Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 315 Stepping Down From Collins' CEO

As soon as Michael opened the boardroom, he could see that almost all the seats were occupied by Collins' shareholders. The atmosphere in the room, which was previously noisy, suddenly became quiet when they saw Michael's arrival.

Even though Michael didn't have much share in this company, only about five percent, the aura he emitted made some of the shareholders respect him.

"Looks like almost everyone has come," Michael said, looking at the people sitting at the round table. There were about three seats still vacant, one was the seat for his father, and the other two were people who were still in a neutral position, it seemed that this time they didn't bother to spend their precious time attending this emergency meeting.

"So… what emergency did you want to talk about that brought us all together, Mr. Taylor?" asked Michael looking at the blond haired old man with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

The old man cleared his throat. "Thank you all for coming to this emergency meeting."

"As you all know, today Collins is a trending topic on the Internet. However, unfortunately it was not something positive, but a shameful scandal that Mr. Collins had caused. To that end, I would like to hold Mr. Collins accountable for what he did by stepping down from his position as Collins' current CEO."

Michael snorted when he heard what the old man said. He deliberately made his voice strong so that it could be heard by the people in the meeting room. It made everyone's attention return to him.

"Oh, sorry. I couldn't help myself because what Mr. Taylor said it sounded like bullshit," Michael said with a smirk on his face.

"Bullshit?! Hah! Even as we speak Collins is still a trending topic on the internet and you're calling me bullshit?!" said the old man did not accept what was said by Michael.

"Yes, that's right, Collins is still a trending topic on the internet. It's not something to be proud of because the company's name is suddenly trending in this way," replied Michael looking at the people in the room in turn while holding back a smile.

"However, weren't you in too much of a rush to get rid of me because of the scandal, Mr. Taylor?" asked Michael looking at the old man. "Collins' share price didn't even drop that much."

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Michael knew that because of this scandal, the company was also affected. After all, he was the face of Collins. However, so far the impact is still small and according to him it can still be overcome.

The old man's expression turned red with embarrassment when Michael mocking him like that. He was aware that this was a hasty move, but he wanted to try his luck. He had to get rid of Michael as CEO of Collins.

"So you're saying we have to wait until the stock price drops for you to resign? Are you listening to yourself, Michael?" asked Mr. Taylor with a snort. "Doesn't that sound very irresponsible?" he continued, looking at the people in the room.

The people began to be seen whispering to each other with the person sitting next to them.

"Since when did I ever allow the stock price to plummet?" Michael asked when he saw people starting to whisper. "I will get over this. So you can trust me."

"Then how are we going to believe you?"

Michael looked at the person who asked the question. He knew the old man who, as he recalled, had allied himself with Mr. Taylor.

"As you know, in the second week of October, or more precisely on Monday. Collins will release a new product. I don't want to tell you because this is a surprise, but I managed to get Nam Ethan to work together and become Collins' Brand Ambassador," Michael explained.

"This is a bit of a promotion schedule that should be done later, but tomorrow the promotion will be done so that what you are worried about will not happen," continued Michael.

The room became chaotic when they heard what Michael had to say, as if they couldn't believe that Michael would be able to get the famous celebrity to work with him.

Meanwhile, Mr. Taylor's face looked very confused, and Michael caught the man's expression.

"It seems that someone doesn't know about our brand ambassador this time. Hmm… how to explain it, huh? Ah! This person was like Anna Moss before the woman decided to marry. Well… although it seems like this person is a little more popular than Anna because in Asia, you could say he is the number one celebrity," explained Michael.

Mr. Taylor's eyes opened wide when he heard that. He didn't know the person Michael's talking about, but he knew how famous Anna Moss was before she decided to marry.

Michael managed to get hold of such a famous person?!

A smile appeared on Michael's face when he saw Mr. Taylor's expression. He knew that even though some of the current shareholders still supported him, they did so because they still felt he was useful, and not really liked him.

When he had no use for them, those people would definitely switch sides.

So, to prevent that from happening, especially after finding out that he had kids to feed, Michael worked hard to get the collaboration of famous artists who could make his position impossible to depose.

"But that still doesn't justify your actions, Michael!" said Mr. Taylor, still trying to defend his argument.

He was a co-founder of Collins, along with Michael's father, and initially his relationship with his friend was a good one.

However, suddenly his friend wanted to resign and appoint his son as CEO. He certainly didn't say much at the time, but actually he was envious. His friend rejected the idea when he wanted to give his son a high enough position in the company, but he gave his son CEO's position?

He didn't expect a friend he'd known for a long time to do that to him. So he told his son to work hard from the ground up to gain experience, and one day he would make his son become the leader of Collins, replacing his friend's son.

"Your scandal is too shameful!" he continued.

"Having children is nothing to be ashamed of, Mr. Taylor," Michael replied with a stern expression on his face. "I admit what I did was wrong, but it's not as bad as you have to tell me to step down from this position."

Mr. Taylor gritted his teeth when he heard Michael's question.

"Let's not argue and how about we just vote?" asked Michael, not wanting to linger here any longer.

"Of course if many choose that I should step down, you should forget Collins' collaboration with Nam Ethan. Even though he represents the company, his cooperation is with me, not with the company," continued Michael with a smirk.

The people then held a vote, and the result was not liked by Mr. Taylor.


Sarah was still sitting at the dinner table with a thoughtful expression on her face, then finally sighed when she couldn't figure out what she could do at the moment, other than wait from Anna or Michael.

Sarah then stood up and walked towards the balcony to see the view of London in the afternoon. She hoped the sight would calm her down. It seemed to work a little because Sarah continued to stand there, enjoying the view and also the afternoon breeze hitting her face.

As soon as she went inside, she could see her babies had woken up and were playing together. She was still worried, but Sarah was doing her best to try to look okay and play with the kids, who seemed to be getting better after sleep.

It wasn't long before Michael finally came home, and the four of them spent time together as usual, until finally dinner and the children had gone to bed.

"Looks like the kids look fine," Michael said as Sarah came out of the kids' room after kissing them goodnight.

Sarah nodded, she was relieved that both of them seemed fine after what had happened.

"By the way, I've already got some people coming to their school. Tomorrow they will be immediately processed for what they did."

Sarah's expression looked surprised when she heard that. She didn't expect that Michael would find them so quickly. Even though it wasn't all of them, at least the man acted quickly.

"Yeah, make them responsible for what they did!" said Sarah coldly. She had absolutely no intention of forgiving those people.

Michael nodded, he was also thinking the same thing.


This morning, as usual the four people had breakfast together at the dining table. Michael and Sarah had looked good as they had to go to work after the kids left for school.

"Gabriel, why you not eat the food? You are going to be late," Sarah said when she saw her son was just playing with his spoon but didn't seem to want to eat his food.

Gabriel's face was sullen when he heard that, but he still didn't want to touch his food.

"Mommy, I don't want to go to school!"

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