Creating The Manga Of Naruto On Naruto World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 336 - 336 - The Savage Princess Like Jiraiya!?

Fantasy game?

You are so old, but you still want to play the virtual reality illusion? Can your body endure it?

Akabane murmured secretly in his heart.

Like that kind of fantasy game, I can't afford to be responsible for your so long life that you passed away in the fantasy world by accident.

and so...

He thought for a long time and said: "My lord, no matter how strict illusion games are controlled, it will cause a certain amount of loss to people. Your situation may not be suitable."

"People have to be self-disciplined, at my age...I understand this."

The daimyo was full of emotion.

Although he has been lingering for another year, he can experience the declining physical condition himself, and the end of his life is almost two or three years.

At the moment, he and Madara are in the same mood.

They have the power in hand, but the only thing they hate is not living long enough.

After thinking about it for a moment, he asked again: "The fantasy game is not good, but the kind of... fantasy animation.. is it called this name? I can't remember it. You know, people are old and energy is not enough, do you think it's possible?"

The old man said with emotions.

However, he should be very clear-headed. Although the topic is awkward, it always revolves around comics and illusions. Obviously, he has been obsessed with it since the last farewell.

"It's no problem."

Akabane smiled.

The animation released by illusion is much less lossy than the game. As long as Akabane Chakra and his patience are enough, it will be no problem to show him for a day.

"That's great."

The daimyo's eyes lit up, and he found a comfortable position to lie down, and then signalled Akabane to hurry up. With Akabane's illusion skills and spiritual power, he no longer needed any medium to use illusion arts against him.

Only one thought and one look are needed to activate the illusion.

The content of the illusion is continuing the follow-up plot that the daimyo did not read-the follow-up to the Five Kages Conference, and the episode of Sasuke vs. Danzo.

The feeling of anime is quite different from ordinary comics.

There are some plots in the comics, which require readers to reverie and supplement by themselves. For most people, comics may have more room and leeway for imagination, but anime is obviously more suitable for him at his age.

After a while, his breathing became steady and peaceful.

In the illusion, he was sitting in an independent studio, watching the "animation" after the Five Kages Conference, and he seemed very content and comfortable.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Akabane didn't bother, no longer observing after the release of the Genjutsu, sitting on the side and waiting quietly.

Shinnosuke was dumbfounded.

After looking at them for a long time, he quietly asked: "You are looking for the Daimyo, just for this?"

"Of course not."

Akabane glanced at him for a second or two, with contempt in his eyes.

He didn't know that the daimyo was thinking about his anime, this was a special trip to talk with him about the village and the war, but at this time he changed his mind, but he vaguely felt that something was not good.

The war has been out for so long...

The daimyo cares about these things, so how could it be possible that he didn't know the news of the war, and he still had to make a special trip to contact him?

It's strange.

While he was pondering, there was a series of chaotic footsteps outside the door.

Akabane immediately released his senses, and then instantly turned like Jiraiya.

It's the princess!

Shinosuke gave Akabane a thumbs up secretly from the bottom of his heart. This reaction and perception are indeed Akabane!

In the next second, a voice came in from outside: "Grandpa, I heard Akabane is here..."

"I've seen the princess, I'm Jiraiya."

Akabane smiled slightly.

"What? It's you..."

The princess's face is full of "disgust" when she sees Jiraiya's face, but when you look carefully, her eyes are piercing, as if they are shining. Obviously, her true mood is not as annoying as on the surface, but...

Which girl does not cherish spring.

Not only Akabane but even Shinnosuke, who was observing secretly, was shocked. Who would have thought that this savage princess was harsh, could actually like someone like Jiraiya!?

The princess disliked it on the surface, but she didn't dislike it deep inside. Shinnosuke was there, so she didn't doubt it, and when she saw the daimyo fall asleep, she sat on 'Jiraiya' side and discussed something excitedly.

Akabane's face darkened.

If she knew that this savage princess has a thing for Jiraiya, he should change into Orochimaru, so that the trouble will be much less.

So without any other choice...

He used the Genjutsu technique, he created a "Jiraiya" to play and chat with her, and then manipulate her to leave the room.

"Okay, let's go."

Akabane left behind a shadow clone, after controlling the chakra in it, he gestured to Shinnosuke to keep up.

Don't stay here for long!

"Is it really good to fool her like this?"

Shinnosuke followed out of the daimyo mansion and couldn't help expressing his concerns.

"Originally, the reason I wanted to meet the daimyo was to talk about the upcoming war in the land of the river but I just saw the daimyo's expression..."

Akabane was half talking and didn't continue to talk.

Obviously, he was blinded by Danzo. This is where he came to talk about Konoha and the Sand Village. The probability is that Danzo knew that the daimyo and the princess had been talking about him for a long time. And since he is in the place, he lets him come and accompany him.

This kind of thing is optional.

However, his own Teacher sometimes has a bit of nasty fun, especially in the recent period when he was very dark in the comic.

Given his temperament, he must have a little revenge.

of course.

Danzo is not so narrow-minded, but when he talks with Akabane, he will be extraordinarily "stingy".

To deal with prudent and lazy people, we must use the same method to spur him on, Danzo knows this way.

The two left the Daimyo Mansion.

Shinnosuke broke off his desire to compete with Akabane, and brought Akabane to the Uzumaki clan, without mentioning another fight. When he returned to the clan, Akabane saw the "fusang" Shinosuke talking about…

She is three or four years older than him and Shinnosuke, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

She looks more like an ordinary person in her dress, and she doesn't have any Ninja Tools, but from the perspective of perception, this woman is extremely talented and possesses a fairly high-purity Uzumaki blood.

On her waist, there is a waistcloth with the word "Fire".

Shinosuke mentioned to him that Fusang didn't like ninjutsu and training at first, and she fled to the land of fire, and then gradually began to train chakra and ninjutsu under his persuasion.

But a genius is a genius.

After training in a little time, she was able to catch up to Shinosuke, and her strength reached the level of Jonin. Thanks to this talent, she was selected as the Guardian Ninja.

In other words...

Nagato's mother seems to be also called Fusang.

Akabane observed secretly.

Looking at her carefully, he felt that her facial features were a bit similar to Nagato, and maybe it was Nagato's mother in the future.

Fusang, who was being stared at, had her face turned red from embarrassment.

She also likes comics. And she first bought her comics in the Uzumaki Village so she knows who Akabane is.

 "Akabane, you are too rude!"

Tsunade scowled at him.

Akabane immediately returned to his senses and coughed lightly and explained, "Sorry, I just think Sister Fusang is very similar to the Nagato I wrote."

"Really? I like Nagato's character very much. I feel that he is very pitiful, and his thoughts are extreme but great..."

Fusang sighed when she said this.

That being said, it is an indisputable fact that Nagato was used by others and turned into a tool to wage war.

"I presume that Nagato's mother is a member of the Uzumaki tribe, so when I see you, I think of the mother who wanted to protect him but was killed."

Akabane didn't hide it.

Although the comics are black and white, it is not clear whether Nagato is a member of the Uzumaki family, but from the colour illustrations and posters, it can be seen that he has the line of the Uzumaki family.

Fusang was very happy after hearing it and chuckled softly.

Tsunade believed this explanation and turned her head to observe Fusang facial features and characteristics. Although Nagato seldom appeared in the comics, she still saw his picture when he was young.

and so...

Suddenly, everyone really felt that Fusang was very similar to Nagato.

With the topic, Akabane, Tsunade, and Fusang quickly became acquainted with each other, and the four of them made a circle around the Uzumaki clan to show Akabane the way to get familiar, and then inevitably talked about some daily life trivia.

It could be heard that the Uzumaki family had a very good life after arriving in the Land of Fire.

In the clan, many people even imitate the costumes of Naruto and One Piece, but their hair is all red, which looks strange at first glance.

The other is…

From how the two happily conversed even sometimes ignoring the two, Tsunade and Akabane watching them thought that Shinosuke might have a thing for this gentle eldest sister.

It's not weird since Fusang looks really good. Although she is three or four years older, she is gentle and considerate, which is really a fatal temptation for people like Shinnosuke who have lacked love since childhood.

But one thing is that when a child is born from them in the future, does it mean he is going to be called Sarutobi Nagato?

This is a problem.

He thought wickedly in his heart.

In the afternoon, Akabane was walking around and found a bunch of children swarming out of the clan and running into the street.

He felt something was strange, and asked Fusang in a low voice: "Is there any activity in this place happening now?"

"No, Akabane-sama, it's just that your comic has arrived, so everyone should run over and buy it, lest it runs out of stock later."

Fusang said with a smile.

"Buy comics?"

Tsunade's eyes widened, quite incredible.

Everyone followed a few steps and saw many children rushing out on the street, rushing in one direction. Later, the crowd grew and even the carriages and horses had to make way for them. Although many people buy it in Konoha, it is not as crazy as here.

"Don't be surprised. Unlike in Konoha, this place is far from the factory, and the delivery speed is slow. And everyone has some money. So many will buy it, so it's also normal that some people can't get a copy.."

Shinnosuke explained with a smile.

Akabane stayed for a few seconds, then nodded.

This is the first time he has come to this place in the country of fire, watching the comic update delivered, he can only say that... It is much more lively than in the country of River.

Before long, some children ran back with a comic in their hands.

The children of the Uzumaki clan have good physiques and run fast, and they often get them as soon as the comic updates arrive.

The law and order in this place may not be the point where there are no thieves on the streets, but absolutely no one dares to attack red hair.

Because everyone knows that the redheads are the children of the Uzumaki clan, a ninja family, the clan that is Guarding the Daimyo, and they are not the ones they can afford to provoke.

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