Cultivation: Being Immortal

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Huangmu Village

Inside Huang Liang's home, Lin Jiang casually set up a simple soundproof barrier, isolating Huang Liang's family from prying eyes.



"Thank you, sir."

"I have returned this time to tie up all loose ends here."


Huang Liang exclaimed in shock, his face quickly becoming pale.

"It seems that you know what I'm going to do."

"Sir, I am already seventy-two years old this year, I can't live for another twenty years, spare me please."

"I really want to forgive you, but you have been behaving poorly these past few years."

Lin Jiang said, if it wasn't for him leaving Big Shadiao to watch over him, this guy would have escaped long ago. If he escaped, it would mean that Lin Jiang's secret would be at risk. So, he had to die, no negotiations. Even if God came, he would still die.


"Perhaps you can take a risk. I am only at the fourth level of Qi Refining right now."


Huang Liang's face became haggard. How could he dare to take a risk? If he had this courage a few years ago...

"You arrived at Huangmu Village more than nine years ago and already severed your path to immortality. You are now 72 years old and will at most live for another hundred years. You only have around twenty years left. Your only hope now is your children."


"So I will give you a choice. Either you take a chance and fight. If you win, you will live for another twenty or thirty years and also gain my opportunity. But if you lose, your whole family will die. The second option is for you to commit suicide. I will take care of your wife and children. If your son has a Spiritual Root, he will have the chance to cultivate immortality."

"Senior, why resort to such aggressive tactics? I am just a humble independent cultivator. Even if it's for my family, I would never reveal your secret."

"No, I only trust the dead to keep secrets."

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"What about them, the villagers?"

"They won't die, they will live well."

"Why, on what basis are they treating them so differently?"

"It's easy, they are our own people, they are my friends."

Lin Jiang said that he spent about eleven years with the people of Huangmu Village, working tirelessly to build the village. He felt a special bond with them and treated them as his own family. However, Huang Liang and his family never really integrated into Huangmu Village.

From the very beginning, they acted superior and treated the village as their personal property, and the villagers as servants.


"We make our own choices in life, don't we? If you had considered me a friend, things wouldn't have turned out this way. Give me an answer before tomorrow morning."

Lin Jiang explained that if Huang Liang had sincerely treated every villager well during his time in Huangmu Village, Lin Jiang wouldn't have to kill him. Instead, he would offer him an opportunity.

"In the Five Elements Sect, you definitely wouldn't go by the name Lin Kai. The villagers outside would know, and they would expose you."

Huang Liang struggled, but Lin Jiang ignored him and continued walking away.

Lin Jiang predicted that he would break through the Building foundation around the age of sixty. Currently, he was only eighteen, so he had more than forty years. By that time, Xiao Yuan and the others would have passed away. Lin Jiang would ensure a smooth transition for the younger generation by creating a story for them, even though it might have some flaws or gaps, but the logic would be sound.

As for taking risks, Lin Jiang didn't mind. He would do his best to minimize the risks to the lowest possible level.

In the evening, Huangmu Village held a big feast. Lin Jiang himself went hunting and brought back some wild beasts. There was unlimited food and drink, everyone was happy tonight.

The next morning, Huang Liang died. He committed suicide by breaking his own meridians. There were no visible wounds. Lin Jiang told everyone that Huang Liang died peacefully in his sleep and promised him a grand funeral.

"Lin Kai, the immortal has died, and our village is left without an immortal to protect us. What should we do?"

Xiao Yuan became panicked again. The immortal was too important for the villagers.

"Does Uncle Xiao want me to stay?"

"Yes, Lin Kai. Now that we finally have an immortal in Huangmu Village, you have to help us."

"I won't stay."


"But I will help you cultivate more immortals."

Lin Jiang said. I have a Magic Measuring Stone, it can detect Magical Ability. I can't believe that I can't find anyone with Magical Ability.

Xiao Yuan felt a little dizzy after hearing this. He never knew that they could become wizards too!


After Huang Liang's funeral, Lin Jiang gathered everyone in the village who were under forty years old and over ten years old to test their Magical Ability. The requirements were much lower than in the cultivation world, but it didn't matter. Lin Jiang didn't want them to become immortal, he just wanted them to have basic self-protection abilities.

Out of the more than seventy people, only one person was found to have Magical Ability, and that was Fang Yuan. Lin Jiang was speechless. The chances of an ordinary person having Magical Ability were really small, but fortunately, Fang Yuan had Three Magical Abilities, so there was some hope.

Lin Jiang had collected many cultivation techniques, so he chose a suitable one for Fang Yuan and taught him how to practice. Lin Jiang would stay for about half a month, but he wouldn't live in the village. He would find another place to stay.

"Uncle Xiao, I want to talk to you about something."

"Lin Kai, what is it?"

"In the sect, they call me Xiao Yi."

"What? I'm going to be your dad?"

"Uncle Xiao, did I mean this?"

"But my son's name is Xiao Yi."

"Fake identity."

"Oh, oh, I understand now."

Xiao Yi suddenly realized that Lin Kai had used a fake identity, making him happy for nothing. He thought Lin Kai was going to acknowledge him as his dad, considering that he treated both Lin Kai and Fang Yuan as his own sons.

"Uncle Xiao didn't grasp the seriousness of this matter. If the sect finds out, I will die, and you will die too. Our entire Huangmu Village will die."

"Ah, that's so serious."

"That's exactly how serious it is."

"Lin Kai, can't you explain this to the sect?"

"No, I can only go along with the mistake."

"This, this, this..."

"So, you must listen carefully to what I'm about to say, and strictly follow my instructions. This way, everyone can survive."

"You tell me, I'll remember."

"First, from now on, call me Xiao Yi. You must inform all the adults in the village about this. The reason is that Xiao Yi is my real name, and Lin Kai is just an alias. Second, your son needs to change his name. Keep the same pronunciation as Xiao Yi, but use different characters. Third, we need to migrate the village. There's no rush to move immediately, but it should be completed within twenty years."

Lin Jiang said. The first point is the most important. All the adults in the village need to collectively change their memories and call him Xiao Yi. When these people pass away, the younger generation will remember this name. After several decades, if someone asks, they will only remember that there was once an immortal named Xiao Yi in the village.

As for Xiao Yuan's son changing his name, that's a small matter. The third point is to prevent any unforeseen circumstances. In the cultivation world, villages like this experience disappearances and new births every year. If Lin Jiang doesn't return for several decades and the village disappears, it would be normal. Then, it would depend on how determined the Five Elements Sect is in investigating Lin Jiang's identity.

However, Lin Jiang doesn't think it will be a big deal. The Five Elements Sect has hundreds, if not thousands, of inner disciples. If they investigate every single one thoroughly, it would be a huge workload.

"Lin Kai, we must move, the village has finally become stable."

(Translated by Gravity Tales 😞)

"When Fang Yuan becomes a cultivator, moving will be easy. And in the future, your son may also become a cultivator. I will leave behind the tradition. With luck, every generation in the village may become immortal. This little thing is for the sake of our descendants."


"Yes, it will happen in the future."

"Then I'll listen to you, Uncle."

"Alright, from now on, come here with Fang Yuan every day. I have elixirs to help improve your health. I guarantee you'll live to be 80 without any illness or disasters."

Lin Jiang said. We still need to discuss the specific details with Xiao Yi and the others, but the general direction will be like this. It will take several decades to change the memories of the next generation.

Fang Yuan spent nine days cultivating and reached the first level of Qi Refining. Lin Jiang also taught him about the knowledge of cultivating every day. Lin Jiang obtained a lot of information from the Five Elements Sect and handed it all to him, so he could slowly read it in the future.

The spiritual land left behind by Huang Liang will be Fang Yuan's in the future. Lin Jiang also gave him the qi-enhancing pills from the Shanxue School of the Five Elements Sect. In addition to these, there were some spiritual talismans and other items that Lin Jiang left. He had left enough things to help Fang Yuan through the most difficult initial stage of cultivation.

And Xiao Yi, these days, has been eating the pills that Lin Jiang brought back, and he feels like he's ten years younger. He thinks that with his strong body, having three or five more children would definitely not be a problem.

And Lin Jiang also taught him more advanced martial arts techniques, which he learned from the Lin family. With Lin Jiang's guidance, Xiao Yi's martial arts skills have greatly improved. He can barely handle lower-level monster beasts. Until Fang Yuan grows up, he has the ability to protect the village.

The details of changing memories have also been decided. Lin Jiang suggested that Xiao Yi should make some stone tablets, diaries, and other things, and change the name "Lin Jiang" to "Xiao Yi" in them, after Lin Jiang leaves.

"Great responsibilities are bestowed upon such individuals, and the outcome will be revealed decades later."

Lin Jiang is very satisfied with his plans. He rarely plans for decades, as he has always felt that his intelligence is not very high. But this time, he believes he will definitely succeed.

"Stone tablets, diaries, and word of mouth, I understand, Lin Kai."

"*Cough, cough.*"

"I understand, Xiao Yi."

"In the future, you must never let slip a word. I'll give you forty more years. If, after forty years, you haven't died of old age, Uncle Xiao and Fang Yuan will leave the village. It is important that those who know me as Lin Kai, don't stay in the village after forty years, understood?"

Lin Jiang felt unsafe, so he set up one final warning. The average lifespan of ordinary people is low, around forty-five years old. But there are always a few special ones who can live much longer. Xiao Yuan practices martial arts and has a strong physical condition, while Fang Yuan has entered the world of immortality. They can easily live to be seventy or eighty, as long as no accidents happen.

Xiao Yuan and Fang Yuan agreed to this. Lin Jiang had been talking about it for over ten days, and they had memorized everything. They even understood that it would be safest if Lin Jiang were to eliminate all of them with one sword strike. However, Lin Jiang didn't do that because he felt nostalgic.

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