Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 288 It's Good That He Fell Sick

"Ahh…" Sarah shrieked softly as Michael pulled her in his arms, making her lean against his chest.

Michael smiled and tightened his left hand which was holding Sarah's arm.

There was silence between the two of them, neither of them said anything.

However, because Sarah's head was now on Michael's chest, she could clearly hear the man's heartbeat.

"You know… you can hug me," Michael said, then raised his left hand and played with Sarah's hair.

Even though they were currently in this position, Sarah's hands were in an upright position and didn't touch him at all.

"I told you not to talk," whispered Sarah quietly, still in her position.

She knew that it would make her position more comfortable, but she wasn't sure. By now she had a strange feeling when they were in this position, moreover she could hear Michael's heartbeat clearly.

The sound was like music in her ears. It made her comfortable, and missed him.

What would happen later if she hugged Michael? Sarah had absolutely no idea, and she didn't want to imagine that.

She had indeed given Michael a chance, but there was still something that seemed to be holding her back from giving her heart to him again.

Sarah thought it was Mrs Collins, but it didn't seem like it, and she still didn't know what it was.

Seeing Sarah who didn't move at all, Michael's free right hand immediately grabbed Sarah's left hand and placed it on his stomach.

"Look? This is better!" Michael whispered quietly, holding Sarah's hand from leaving.

When her hand touched Michael's stomach, Sarah could feel like something was electrocuting her, making her unable to think and speak.

She didn't know if it was because she hadn't cuddled in bed like this in a long time, or because the man she was touching was Michael, but Sarah could feel it again.

The feeling when a butterfly tickled her stomach, made her heart beat fast, and her face felt hot.

Ahh… this is really dangerous. Their position was really dangerous!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Meanwhile Michael didn't stop smiling when they were finally in this position again. His left hand didn't stop stroking Sarah's head and playing with her hair.

"Wifey," Michael called softly, then kissed Sarah's forehead. He couldn't stop himself from doing that.

"Just sleep," Sarah replied but her voice wasn't as loud as before, softer this time. By now she was starting to feel comfortable being in Michael's arms and even her eyes were starting to close.

It seemed like for a few minutes, she would try to close her eyes. It's so comfortable that it makes her sleepy.

"Actually… Why are we like this? Where did it start to go wrong?" asked Michael, still playing with Sarah's long hair.

Sarah opened her eyes when she heard that. She, who had been looking down for a long time, raised her head to see Michael's face.

Was Michael seriously asking her that because he didn't know and he had forgotten about it, or was he pretending not to know about it..

However, seeing Michael's face staring at her with a clueless expression made Sarah swallow her disappointment.

How could Michael forget that? Well… It could have happened, after all, nine years had passed.

However, Sarah had not forgotten about it at all. She didn't think about it anymore, but that didn't mean she could forget what happened that night.

The incident that made her relationship with Michael lead to a divorce.

"That…" Sarah opened her mouth, ready to tell Michael about it.

After all, she and Michael had agreed to ask each other if there was anything to ask, and to be honest with each other, so they wouldn't both guess and end up regretting it.

"I told you you should sleep!" said Sarah, putting on an annoyed expression then pinched Michael's stomach.

"Ouch… Alright, alright!" said Michael pouting his lips and then began to close his eyes because Sarah was staring at him fiercely.

Seeing Michael closing his eyes, Sarah sighed and tried to close her eyes.

She wanted to tell Michael about it, but right now Michael was sick and it didn't seem like the right time to talk about it. In any case, Sarah was sure that at least there would be more debate when they talked about the old wound.

So Sarah decided to hold off on telling Michael about it.

'Ah! Now I see.' Sarah thought when something suddenly kicked her mind.

Sarah finally understood why she was still hesitating to get back together with Michael. It wasn't about Mrs Collins anymore, but something was still unclear between them.

Six years ago, when she saw the blonde woman, Sarah felt sad, but she decided not to think about it any further because at that time she was only pretending to be Michael's wife.

Sarah didn't mind at all if after the divorce Michael had a relationship with the blonde woman, she didn't even have a problem with Michael and Anna's relationship. They were divorced. Michael had become a single man who was free to do what he wanted.

However, his relationship with the blonde woman happened when they were still married. It was an affair, and Sarah couldn't accept it.

'But wait.' Sarah opened her eyes when she realized something

Was Michael really cheating on her back then?

Sarah tried to recall the events that had happened nine years ago, the conversation they had had, and the mood that night. However… Suddenly Sarah's face turned red.

'Why am I suddenly remembering the sex?' Sarah thought suddenly feeling hot.

That night she and Michael did have a fight, but it happened while they were having sex.

'Let's talk about it with him later!'

Sarah then lifted her head to see Michael's face. The man had his eyes closed, and his face was comfortable with steady breathing. He had fallen asleep.

Sarah shook her head when she saw how fast Michael had fallen asleep. It seemed like he was really comfortable sleeping while hugging her like this.

Slowly, Sarah began to remove Michael's hands from his body and out of the room before the children started looking for him.



Raphael and Gabriel, who were playing, immediately stood up when they saw Michael come down from the stairs, and run towards him.

"Uncle! Can you play with me?" Gabriel asked.

"Are you feeling good, uncle?" asked Raphael.

Michael smiled at his children's completely different questions. Some want to play with him, some worry about him.

"Oh right! Are you not sick anymore, uncle? Here, I will touch your forehead!" Gabriel then told Michael to lower his head so he could put his tiny hands on Michael's forehead..

Instead of lowering his body, Michael put one hand on Gabriel's body and picked him up.

"I want to check it too!" said Raphael as he raised his hands, envious why only Gabriel was being hugged. He also wants to be hugged!

Michael smiled and hugged his eldest son.

The two children then began to touch Michael's face.

"Mommy, can Mommy bring the tool? What is the name, again?" asked Raphael in confusion.

"Telometer!" Gabriel said confidently.

"Oh, yeah! Telometer!"

Sarah, who had been just standing and watching the scene with a smile, immediately chuckled when she heard what they just said.

Likewise with Michael who had been unable to stop smiling.

Normally he would only be alone when he was sick, but this time there were people who took care of him, and were also worried about him.

It seems, it's good that he fell sick!


Monday had arrived, and as usual everyone was busy with their own business.

Raphael and Gabriel go to their new school. Now, they are no longer kindergarten students, but elementary school students. It made Sarah, who took them to the school bus, feel various emotions, until she finally burst into tears.

Her little babies are growing too fast!

After the kids left, Michael also went to work. He still didn't feel well, but he was much better. Leaving Sarah alone in the apartment..

However, when it was noon, it turned out that Sarah also came out of the apartment with clothes that looked quite neat.

She then stopped a cab, and the cab drove her to one of the restaurants.

Once there, Sarah looked around for someone she would meet. It seemed that the person had not yet arrived, so Sarah immediately took one of the seats there to wait for that person..

While waiting, Sarah took out her cellphone to read a journal about health. She may no longer be a surgeon, but she still has an interest in it.

"Sorry I'm late."

The sound of someone taking a place in front of her made Sarah immediately turn her face from her cellphone to that person.

"It is okay. I just got here," Sarah replied with a polite smile.

The person smiled too, looking at Sarah's smile, then called the waiter to take their order.

As soon as the waiter left, the person leaned closer to Sarah and supported his chin.

"So…?" asked the man, smiling broadly. "I had no idea you'd be asking me out for lunch first," he continued.

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