Detective Ghost Empress

Chapter 134

134 A new crush?

” Your majesty!”

“Your majesty, please watch what you are saying!” Both Qui Ai and Zhai Heng were stunned when they heard what Liu Hui Ying said, was she trying to get them into trouble or what? If someone was to hear what she said and took it in the wrong manner then there will be another round of trouble for them.

Zhai Heng shivered after just thinking about the kind of scandal this will make– Brother of the Emperor stabs him in the back, and falls in love with the Queen! He will never hear the end of this! And more importantly, he wasn’t even here to confess his love!

Even though he knew that his brother will not blame him but just the rumours alone were scary enough for him to look at the Queen in fear and condemnation, did she really have no idea what she was doing or was this her plan? Now that she cannot make Zhai Tianyu fall for her, she was aiming for him.

As this thought came to his head Zhai Heng thought that he has realised the true intentions of the Queen but when he raised his head and looked at the Queen who was looking at him with a bored look on her face and then blinked his eyes. What was it? What was the queen thinking?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

” All right, all right,” Liu Hui Ying rolled her eyes, she was just making a joke but she never thought that these people will not be able to take a small joke. Was there anything that she said for them to react like this? Yet they were screaming at her like she has said something horrifying.

“Keep your hair on, I was just teasing you a little, Lord Zhai,” Liu Hui Ying waved her hand and then rubbed her temples, if this man was here to confess his love then she would have been the first one to kill him. And if she hadn’t killed him then her sister would have done it for her when she was sleeping or drunk.

Liu Hui Ying turned to look at Qui Ai and then told her to leave the room, Qui Ai though did not think that it was right of her to leave the room. Not because she was worried that Lord Zhai would do something to Liu Hui Ying but because she was scared that her missy will do something to harm Lord Zhai and then create another bunch of trouble for herself.

The rumours of her being a monster who ate maids alive were yet to die down, if something happened with Zhai Heng then they might as well declare her missy as a witch.


” Please do take care of yourself, your majesty,” Qui Ai did not forget to remind Liu Hui Ying as she bowed and then walked out of the room but even after leaving the room, she did not forget to glare at Liu Hui Ying with a warning glare.

She glared at Liu Hui Ying to keep track of her words and actions but Zhai Heng thought that the maid glared at him, after all, what can a woman do? Qui Ai must be reminding him to take care of decorum and not upset the queen like he did the last time.

” Don’t worry, your majesty, I will not overstep my boundaries this time, I–” he began speaking telling Liu Hui Ying that he was not going to hurt her but before he could say anything more Liu Hui Ying raised her hand and then turned to look at him with an amusement filled expression and said, ” That look was not for you, it was for me, she is warning me not to overstep my boundaries with you.”

She dropped her hand and then cracked her knuckles before leaning forward as she spoke in a low-pitched voice, ” If we are alone in this room, then Lord Zhai...I am not the one who is alone in the room with you. It’s you who is alone in the room with me, so you better be careful, all right?”

She winked at him and Zhai Heng had to clear his throat as he looked down at his shirt to see whether or not his robe was perfectly tied or not and when he saw that a string was untied, he immediately tied it up. Right now, he was feeling rather scared was this normal?

” Ahem,” he coughed and then turned to look at Liu Hui Ying with a clear look in his eyes and said, ” Your majesty, I heard from the Emperor that you have the key to solve the case of my aunt’s murder?”

Liu Hui Ying raised a brow and then smirked, ” So he told you?” She pursed her lips when Zhai Heng nodded and said, ” The Emperor does not hide anything from me.”

” What are you? His wife?” Liu Hui Ying taunted and Zhai Heng clenched his fingers in his lap before he replied in a stoic voice, ” I might not be the wife of the Emperor but I am his most trusted aid and he tells me everything.”

” He even tells you when he goes to take a dump?”

” Your majesty!” Zhai Heng was so tired of dealing with the Queen that he wished that he came with Zhai Tianyu. This woman how can she say such words with such ease? Just what kind of education did the old minister Liu gave his daughter? Or did he save money there as well and not give his daughter a decent education? After all, how can a daughter of an official say such things with a straight face?

” I was just joking,” Liu Hui Ying consoled him seeing that he was looking at her as if she has made things really difficult for him. ” You were looking so stern and angry that I thought I should lighten the mood a little, so his esteemed majesty told you about me having a lead– then what are you here for? Are you here to snatch it from me ?”


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