Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 65: Medical Skills Defying the Heavens

Chapter 65: Chapter 65: Medical Skills Defying the Heavens

Translator: 549690339

Sister-in-law Ding finally recalled that this young man from the Feng Family seemed to be no ordinary character.

Not to mention his strange behavior, just the chocolate he produced was such a rare delicacy, one she had never even heard of before.

Moreover, he was carrying the long spine of a Spiritual Hedgehog on his back, a treasure produced from a Spirit Beast.

In the entirety of Small Lake Village, nobody owned parts of a Spirit Beast, let alone carried them around.

Just think of the Spirit Green Bamboo Shoots that Lang Da Mei discovered; they couldn’t even be considered Spiritual Objects, just “sub-spiritual,” yet people almost committed murder to seize them, which shows how alluring Spiritual Objects are.

Why did Lang Zhen say the hedgehog’s spines needed to be sold in the city? Because Shuangxi Town couldn’t handle such treasures; it was far more likely to attract jealousy from others. Only in the city could they be sold safely and at a relatively fair price.

Sister-in-law Ding heard the subtext in Feng Jun’s words and thought to herself how foolish she was for not attempting to ask for his help.

“I do have some methods,” Feng Jun spoke calmly, considering defeat before victory, he preemptively gave a warning, “But as you know, with treating sickness… nobody can give a guarantee.”

“I know, I know,” Sister-in-law Ding nodded repeatedly, “We are already so grateful that you’re willing to help.”

“Then go,” Feng Jun gestured, “Bring the child over, wrapped up tightly, so he doesn’t catch a cold.”

Only at this point did Sister-in-law Ding stand up from the muck, she glanced at the silver hairpin in her hand and ventured to ask, “Why don’t you come over to my place? It’s a bit cold outside, what if he catches a chill?”

“Heh,” Feng Jun laughed, then waved his hand, “Your village rules are strict, I dare not enter. Just bring him out.”

Sister-in-law Ding’s mouth moved as if she wanted to say something more, but in the end, she turned around and left.

Seeing this, Little Brother Lang also turned and ran away.

It wasn’t long before Lang Da Mei and Lang Zhen’s wife arrived, bringing with them three rolls of straw mats, which they quickly hung up to block three sides of the shed, leaving only the wind-shielded side open.

As they were busy, Sister-in-law Ding had already arrived with Xiao Douzi in arms, wrapped up tight and snug.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ding’s second brother stood behind her, holding an umbrella for her, and kept a certain distance from the shed, suggesting their concern for the contagion spreading to others; indeed, even though the mountain village was poor and backward, the people abided by rules when they did things.

As soon as the mats were hung, Sister-in-law Ding brought the child inside and placed him on the straw.

At this moment, others in the village had heard that a stranger would treat Xiao Douzi, and a few people stood in the distance craning their necks to see.

Feng Jun touched the child’s forehead and staggered back in shock; it must almost be forty degrees, right?

Without a word, he stripped the child of his clothes and took out a plastic bottle, which contained alcohol.

He unscrewed the bottle cap, then took out a roll of cotton swabs and handed them to Sister-in-law Ding, “Use this to wipe him down, don’t stop until I say so.”

The child was burning up, and plainly speaking, he needed to be physically cooled down first. But cooling him like this couldn’t involve natural wind; he had to rely on the alcohol evaporation to carry away the body heat.

Actually, to prevent the child from catching a chill at this time, they had to shield him from the wind.

This was not only known to Feng Jun but also to the people of Small Lake Village, or else the Lang Family mother and daughter wouldn’t have brought the straw mats.

Sister-in-law Ding pulled out a cotton swab and looked at the pure white cotton ball for a second, wondering: what is this snowy white thing?

Of course, she was only stunned for a moment before she dipped it in alcohol and began to wipe her son down.

In reality, there was no great need for disinfection at this point, and any old rag would have sufficed for wiping, but Feng Jun subconsciously felt that cotton swabs were safer, so he didn’t fuss about it.

The real question at the moment was whether to administer an injection or oral antibiotics.

After thinking it over, he looked up at Lang Da Mei who was not too far away,

” Bring a bowl of hot water.”

“Hot water’s coming,” just at that moment, several more people came running from a distance, men and women both, with someone holding a straw mat.

The Ding family’s relatives had arrived.

Ding’s eldest brother, a good seven or eight years older than the second, had a face marked by life’s hardships, looking like he was nearly fifty.

He walked over through the rain, sniffed, and glanced at the bottle of alcohol in Sister-in-law Ding’s hand, “Is this… alcohol?”

Sister-in-law Ding couldn’t be bothered to answer him. She was busy wiping down her son, feeling his temperature rapidly drop with each pass.

Xiao Douzi was a bit delirious from the fever but still conscious. Feeling a bit of relief on his body, he finally had the strength to speak, “Mom, it’s a little better now.”

Chief Jia stood not far away, seeing this, he shook his head with a sneer: It was just the resurgence of a dying flame.

Right beside him was a woman who, noticing his expression, asked softly, “Chief Jia, is there something wrong with this foreigner?”

“Something wrong? There’s a huge problem,” Chief Jia spoke with a cold face, not bothering to lower his voice, “With such a severe fever, he still wants to expose the child to the wind. He really wants Xiao Douzi to die faster!”

Ding Er’s wife turned to glance at him upon hearing this, then turned back to continue wiping her son’s body. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe Chief Jia’s words, but Chief Jia had already proclaimed there was no hope. As a mother, of course, she would not give up any possibility.

It was Ding Lao Er who glared fiercely at Chief Jia, damn it, stop causing trouble.

Jia Xingwang saw this look and was incensed, “What do you mean, Ding Lao Er? Your child is about to be treated to death, and we can’t even speak about it?” Ding Lao Er, already irritated, exploded in anger, “Damn it, can’t you even call me ‘second uncle’? You little beast, are you looking for death?”

Although the Jia Family had the village chief, the three Ding brothers were all strong young men, as well as proficient hunters and farmers, the main force of the village hunting team; they didn’t fear the Jia Family much.

Jia Xingwang was somewhat intimidated by him. Just then, a big man came walking over from a distance and shouted loudly, “What are you talking about, Ding Lao Er? Believe it or not, I’ll tear your mouth apart?”

This person was Chief Jia’s nephew, Jia Xingquan, whose fighting ability could compete with Lang Dajie’s.

“Come on, try to lay a hand on me,” said Ding Lao Er, with red in his eyes. “I’m already annoyed, do not seek death.”

However, Jia Xingquan was not afraid of him; he mocked him loudly, “Your son, Xiao Douzi, might not have been doomed from the start, but you sought the help of this bullshit foreigner. It’s you who have doomed your son!” “Huh?” Feng Jun was annoyed by the noise, raised his head to look at the big man, and reached for the folding crossbow by his side.

Do you not know that one should maintain silence while the doctor is treating?

It was at this moment that Lang Dajie spoke out coldly, “Xingquan brother, if you don’t want to die, shut up!”

Jia Xingquan was not afraid of Ding Lao Er, but he was genuinely troubled by Lang Dajie; without giving it his all, he couldn’t beat her—and even if he did give it his all, it might still not be enough.

But if he dared to go all out, Lang Zhen would certainly not let him off—after all, Jia Xingquan was not only a man but also older than Lang Dajie. Bullying a woman like this wouldn’t be accepted by any family head.

Upon hearing this, Jia Xingquan immediately shut his mouth.

Seeing that they had finally quieted down and the water in the bowl had also grown warm, Feng Jun turned to Xiao Douzi with a faint smile, “Open your mouth, it’s time for medicine.”

Xiao Douzi’s mouth twitched and slowly opened, looking so listless that one had to wonder whether he had the strength to swallow the medicine.

Seeing this, Feng Jun took out a black object with a smile, “If you swallow the medicine, I’ll give you half a piece of chocolate… Do you want it?”

When Xiao Douzi saw the chocolate, his spirits immediately lifted; he nodded slowly, “Want.”

So, Feng Jun took out two capsules, “Open your mouth, don’t bite, swallow directly. Got it?”

The Amoxicillin capsules were quite beautiful, half blue and half white.

While others simply admired their beauty, Chief Jia, upon seeing the capsules, changed his expression slightly and thought to himself, “No wonder.”

Xiao Douzi was already quite weak, but under the enticement of chocolate, he managed to swallow the two capsules, then happily began to eat the chocolate.

In fact, he even wanted to share it with his parents, but Ding Er and his wife refused, using the excuse that he was sick, and it wouldn’t be good if it spread to them.

Strictly speaking, Feng Jun’s treatment had many issues, but after all, it was the first appearance of penicillin in this space, and the children who grew up in the mountains had an excellent physical base.

Ding Er’s wife ceaselessly wiped her child with alcohol for nearly an hour, and as the last bit of alcohol was used up and the child’s spirit improved, she was contemplating whether to ask for more of this miraculous medicine when she heard someone say, “Mother, I’m hungry.”

It was none other than Xiao Douzi, lying on the hay.

“Hungry?” Upon hearing this, Ding Lao Er’s spirit was greatly lifted, and he turned to run back to the village, “I’m getting you some food.”

Xiao Douzi hadn’t eaten much for nearly three days, initially because he had no appetite, and later he was physically unable to.

Now that he actually wanted food, even if the parents were unintelligent, they could guess that their son was improving.

It was Jia Xingwang who muttered under his breath, “Humph, just a rallying from the deathbed. I don’t know what there is to be happy about.”

Ding Lao Er had no intention of dealing with him and ran off in a puff of smoke.

Feng Jun called out from behind, “Rice porridge, he can’t eat anything dry.”

Ding Lao Er’s voice came from afar, “I know!”

Soon after, Xiao Douzi was holding a bowl of meat porridge, drinking it deliciously. Except for a slightly pale face, he didn’t seem at all like someone who had nearly perished just a short time ago. One has to admit, children raised in this manner were exceptionally hardy.

By this time, who couldn’t see that the child was vastly improved?

However, Feng Jun still took out two Amoxicillin capsules and handed them to Ding Er’s wife, “Take one at midnight and one when you get up in the morning. If there are no issues afterward, then he is indeed much better.”

Ding Er’s wife hesitated for a moment, about to express her thanks, but Ding Lao Er had already snatched the medicine, returning it to Feng Jun, “Brother Feng, how could we take away such miraculous medicine? We’ll bring Xiao Douzi to take it instead.”

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