Creating The Manga Of Naruto On Naruto World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 67 - 67

Chapter 67

Title: Uchiha on the move ​​

"Patriarch, someone put this thing outside the door."


Uchiha Yuan frowned, as a part of an Uchiha, being flustered over a little thing can't be tolerated.

"Patriarch, please take a look…"

The guard hurriedly rushed inside with the use of a Body Flicker where Uchiha Yuan was waiting and said.

After entering, he kneeled in front of Uchiha Yuan and took out a book that had a black cloth covering it, and handed it to Yuan with his head down, not daring to look at the Patriarch of the Uchiha Family.

Spreading out the black cloth, what was inside was a book full of pictures.

On the cover, a man wears a mask, and his headband obliquely covers his left eye, looking handsome and cold.

"What does the comics of the Kurama brat have to do with us?"

Uchiha Yuan didn't understand what this guard was flustered about.

Taking the comic in his hand, he turns over a few pages out of curiosity because it's his first time seeing a unique book like what's on his hand.

Because of this, his curiosity became interested and the way he flipped the pages became fast due to the good story it entails.

But not long after, at page twelve what he saw enrage him…


In an instant, Chakra's aura burst into action!

Uchiha Yuan was so angry that the sides of his nose trembled slightly.

"Yuan, what's the matter?"

His wife sensed his Aura that made her come out and asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, someone from the tribe delivered something to me that made me lose my cool."

Uchiha Yuanhai replied.

However, the moment he looked at the one who gave him the book he was taken aback…

Looking around again, he found out that the guard was gone!

It disappeared!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He was taken aback for a moment and then looked towards the thing on his hand.

"A Shadow Clone!, and just to deliver this book to me, what is his purpose?"

Uchiha Yuanhai's brain is running fast. And he was already thinking about the objective of the one who sent the book to his door.

It is just a picture album, and the story itself is only fiction. But due to this book, It is necessary to open a clan meeting because of it, so as to avoid fuss about it.


This mask ninja seems to be called Hatake Kakashi, which is clearly not from his clan.

"An outsider, but own a Sharingan."

"Comic, Kurama Akabane, Danzo."


He thought about it one by one, and suddenly his complexion changed.

Uchiha's foothold in Konoha is not that great due to Madara's betrayal, but due to their Sharingan, their status in the Village is still strong.

But if an outsider can also use Sharingan, can Uchiha Clan still retain their transcendent status?

Hypnosis, Replication, and Genjutsu…

The functions of Sharingan are perfectly presented in Kakashi.

Although it is only a manga, once everyone in Konoha has this idea, then it will become destructive for the Uchiha Clan.


"Patriarch, there is a little kid who dared to tarnish our clan…"

At this moment, someone hurriedly ran to the courtyard with his loud voice.

Uchiha Yuan looked up and saw Uchiha Ryo's father Uchiha Ensho.

After entering the courtyard and arriving in front of Uchiha Yuan, Uchiha Ensho was stunned and that made his word stop due to the Comic book Uchiha Yuan was holding.

Touching his head, he asked: You already inferred the news Patriarch?"

"Yes, someone who I don't know made a special trip on my door to send it here."

Uchiha Yuan said calmly and continued, "Go ahead and call an emergency meeting."


Uchiha Ensho leaves immediately after hearing Uchiha Yuan's word since he knows how dire the situation is.

It didn't take long for all the Elders and important officials in Uchiha to gather.

Because of the hostility to the Kurama clan, people in Uchiha who have been in contact with manga can be counted on one's hand. These Elder and Jonin that were the majority of the official have never read it at all.

Uchiha Yuan placed a few pages that had just been printed on the meeting table and then sat on the main seat without speaking.

After a while….

"This kid is too presumptuous, he dared to arrange our Uchiha like this in his story!"

"Patriarch, this is an insult!"

"The Hokage must punish this kid severely, otherwise our clans will lose their faces."

For a while, the meeting room was very noisy.

While Uchiha Yuan closed his eyes and said nothing. He just listened to their complaints until they finished. Gradually, many people calmed down.

At this moment, Uchiha Ensho hesitated and asked: "Patriarch, is this… really just a story speculated by the kid?"

"What do you think?"

"It doesn't feel like speculation, that little demon seems to be Danzo's discipline."

Uchiha Yuan hearing his reply nodded his head in agreement and stood up.

After looking at them to an extent, everyone quickly calmed down. Then Uchiha Yuan continued: "This is probably a lure and also a warning from Danzo."

"Commoners are stupid. Yes, but if the majority of people feel that Uchiha can be replaced, then even if Danzo did it, it will not cause much commotion or opposition."

An Elder who has never spoken at this time till the beginning nodded his head in understanding.

Uchiha was given the privilege of being the guards, but he is also separated from the Konoha public guard of course because they look down on the commoner and disdain them.

"If Danzo threatens us with this, we can join forces with Hyuga."

After thinking for a while, an Elder came up with a plan, a plan to also rely on the Hyuga Clan since they also relied on their Dojutsu like the Uchiha.

So if the Uchiha face danger due to their eyes, the Hyuga clan will also be the same as the elder though.

"Elder, Hyuga Clan will not join forces."

Uchiha Yuan sighed angrily and said, "They have a Branch House, and also…"

Konoha will not act against the Hyuga clan as long as they don't rebel against the village. Instead, the Konoha will choose to protect the power of the Hyuga clan instead of their Uchiha Clan due to their nature.

In that case, why should Hyuga Clan worry?

However, among the people present, there are too many people who hate Konoha and Danzo. He can only rest assured and can't say anything about this remark.

"Ensho, you come forward to teach that little kid, to probe Danzo's reaction."

An Elder said.

"Yes, yes, we must teach him a lesson ."

"First to probe, then wait at the other side for the result. It's not too late to plan for our next step."

His decision was approved by many, and when they thought about it for a while, they felt that there was no loss in doing so. At most, they were just going to be scolded so all of them nodded their heads in agreement.

Uchiha Yuan looked around the room for a bit, seeing their expression made him sighed and said: "Just do it."

The Proud and Arrogant Uchiha.

However, the distorted clan hierarchy system after Madaras rebellion is destined to not be dictated by the Patriarch alone.

"Kyou, it would be nice if you didn't die."

If his younger brother did not die, maybe things would be completely different.


The next day.

Akabane was about to lie down for a while, but a rustling sound appeared in the window early in the morning, and a silhouette jumped in from the window.

"Who…huh? My God!"

He was a little confused at first, but immediately after opening his eyes, he immediately sat up and covered his body with a quilt.

"Hmp! What's there to hide when we are so familiar with each other, there is no need to make a fuss about nothing."

Tsunade glanced at the bed, and a smile appeared on her face and then waved her hand feebly as a greeting.

"Why did you come here in the morning? Also, my house has a door, do you understand?"

Akabane was a little angry.

The morning is a good time to sleep for him, but now that she entered his room, his sleep was definitely gone now!

"hmph, I just saw your latest work…You are too bold, to put Uchiha Clan's eyes in your comics, really not afraid of poking the beehive of the bees."

Tsunade said old fashionably.

"Well… it's just a manga, also, can you please go out for a moment, I want to change my clothes."

Akabane waved his hand and said weakly.

"It doesn't matter, we are comrades who have entrusted life and death for each other."

Tsunade said with a smile.

"Forget it, I can't do anything with you."

He sighed, grabbed the clothes, and started to change, "I have to go to the manga shop later, do you have anything else to say?"

"It's okay, but I'm curious, do you know what will happen if you do this?"

"Yes, and then?"

Within a few seconds, Akabane has been dressed.

He doesn't care about their petty revenge with a shield on his back, and remembering the time, the Uchiha's members should get the news now and start scheming against him.

"Knowing that Uchiha's will come to trouble you, do you still want to go out?"

"Yes, I am also not to be trifled with."

Akabane said calmly.

Although he won't know what Danzo will do, since he agreed, he will definitely warn Uchiha's people.

And If Uchiha only comes with only one or two people at a time, it means Uchiha admits that it will be just a small fight and no risk will come to his life.

That's what Akabane thought.

============= To be continue...

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