Class Villainess

Chapter 194 - Setup (1)

Chapter 194 – Setup (1)

Grandma stared at me for a while and then slowly tucked my hair behind my ear. He smiled when he saw the earring and said, "It's such a beautiful earring, Em. I'm glad that you accepted it."

I paused for a good minute while Grandma kept on touching my new earring. I didn't know why she would say that, especially when she said that she was glad I accepted it.

"Grandma, what do you mean by accepting it?" I asked, full of suspicion. 

"Oh, I just thought that you should get a Christmas gift from your boyfriend, a personal one. I'm glad that your boyfriend got you something," Grandma said. "This earring is from your boyfriend, right?"

I had a feeling that Grandma was hiding something from me, but I couldn't quite grasp what she was hiding. 

I didn't want to push her as well because she was old and fragile. If I pressured her to say something, it might affect her health.

So, I tried to ignore it and went to the kitchen instead. I cooked a chicken soup for Grandma, so she could feel warmer before having some for myself and saving a bowl for mom later. 

I helped grandma go to her room and then returned to my room. The first thing that I did was check my reflection in the mirror. 

I tucked my hair behind the ear and finally saw the ruby and emerald rose earrings. It was indeed beautiful, and from one glance of it, everyone would know these were high-quality gemstones. 

It made me wonder about the true prize of the earring. 

I stared at myself for a while and then took something from my back.

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I stared at the silver cobra necklace with ruby eyes as the pendant and then put it around my neck. I flicked my hair and stared at the mirror again. 

I now had Mason's earrings and Logan's necklace on me, and I wouldn't lie… I loved them both.

It made me feel sensual and deadly at the same time, not that it mattered much in my mission. But I've always had a hobby of dressing up in private. Because I couldn't do it in front of many people.

This was the first time I ever adorned myself with jewelry after my death, and I felt gorgeous. So much so that I took a mirror selfie of myself.

I sent the mirror selfie to Elise because I wanted to share my happiness, and Elise replied quick.

Emmy: Picture sent.

Elise: OMG, Em! You look hella gorgeous!

Elise: Those ruby and emerald earrings fit you, and that cobra necklace definitely gives you that mysterious but deadly allure.

Elise: Now, my question is… I doubt you bought it by yourself, Em. You never told me that you have an interest in jewelry.

Emmy: Well, it is given.

Elise stopped responding after that. I bet she was trying to stay calm when I said it was a gift. Because I knew that Elise was the one who opposed my entanglement with Mason Hall the most. 

I waited for her text, and after almost 30 minutes, she finally texted back.

Elise: It's from Mason Hall, isn't it?

Emmy: Yes.

I didn't intend to tell him that the cobra necklace was from Logan because I knew Elise would be even more distressed by it. But I just wanted to share something that made me happy. 

Elise: Em… I can't really say no to you. You're the master of your own body. If you think that accepting a gift from Mason Hall is what you want, I cannot stop you.

Elise: Just make sure that nobody knows about it.

Emmy: Well, about that, I actually texted you because I want to talk about it.

Elise: What do you mean?

Emmy: I want to use these gifts as bait for Natasha and Barbara. Watch how they will burn out of jealousy once they see me wearing something given by Mason Hall. 

Elise: Isn't that too dangerous? Em, Mason Hall is not someone you should mess around with. The fangirls surrounding him are just way too rabid and vindictive. 

Oh, of course, I knew that. I experienced it firsthand in my previous life. Just because I got carried by Mason Hall to the infirmary, I deserved endless suffering. It was seriously messed up. 

But that was what I wanted in here. I wanted to bait Natasha and Barbara to post a controversial topic on their Instagram page. Then I could disguise myself as one of Mason Hall's crazy fans that terrorized the fan page as much as I could.

I could also act as if I had doxed their phone and threatened to share their identity. I was pretty sure there were plenty of people ready to hound them like a pack of feral dogs because of their gossip.

Emmy: It is dangerous. But we're going to take down the main bitches of your batch. We need to play it dangerously to get better returns, high-risk, high reward kind of game. 

Elise: You're really daring, Em. Do you not realize you could lose everything if you got leaked?

Emmy: I will make sure they don't know my name. So you should help me set up things later on. 

Emmy: Also, I don't really have anything to lose.

It was true. I didn't really have anything to lose at this point. I was glad that I could see my Mom and Grandma again, and that was all I wanted, honestly. 

Elise didn't text me back again. She might need time to reply because I was being too bold right now. 

Now that I had obtained the necessary tool to start the bait, I just needed to set up a good place and time to make sure that Barbara or Natasha, or just both of them to 'accidentally' found me talking with Mason Hall, and they would start posting it in their Instagram Page,

I waited until Elise calmed herself down, but I found no more text from her. So I called her number. 

After a few beeps, Elise picked up the call;

__PHone call with Elise__

"Hello, Em?" Elise opened the conversation first. 

"Elise, what took you so long to reply?" I asked. "I genuinely need your help to set up things."

"You want me to find their schedule, right?" Elise asked, and I confirmed it with a low hum. "Well, I'm currently texting Mona about it. She is more active in the class than I do, and I've been in hiding, skipping school these days because I'm avoiding Natasha right now."

"Ah, I thought you didn't like my plan and decided to drop it. Got me worried for a second there, Elise," I sighed, full of relief. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me, Em. I just don't want you to get hurt. I also want to help you in any way possible," Elise said. "Let me try to find a good schedule of them, but I think you shouldn't do the bait in school. It's way too obvious. It's better if you do it outside of the school to make it less threatening for yourself."

Ah, I got her worry this time. If I did it in school, it was possible that not only Natasha or Barbara would be present to hear me talking about the gift from Mason, but other people might accidentally eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Then, the setup should probably happen downtown, in the shopping district, probably in a cafe or something," I said. I remember when I accidentally met Chrissy when I had a date with Mason Hall.

That kind of accidental meet-up was a lot more impactful to create some buzz and convince Natasha and Barbara that they were eavesdropping on a real tea. 

"Yeah, that sounds good, Em," Elise said. "I got information from Mona that Natasha and Barbara often went to a cafe not far from hers. They did it regularly as well. She said they usually visited on the weekend, around Saturday evening."

Perfect, now that I got a good setup, the only thing left was to find the right date for this.

"Elise, we should talk with Mona again. Please set up a good time for us to talk as three in her parent's cafe," I said eagerly. I couldn't wait to do this. 

This was actually the first mission that I was genuinely excited to do. Because I had something else a lot more sinister in my mind after I caught Natasha and Barbara on my web.

They were going to suffer the way I got.

Hmm… maybe even worse than that, honestly. My personal grudge against Barbara 'Barbie' Cornwell was no less with Jessica Lambert.

Both of them were Queen Bee of Darthmorth High School, in different years, of course.

But both also inflicted the same pain with me, Barbie Cornwell was the one who started the 'slut' bully, and Jessica was the one who ended the bullying by killing me.

Both were horrible, and I wanted atrocious revenge on them as well.

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