Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 274

Chapter 274

When Ming learned that Manchu and Mentemu were engaging in a fight with Joseon, they paid close attention to the progress of the war.

The reason for Ming’s keen interest in this conflict was because of Joseon.


Although Joseon was a vassal state of Ming, it was the country that Ming had to be most wary of.

During the reign of Yi Seong-gye, Joseon exerted tremendous influence over Liaodong, and after Yi Bang-won ascended to the throne, Joseon maintained ties with Japan despite the orders of Emperor Yongle of Ming.

Moreover, although its influence was gradually waning, Joseon was the country that consistently engaged in schemes to maintain its influence over the Jurchen tribes in Liaodong.

Therefore, just as Joseon could not fully trust Ming, Ming could not fully trust Joseon either.

Due to this background, when the Japanese invasions of Korea occurred in the history before Hyang’s intervention, Ming had pondered:

-Could it be that Joseon and Japan are colluding to lure our Ming army into a trap?

In the end, realizing that it was not a trap but a genuine attack, Ming belatedly sent reinforcements.


Every day, dozens of messengers moved from Beijing to Liaodong and from Liaodong to Ming.

While the Ming soldiers stationed at the garrisons in the Liaodong region maintained a state of highest alert, scouts followed the Joseon army and the Jurchen tribes, monitoring the situation.

And all that they saw and heard was documented and reported to Emperor Xuande.

Upon receiving the documents, Emperor Xuande gathered the Grand Secretariat, led by the Senior Grand Secretary, and the civil and military officials to hold a meeting.

“It is said that the scale of the troops mobilized by Joseon in this conflict is around 40,000. It seems Joseon’s determination is quite significant.”

At Emperor Xuande’s words, a military official stepped forward, bowed his head, and replied.

“In my humble opinion, it appears that Joseon has exerted its full strength.”

“Oh? Why do you say so?”

“I have inquired with our merchants traveling between Shandong and Jemulpo. According to the merchants, not only the troops guarding the vicinity of Hanseong but also the soldiers guarding the southern coast have moved north, causing a commotion throughout Joseon.”

“The southern soldiers have moved north? Why?”

“To fill the positions of the soldiers who have been dispatched to pursue Manchu and Mentemu.”


Having heard the military official’s explanation, Emperor Xuande tapped his fingers on the desk, deep in thought.

‘It is the most plausible answer, but…’

After pondering for a moment, Emperor Xuande turned to the Senior Grand Secretary.

“Senior Grand Secretary.”

“I am at Your Majesty’s command.”

“I heard that when I was young, Emperor Taizu had worried that Joseon might mobilize 300,000 troops to invade Ming. Is it that Joseon is struggling so much even when mobilizing a mere 40,000 troops?”

At Emperor Xuande’s question, the Senior Grand Secretary took a moment to gather his thoughts before answering.

“To my knowledge, Yi Seong-gye, who founded Joseon, had remarkable control over the Jurchen tribes. A significant portion of that 300,000 figure must have been Jurchen tribesmen.”

“Is that so?”

Emperor Xuande, who had been lost in thought again at the Senior Grand Secretary’s answer, turned to him.

“Then, should this be considered a case of internal strife?”

“I believe so, Your Majesty. All the tribes that have caused this turmoil were once loyal to Yi Seong-gye. However, after Yi Seong-gye’s death, they rebelled against Joseon.”

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“That makes sense. In that case, is Joseon currently engaged in an all-out war?”

“It appears to be so.”

“An all-out war against just two tribes… Has Joseon grown that weak?”

Emperor Xuande began to ponder whether he should reassess his evaluation of Joseon.

Seeing the Emperor’s contemplation, another military official stepped forward.

“Your Majesty, it is said that the King of Joseon has personally led the campaign.”

At the official’s report, Emperor Xuande, who had been sitting in a relaxed posture, straightened his body and asked.

“The King of Joseon has personally led the campaign?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Upon hearing the answer, Emperor Xuande immediately burst into laughter.

“Hahaha! Indeed, it is so! Indeed! It is indeed so!”

Repeatedly exclaiming, “It is indeed so!” while laughing, Emperor Xuande addressed his subjects.

“To sit idly in the palace when exerting all efforts for the royal cause that must be defended is a disgrace to a monarch! Indeed, it is so! It is said that Yi Seong-gye, who founded Joseon, was a formidable general. His blood has not gone to waste! Hahaha!”

Seeing Emperor Xuande’s overjoyed demeanor, the Senior Grand Secretary inwardly sighed.

‘His blood hasn’t gone to waste either.’

Early in Emperor Xuande’s reign, there had been an invasion by the Oirat tribe.

At that time, Emperor Xuande had personally led 3,000 cavalry and repelled the invading 10,000 Oirat tribesmen.

Emperor Xuande raised his voice with an exceptionally bright face.

“What about Emperor Taizong, Emperor Yongle? Whenever the Northern Yuan caused trouble, they personally led the campaigns! Inform those responsible for educating the Crown Prince! A monarch of a nation must take the lead on the front lines when the country faces a crisis!”

“We shall obey Your Majesty’s command!”

The officials immediately replied and bowed their heads, but the Senior Grand Secretary’s face turned pale.

‘This is dangerous! If the monarch personally leads the campaign and something goes wrong, the country will be in peril!’

The Senior Grand Secretary was about to remonstrate but hesitated for a moment.

‘However, not only Emperor Taizong of the previous dynasty but also Your Majesty have personally led campaigns and achieved victories. If I rashly advise against it in this situation, how will I bear the consequences of your anger?’

In the end, the Senior Grand Secretary decided to remain silent.


Records of the battles taking place in Liaodong continued to be sent to Beijing.

While examining these records, Emperor Xuande’s attention focused on the weapons used by the Joseon army.

“They mount fire arrows on carts and deploy them in large numbers?”

At Emperor Xuande’s question, a military official immediately stepped forward and answered.

“Yes. Our army also uses similar weapons. We assemble carts to form a wall and mount a cluster of fire arrows, then fire them toward the enemy.”

“To my knowledge, fire arrow clusters are used to suppress a large number of enemies at close range. However, it is recorded that the Joseon army used them from a long distance.”

“That is because the Joseon army lacks courage.”

“Lacks courage?”

“Yes. The power of a fire arrow ultimately does not exceed the power of a single arrow. The role of a fire arrow cluster is to suppress a large number of densely packed enemies at close range. If they shoot from such a distance, the dispersion will be too wide, greatly reducing its effectiveness.”

“Is that so…”

As he listened to the official’s explanation, Emperor Xuande made his own analysis.

‘Is it because the Joseon army is so timid that they mobilized such a large force?’

Emperor Xuande analyzed the situation based on his own experience.

The reason his 3,000 cavalry, which he had personally commanded during the Jurchen invasion that occurred shortly after his ascension to the throne, could repel the invading 10,000 Jurchen tribesmen was that the Ming cavalry was armed with arquebuses.

Against cavalry, gunpowder weapons were highly effective.

And to his knowledge, Joseon was a country that focused tremendous efforts on firearms.

If the concentrated deployment of gunpowder weapons performed properly, there would be little need to mobilize such a large army and even personally lead the campaign against just two tribes.

Even if the Manchu tribe was a large tribe with over 10,000 households and possessed more than 30,000 cavalry, if brave soldiers knew how to properly use gunpowder weapons, they could easily achieve a resounding victory.

‘Is that why the King of Joseon personally led the campaign? It makes sense.’

However, this conclusion was shattered within a few days.

According to the subsequent reports, the Joseon army steadily annihilated the Manchu tribes while pursuing them, and finally engaged in a decisive battle in Jilin.

And on the day the report arrived, the head of the official who had claimed that the Joseon army was cowardly was severed.


The Ming scouts meticulously observed the Battle of Jilin, wrote reports, and sent them to Beijing.

Upon reviewing the reports, Emperor Xuande carefully examined the military achievements.

In the process, the officials reported their analyses as meticulously and objectively as possible to avoid losing their heads.

“As expected, the power of the fire arrows is weak. The Joseon army seems to have increased the range, but considering the amount of gunpowder used in the fire arrows, the military accomplishments are too meager.”

“That is indeed the case. However, what is this explosive shell that detonates in mid-air?”

“It seems to be a weapon similar to the Thunder Crash Bomb.”

“Thunder Crash Bomb?”

When Emperor Xuande expressed his curiosity, a military official provided a detailed explanation of the Thunder Crash Bomb.

“So… it is a weapon where gunpowder is placed inside an iron shell with a fuse attached, and when thrown, it explodes and kills the enemy?”

“That is correct, Your Majesty. The only difference is that the Joseon army appears to have loaded it into a cannon and fired it.”

“Loading it into a cannon and firing it… Hmm… It would fly far.”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.”

Upon hearing the official’s report, Emperor Xuande became lost in thought.

‘It flies far. That’s good. However, cannons are heavy weapons. Considering transportation and the gunpowder needed for the cannons, wouldn’t it be better to use them from a safe location?’

After further contemplation, Emperor Xuande reached a conclusion.

“It seems it would be excellent for defensive purposes.”

“We also thought the same, Your Majesty. Looking at the tactics of the Joseon army against the Jurchen or the Japanese pirates, their priority is to focus on defense. In that case, loading the Thunder Crash Bomb into a cannon and firing it or throwing it would yield the best results.”

“I see.”

Nodding his head, Emperor Xuande issued an order.

“Command the craftsmen who make cannons to create similar weapons for us as well. Have them installed in the fortresses of the Northern Yuan and Liaodong.”

“We shall obey Your Majesty’s command!”


Following the Flying Thunder, or rather, what drew the most attention from Emperor Xuande and the Ming military officials was the Gapsik Jangchong (Improved Long Gun) used by the Joseon musketeers.

“A small cannon that can be carried by one person?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Don’t we already have those?”

“That is true, but it is said that the ones used by the Joseon army have a considerably longer range.”

“A longer range…”

Emperor Xuande stroked his chin, trailing off. As someone who had also benefited from it, Emperor Xuande’s interest was piqued.

Tapping his fingers on the desk, lost in thought, Emperor Xuande immediately issued an order.

“Add a command to the cannon craftsmen. Tell them to develop a ‘small cannon with a long range that can be operated independently by a single ordinary soldier.'”

“We shall obey Your Majesty’s command!”

Thus, the Ming Empire also began weapons development.


As befitting a great power, the Ming Empire had more cannon craftsmen than Joseon.

Thanks to that, the craftsmen who received Emperor Xuande’s orders began developing Thunder Crash Bombs that could be fired from cannons and small cannons with long ranges.



“An accident!”

As a loud explosion and screams erupted, the craftsmen in the workshop rushed outside.

The craftsmen who ran to the source of the explosion and screams quickly took action.

“Extinguish the spreading fire!”

“Move the people!”

After a commotion of extinguishing the fire that had spread to the clothes of the craftsmen near the explosion site, and moving the dead and injured, the head of the workshop assessed the situation.

“Another small package?”


Upon hearing the answer, the head of the workshop immediately cursed.

‘A small cannon with a long range that can be operated by a single person’.

When the Ming craftsmen first received the order, they thought it would be easy.

They were already familiar with small cannons that could be operated by a single person.

However, the “long range” kept bringing death.

“How long is the long range?”

“At least 30 jang. (approx. 100m)”


What the military wanted was an even longer distance than they had thought.


The best method they could think of was ‘adding more gunpowder’.

However, adding more gunpowder caused accidents like the current one, where the gun barrel exploded.

The reason was that they insisted on using the method of stacking gunpowder and projectiles in layers within a single gun barrel, just like the Joseon army before Hyang’s intervention.

Therefore, accidents occurred as soon as they increased the amount of gunpowder.

In the end, the head of the workshop clutched his head and cried out.

“How did those Joseon bastards do it!”

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