even though they were inside the boundary, the chamber that they were staying at was surrounded by such a strong purifying wall, that the moment Ma Wang Shu touched it, the wall immediately burned her hand.

Zhao Liwei told her to stop forcing it, as they did not have a way to reinstate the wall, removing the only place inside the Shizi Empire that was still not covered in impurities.

Ma Wang Shu agreed. The only thing that she could do was help heal Wei Jiayi since she was a poisonous being after all. Her poison constitution could also cure other poisons.

For her to help, Ma Wang Shu ended up forcing her right hand through the purification wall after Zhao Liwei placed Wei Jiayi next to it so she could reach him.

"So that's what happened." Ma Wang Shu told the others of all the events that had transpired earlier.

"Are you sure my master is alright?" Xi Ma asked suspiciously. He wanted to go and check personally as it did not take too long for Ma Wang Shu to get in and out of the underground tunnel.

"Hmph. I will not stop you all if you want to check on your master yourselves. However, the black smoke is too dense. I doubt you can stand it for even a short period." Ma Wang Shu challenged. She already mentioned about the boundary spell, weakening cultivators. If they wanted to gamble, she would not stop them.

Their main priority was to destroy the boundary spell. "We already have a plan. It is only one shot, but, that is all we can do. Wasting more spiritual energy will not help. We need to wait for your masters' action."She said, looking towards the large entrance gate of the city


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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