Chapter 705 - 705 Ghost?

705 Ghost?

Bai Ying tried to look in the direction where the light had disappeared until he heard a sound like a scraping between the bushes. He held the Crown Prince’s hand tightly, widening his eyes.

“Your Highness, is there a ghost here?” he asked. Bai Ying is most afraid of ghosts. Whatever it is, he is not afraid except for ghosts. He held Luo Xiang’s arm tightly.

Luo Xiang tried to look where Bai Ying was staring closely, he also heard the sound of rustling in the bushes that seemed to be swaying in front of them, but, it could be because of the wind.

But again the sound was heard. Chen Ming and Xiao Hong, as well as Bei Yau, Shin Ya, and Elder Yi woke up from their sleep. Even the slightest sound would be very clear there because apart from the sound of nocturnal animals from a distance they could even hear the sound of burning coals of dry branches, let alone the sound that was now in front of them.

Bai Ying widened his eyes as something from the bushes suddenly charged toward him.

“Ah!” at an unexpected moment and very quickly knocked him to the ground hard.

Everyone was shocked trying to see what passed earlier. But it was so fast that Bai Ying and the others didn’t even have a chance to see anything that pushed Bai Ying down earlier.

“Ying Ying!”

Xiao Hong’s eyes lit up, looked around but found nothing, not even the smells, but definitely, it wasn’t anything dangerous.


Luo Xiang helped Bai Ying get up from the fall.

“Are you all right?” asked Luo Xiang checking Bai Ying’s body and face.

The youth shook his head, he only felt something pressing against his chest, something with a soft and furry shape, was it just a small animal? Squirrel or something? But the creature was passed like flash. He didn’t even have time to see the color, from a glance it looked like a bright color, white and such.

Shin Ya approached.

“Your Highness, this forest has many mystical beasts, that’s probably one of them. According to Grandpa Shin, I mean, Devine Shaman Shin, as long as we don’t disturb them they won’t bother us either. After all, I have set up a protective field earlier, no creatures should be able to enter”

“Is it because you didn’t check before setting up the barrier, Mister Shin? That creature could have been in here before.” Chen Ming stepped in.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Shin Ya clenched his fists in front of his chest before speaking.

“Report, Prince Chen, I have checked beforehand, and there are no other beings besides us inside the barrier, if there is one I will definitely be able to sense it, this is strange,” thought Shin Ya.

Elder Yi stroked his chin. Seeing around that only dark. The light from the bonfire wasn’t wide enough to cover the surroundings so anything could see them in the darkness. That could have happened because the creatures in this forest were not just ordinary creatures, it was not Shin Ya’s fault that they might have missed its presence.

Luo Xiang held Bai Ying’s hand and held it.

“Okay, it’s no big deal. For now, we’re lucky because it’s not a dangerous creature. Mister Shin, please reassemble your barrier, and let’s continue to have a rest. We need energy for tomorrow morning’s journey” Luo Xiang said. He pulled Bai Ying to the place where they had rested earlier. Everyone lowered their heads as he passed.

“Yes, Your Majesty”

Luo Xiang gently pulled Bai Ying and invited him to sit with him. Checked his face. That was just an excuse to be able to touch every inch of his lover’s body.

“Did you hurt somewhere? How’s your leg? Did it fall a bit hard? Too bad I missed it, if we find that creature later, I will hang it upside down for surprised you.”

Bai Ying couldn’t help but smile, the Crown Prince held his hand tightly.

“Hehe, I’m fine, Your Majesty, the creature didn’t hurt me at all, it’s just that my leg was a bit stiff, it’s not too painful, the pain will go away after a while”

Luo Xiang widened his eyes, he checked Bai Ying’s feet.

“Which leg? The right or the left?” he asked with a worried face.

Bai Ying groaned slightly as he held his left leg.

“The left one, but it’s fine, Your Highness, just a little sore”

Without thinking Luo Xiang lifted Bai Ying’s left leg and placed it on his lap.

“This one? Let me massage you, okay? ”

Bai Ying shook off the Crown Prince’s hand.

“Your Highness, don’t do this, there are others in front of us, they will laugh at Your Highness for massaging my feet” Bai Ying whispered.

Luo Xiang didn’t care, even though he didn’t turn around but he was sure that Bei Yau and the others wouldn’t dare to look at them, if they dared he would gouge their eyes out for seeing. And indeed, Bei Yau, Shin Ya, and Elder Yi looked the other way as if not caring what the two lovebirds were doing there. Only Chen Ming had watched so often that he had given up on himself out of annoyance.


He still could hear the two lovers laugh as if there is no one there beside them.

“Hehehe, don’t, Your Majesty, it’s ticklish”

Luo Xiang pulled Bai Ying’s waist close to him to check on him.

“Let me see it, I’m pretty sure you hurt this part from falling,” said Luo Xiang touching Bai Ying’s neck.

“No, Your Majesty, how can I hurt my neck, please don’t too close, Your Majesty’s beard is ticklish”

“Oh, I don’t do anything, it’s just someone smells so good that makes my mind out of control”

Bai Ying laugh again.

“Hehehe Your Majesty, stop it”

Xiao Hong held Chen Ming’s hand leading him to the place where they rested earlier.

“Prince, come on, you should back to sleep, you look exhausted”

Chen Ming was still grumbling in annoyance, though he didn’t resist when Xiao Hog pulled him away.

“How can I go back to sleep after this? Making people wake up and be fully aware, it’s really annoying.”

Xiao Hong smiled. He pulled Chen Ming’s small hand and made him sit on a large rock where he placed a cloth on the rock for Prince Chen to sit on.

“Please, Prince. Just lean on me, and soon you will fall asleep. Your Majesty looks tired, you’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, um, what if, I help you to massage your legs too? I think I can do that”

Chen Ming turned to see Xiao Hong with wide eyes, brushing away Xiao Hong’s hand that was about to hold his leg.

“Xiao Hong, since when have you also become like the rotten Crown Prince who likes to touch here and there? Besides, my feet don’t hurt at all, they don’t need any massage.”

Xiao Hong held Chen Ming’s hand, looking at the Prince’s face from a very close distance. His chest was pounding so hard that he couldn’t hold back his eyes shining red, and he smiled.

“Hey, I understand why His Highness the Crown Prince did it, because I myself can’t stop my hand from touching you, Prince Chen, can I?”

Chen Ming pulled his lips away, pushing Xiao Hong’s chest away from him.


But instead of moving away the young bird seemed to be bouncing even closer to him. Chen Ming gave up and closed his eyes as Xiao Hong got closer and leaned his head towards him, he might kiss him.


“Ahem, the air is quite cold tonight” the voice stopped Xiao Hong’s intention. Chen Ming opens his eyes and finds Bei Yau already standing with his back in front of them, stretching out his hands in front of the bonfire.

Chen Ming immediately shifted his seat away from Xiao Hong. His cheeks were red with embarrassment, what was that person standing there doing?

“I better get to sleep, Hong”

Xiao Hong pulled his lips, irritated to see Bei Yau already standing there interrupting his plans.

“Guard Bei, don’t you take a rest?” he asked.

Bei Yau nodded. He pointed to where he lay down not too far from the two of them, however, it wasn’t where he was standing now.

“Um, well, I’m just about to sleep, it’s just my place is a bit far from the fireplace, so I want to warm up before going to bed, em, you guys, do you need another blanket or not? I still have it on the horse” said Bei Yau looking at Chen Ming who was lying down using only a thin blanket.

Xiao Hong shook his head. He raised his hand and lit a red flame that floated above his palm.

“I can warm him, this fire is enough”

Bei Yau smiled. That damn bird was showing off in front of him, so arrogant, he thought irritably.

“Hehe, yeah I almost forgot about that, be careful Xiao Hong, if not you might get burned yourself out”

Xiao Hong nodded. Sets the fire in his palm off with one clench.

“Well, it can’t be helped, Guard Bei, but I assure you, that His Highness Prince Chen will always be safe, you don’t need to worry about it.”

Bei Yau pulled his lips, the bird was getting cunning and clever, and he was getting more annoying.

“Hehe, yeah, of course, Xiao Hong.” Even so, he managed to keep a smile, a very stiff smile he had.


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