Dragon Talisman

Chapter 34 Third Prince

Chapter 34 Third Prince

The Fire Shark continued on, and after two days and more than 4,000 miles, they finally crossed Shizhou and came to Xianzhou.

The land of Xianzhou was once a country, vast and tens of times as wide as Shizhou, with a flat and fertile land, a moderate climate, and a network of rivers, abundant produce, and a valiant people.

By all rights, Xianzhou could have been divided into many states again, but because of the initial pacification and excessive killing, the forced division of the state was feared to stir up another mutiny, and so it was left behind.

The canal’s current at Xianzhou calms down and opens up even more, like an ocean of lakes, which is quite endless, and the river is even more dense with boats coming and going, causing the Fire Shark action to slow down as well.

Those ships were government ships, merchant ships, military ships, and civilian ships bringing supplies in from all directions.

The war is coming up, quite a business opportunity, and many merchant houses are trying to make a fortune here.

On the canal, there were also many military ships to maintain order, those with iron flywheels, mounted with iron cannons, and dark barrels threatening all outlaws.

But all the military ships saw the Fire Shark and they turned to make their way to the front at the same time.

The Fire Shark is flying a dragon flag with the word admonition on it, which means that the admonition is on patrol and anyone should back off.

Suddenly, a large ship comes up ahead with the king’s flag on it.

The great ship listened as the small ship next to it strafed in, arriving next to the Fire Shark, and the man on the small ship shouted, “By Prince of Fan’s order, I have come to greet the admiral, and Prince of Fan has prepared a banquet to invite the admiral to feast and discuss the errand together.”

Luo Baiyue sits on the ship and listens refreshingly: “let Prince of Fan’s ship guide and we’ll go meet those local officials. After all, it’s up to them to run errands.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“I wonder what Third Lao is going to give me down?” Gu-Chensha had no smile on her face, calculating how to maneuver around Gu-Fansha: “Third Lao’s specific cultivation I don’t know, what kind of realm he has reached? You must-have information.”

The Third Prince is by no means to be messed with, and he is bound to embarrass himself if he offends him in order to fix up the mansion.

“Third Lao is about the Dao Realm, the Fourth Transformation, Swallowing Gold and Fossilize, and his internal organs are cultivated like a furnace. Of course, this is his superficial information, this person is deep and must have hidden strength, according to my estimation, and he might be at the Fifth Transformation, Gathering Chakra in Hundreds Acupoints. At the Sixth Transformation Innate Abstruse, this is the essential change.” Luo Baiyue spoke slowly: “but give me three to five years and I will surpass him.”

the Dao Realm preceded by the Fifth Transformation are all about cultivating the body, only at the Sixth Transformation, Refine Qi Into Astral, where the body stores innate abstruse energy, that’s quite different, raising a hand to rip through an enemy at a hundred paces.

At this level, Gu-Chensha is no match for anything.

He also knows that his strength is so different from this Third Lao that he has to use his brain to maneuver around.

The Fire Shark follows Prince of Fan’s ship as it docks, the shore dock cleared, the ground carpeted in scarlet and flanked by officers of all sizes.

How dare the Xianzhou officials slow down when the imperial envoy arrives?

“Greetings to the imperial commissioner!”

Many officials knelt as they saw Gu-Chensha and Luo Baiyue descend from the ship.

“Get up.” after Luo Baiyue said, she ignored the officers and looked at a group of people walking away from him.

The leader of the group, dressed in battle armor, a large yellow cloak, and a purple and gold crown, looking to be in his early twenties, but with a calm demeanor, a hidden aura surrounding him, and invulnerable to all evil, is the Third Prince Gu-Fansha.

“Hahaha, Lao Nineteenth, Baiyue, I can’t believe Father sent you here, I’ve been keeping an eye on you since I received the order, and I heard that you encountered an attack by the remnants of Black Fiend Bat on the way? What? Are you okay?” Gu-Fansha came to the fore, sounding quite concerned, and if one were uninformed they would have thought the brothers were in harmony.

But Gu-Chensha knows that this Third Lao laugh is most sinister, and is even more frighteningly different from Lao Tenth Gu-Zhensha’s very different character.

“Thank you for your concern Third Brother, I’m fine.” Gu-Chensha coped, secretly observing the movement.

“It’s urgent, so I won’t say anything more, but since Father has sent you to inspect the place and pacify the people, there’s something important at the moment. I have already hosted a banquet, let’s chat while we eat.” Gu-Fansha’s face suddenly became boiling with killing intent, really saying that he would change his face.

“That’s what I thought too.” Luo Baiyue doesn’t care in the slightest and strides forward.

Gu-Chensha stays silent and follows along, although he is also an admiral cabinet minister, but his roots are shallow, the moment is to stand firm and see what moves are made, not to actively cause trouble, and to let Luo Baiyue take the front in everything.

Not far from the shore was a palace, high and spacious, surrounded by armored men, and the music was grand.

“If I didn’t have the status of an Imperial Commissioner, I’m afraid I’d be aloof, and Third Lao wouldn’t even pay attention to me. Such a grand scene before us, Third Lao must do it, or else be criticized by the imperial officials and the folk newspapers for defying the admiralty and being disrespectful to the imperial power, but it will do great damage to the reputation.” Gu-Chensha into the seat, but the main seat, high above, looking at the faces of many officials below the palace, but a little dizzy, this is the first time he sat high above the temple, ready to discuss national affairs.

Look around, everyone has an axe to grind, each with their own agenda, and they live alone, with no one to trust.

“Is that, like, what the emperor feels like?” Gu-Chensha just a little bit of emotion and then sobered up, as if nothing had happened, see Luo Baiyue lightly, as if often the commander in chief, it is clear that she often goes out on errands, already more than adequate.

Xianzhou has twenty-four provinces, and every provincial governor is gathered here, in addition to the generals of every provincial army in charge.

Now that all places are connected by canals, and ships can travel two or three thousand miles between day and night, it is convenient for officials to meet within a state.

“Gentlemen, I have come by divine order to pacify the place, inspect the sacrificial state, and ensure that there is a solid backing for the coming year’s Great War, and it is the national policy of the imperial court to exterminate the barbarians at the beginning of spring by raising the nation’s strength.” Luo Baiyue began without words, very stern, and suddenly the scene was solemn, and those officials looked at the Third Prince Gu-Fansha in an attempt to get him to defuse the situation.

“I have heard that he has awakened the Giant Spirit God bloodline. “The Third Prince chuckled lightly, interrupting Luo Baiyue, “Lao Nineteenth, what do you think?”

“I’m so inexperienced that I’ve never run an errand before, and this time Father has asked me to come merely so that I can learn, where the insight is.” Gu-Chensha even waved her hand: “Everything is at the disposal of Yuefu County Sheriff, she is the commander-in-chief.”

He said this with no regard for the prince’s face, and if word got out, he’d definitely end up with an incompetent comment. This is something that many princes are unwilling to do, but how could he be concerned about this and let Luo Baiyue fight it all first so that he can stand firm.

the Third Prince Gu-Fansha frowned slightly, he had intended to take advantage of Gu-Chensha’s eagerness to make a success of his first time out on an errand to create a rift between Luo Baiyue and him, so that it would be difficult for the two imperial commissioners with differing opinions to create a breach in his operation in Xianzhou, but hadn’t expected that Gu- Chensha opened his mouth to disparage himself, showing that he is only as good as Luo Baiyue, in order to show his incompetence in front of many officials, a retreating tactic with no flaws.

“Well, let’s talk while we eat.” the Third Prince Gu-Fansha clapped her hands, and the lithe, wonderful-looking maid brought up a plate of fruit, not meat.

But the fruit is extraordinary, and it’s refreshing to serve it in and smell it.

On the plate in the officer below are three dates, the size of thumbs, flaming and leaping, as if on fire.

And the plates of Luo Baiyue, Gu-Chensha, and Gu-Fansha contain, in addition to three jujubes, a green peach. This green peach is like jade and transparent, and in it can be seen dense flowing, purple qi circling, and almost without looking you know that it is extraordinary.

“These are fire dates and purple and green fairies peaches.” The Third Prince Gu-Fansha describes, “It was me who broke through a tribe of the Barbarian tribe and destroyed their temple. There are these trees in the temple. The elders of the barbarian temple carefully cultivated them. One is to worship the gods, and the other is to train masters. Fire jujube contains the aura of fire attribute, which can be used by ordinary people to condense the bones and internal organs. One can be worth ten years of hard work. As for the purple peach, it is even more remarkable. The two qi has an incredible and magical effect, and the Dao-Realm powerhouses are all flocking to it.”

Gu-Chensha wasn’t rude either, picking up the peach and nibbling on it: “Thank you, Third Brother, and then I’ll enjoy the blessing first.”

Purple Green Peach he read in the book is recorded, is barbaric specialty, very rare, often by the barbarians as a sacred tree, the tree is naturally purple and green two colors, actually and the Dao Realm experts, can automatically absorb the spirit of heaven and earth, people cultivate under the tree, can get tree spirit nourishment, often several times faster than ordinary people.

Many experts of the barbarian tribe were enlightened under the Violet Green Divine Tree.

The Purple Green Immortal Peach, on the other hand, is a fruit from a divine tree that blooms once every thirty years, bears fruit for thirty years, and ripens only once every thirty years. In other words, a peach takes a hundred years.

The barbarians would all build temples where there were purple and green sacred trees, and use the temples to keep the trees enclosed, so that outsiders were not allowed to approach them.

As the Immortal Peach went down, the air currents circled and traveled through the meridians like dragons and snakes, and Gu-Chensha looked within with her mind and found that the green and purple qi harmonized with the yin and yang, quenching the flesh and blood.

“This is such a good thing that Third Lao isn’t the occasion for it and wouldn’t take it out easily, but it’s cheap for me.” After eating the fairy peach, he eats another fire date, but it also melts in his mouth, and his warm breath keeps going in and out of his seven apertures.

All those officials also refused to let go of the opportunity to eat the fire dates, some eating one and hiding the remaining two in their pockets to take home.

Fire dates are not ordinary goods, except for the Third Prince Gu-Fansha wealthy and generous to take out, other officials want to eat is also quite difficult, this thing is rich but also cannot be bought, after the big family will not sell, but to use it for their own consumption, or to train disciples.

“All right! Now that we’ve all eaten and drunk enough, it’s time to get down to business.” Luo Baiyue sees that it’s almost time and issues orders.

There was a sudden silence in the hall, and the officials were suddenly nervous.

“Patrolman of Ba Nan Province, you come out here.” Luo Baiyue pointed at the following official: “On the third day of last month, the Black Fiend Cult compelled unruly people in three places in Peach County, An County, and Cha County in Ba Nan Province to stir up trouble, and the barbarian details incited the fire, making the three counties erode and become the altar of the cult, and thousands of people were killed and sacrificed in this month, why didn’t you, as the inspector, send an army to annihilate it.”

“My subordinate has been prepared and has sent an army to surround the intersection of the three counties to prevent the evil cult from spreading.” This Grandmaster of Banan did not seem to be nervous and stood to reply, “But there are so many experts among the cult that the lower officer is unable to exterminate them at the moment.”

“Why didn’t you report the evil cult when it was in disorder, was it because you were afraid the court would find out and sack you?” Luo Baiyue’s voice was getting harsher.

“In no way did this servant intend that.” The governor of Banan’s tone was not soft either: “This lower official is looking out for the greater good, fearing that if news of the evil cult making trouble spreads out and the capital panics that would be detrimental to the prestige of the court. This is to maintain stability.”

“What a load of nonsense!” Luo Baiyue was furious: “Banan Governor, you have neglected your duty and caused hundreds of thousands of people in the three counties to be poisoned by the evil cult, do you know that for every day of delay, those people will be slaughtered like chickens and ducks by the evil cult! Such a tragic thing, you actually downplayed it, someone, take him down for me.”

“Slow down!” the Third Prince Gu-Fansha’s spoke in a gloomy tone

Suddenly, the palace was rattled with swords.

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