Dual Cultivation In Martial Peak

Chapter 75: A Sucker For Your Disciple

Chapter 75: A Sucker For Your Disciple

Chapter 75: A Sucker For Your Disciple

"The Myriad Drug Pond? It's a famous forbidden area within the Medicine King's Valley where no one can visit."

"Be more specific."

"Y-Yes. The Medicine King's Valley's Myriad Drug Pond is at the top of the Pill Saint's Peak. However, not only is the Myriad Drug Pond situated there, but the unchanging Pill Saint's portrait also hangs inside. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Pill Saint's Peak is the Holy Land of Alchemists in this world, and even the ordinary disciples of the Medicine King's Valley cannot approach it. Only the Valley Lord and Elders can gaze upon the Pill Saint's portrait and study the profound alchemic knowledge he has left behind."

"Pill Saint's portrait?"

"I don't know much about it, but the many rumours about it were, in general, related to alchemic knowledge and skills. They say that the alchemists who gazed upon the Pill Saint's portrait learned solutions to problems that have long since confused them, while some gained various forms of alchemic inheritance, which led many of them to reap great benefits. That is why the Medicine King's Valley is so decisive in protecting the Myriad Drug Pond."


Su Mu leaned back on the chair, his right leg resting above his left as he gazed at Dong Qing Han, the fat young master of the Dong Family who sat across him with a rather timid expression.

Behind Dong Qing Han were two Immortal Ascension Realm Cultivators, standing guard for their young master while keeping an eye on Su Mu, something the latter didn't mind.

Even if the two guards were to attack him together, they wouldn't even be able to land a single hit on him, and that was without mentioning how they couldn't attack him inside the Medicine King's Valley.

'From what this guy said, the Pill Saint should be none other than the Great Demon God from the Dongguan Realm, and the portrait is probably related to the things he left for his inheritor.'

The analysis didn't sound that far off from reality.

Su Mu doubted that this small world with such a weak Heavenly Way could naturally produce cultivators proficient in the Dao of Alchemy, so it made sense that the Great Demon God introduced the concept of alchemy to this world, hence being renowned as the Pill Saint.

'But sneaking into such a place would be a pain even though I can hide my presence from stronger cultivators as long they're not on guard, it'll be a different story if they're guarding a place like that.'

It wasn't impossible, but it required too much effort for something that might not even be worth that effort, so he decided to keep that option for the last.

'I hope there's something useful in the things he left for his inheritor.'

Su Mu wasn't interested in the alchemic knowledge left behind by the Great Demon God because even if he devoured this world's Heavenly Way, it wouldn't increase his comprehension.

"Is there a way Brother Dong can get me inside one of Medicine King's Valley's Peaks?"

Hearing Su Mu's question, Dong Qing Han nervously gulped, understanding what the former was talking about.

"Young Master Su Which peak do you wish to visit?"

"The Pill Saint's Peak, of course."

Dong Qing Han paled slightly, and soon, he sighed.

"Young Master Su, if you wanted to enter any of the other peaks, I would have a way, but the Pill Saint's Peak, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

"Other peaks?"

"There are twelve peaks in Medicine King's Valley, ten of which are the residences of Great Elders, another one the Valley Lord's retreat, and the final and primary one is the Pill Saint's Peak, which is also the most guarded place within this valley." Dong Qing Han explained.

"Then, I'm afraid that there's nothing I can do about Brother Dong's situation." Su Mu shook his head with a wry smile, watching as Dong Qing Han almost choked on his tea before panic took over his face.

If Su Mu were to leave, that would mean an endless amount of suffering for Dong Qing Han, and after thinking about it for a few seconds, he hurriedly continued. "There might be a way, Young Master Su."

"Let's hear it."

"In a little more than two months, there will be an Alchemist Summit. At that time, all of the alchemists belonging to all the world's forces from this world will come here. They will compete with each other in various alchemy competitions. The top fifty alchemists will be allowed to visit the Pill Saint's Peak, study the Pill Saint's portrait, and ponder upon the mysteries of alchemy; if Young Master Su can become one of these top fifty Alchemists, you can justifiably enter the Pill Saint's Peak!"

"Can the Dong Family send alchemists from their side, too?"

"We can, but there are no suitable candidates."

"If that's the case..." Su Mu smiled at that confirmation, noting that Dong Qing Han wasn't completely useless. "I'll be counting on Brother Dong to send me as an alchemist from the Dong Family."

"Oh" Dong Qing Han seemed dumbfounded at Su Mu's words, and after a few seconds, he hesitantly asked. "Young Master Su A-Are you an Alchemist, too?"

Su Mu was already the most talented young man Dong Qing Han had ever encountered, both in cultivation talent and fighting capabilities, someone who far surpassed the geniuses even from the Eight Great Families, and the thought of him being an alchemist sounded ridiculous no matter how he thought about it.

"I'd say I am a fairly accomplished alchemist."

Su Mu got up from his chair before walking towards the corner of the room, confusing Dong Qing Han and the two Immortal Ascension Realm guards behind him.

"And what do we have here?" Su Mu ignored their confused expression, grabbing the air ahead of him.

"Eh?! Let go of me!"

Out of nowhere, a pretty young girl appeared in Su Mu's hand, wiggling around like a cat while the latter held her up in the air by the back of her collar.

From what Su Mu could tell, the girl was two years younger than him, with her cultivation base at the peak of the Separation and Reunion Realm.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Dong Qing Han stood up from his seat, surprise apparent on his face, similar to the guards behind him.

'How did he sense Yan'er?' Dong Qing Han was aware of the Artifact that his little sister, Dong Qing Yan, had on herself that made her invisible to both a cultivator's eyes and Divine Sense.

Even the Immortal Ascension Realm Cultivators behind Dong Qing Han couldn't sense Dong Qing Han's presence when she was using that artifact, so how could Su Mu?

"She is?" Su Mu asked, looking at the girl in his right hand, pulling her cheek with his left, making her squeal in discomfort.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Let go of me, you fiend!"

"Such disrespect! Enough with your impudence!" Dong Qing Han's fat face shook before he loudly shouted in panic and anger.

Still wiggling around in Su Mu's hand, Dong Qing Yan immediately followed up, turning towards him. "That's right, don't be so presumptuous! Release me this instant!"

"I'm talking to you!" Dong Qing Han glared at the little girl.

"Ah?" The girl stammered in shock and disbelief, almost forgetting to wiggle around in Su Mu's arm in a futile attempt to escape, so the latter released her on his own.

"Quickly, introduce yourself to Young Master Su!" Dong Qing Han shot the girl another glare, confusing her even further, but regardless of her confusion, she complied with his request, cupping her fists towards Su Mu.

"I am Dong Qing Yan from the Dong Family, Young Master Su."

'No matter the world, Yan is a pretty common name.'

He couldn't even remember how many women he had met who shared the same name, although no one other than Su Yan was of importance.

'Then again, who am I to complain about common names?'

Su Mu was a rather plain name, after all, even more so than Xiang Chen.

"I am Su Mu from the High Heaven Pavilion." Su Mu smiled at Dong Qing Yan, causing the latter to tilt her head in confusion.

"High Heaven Pavilion? Isn't that a second-class force without much to back them up?" Dong Qing Yan's response was surprisingly honest, which made Su Mu chuckle a bit.

"Such disrespect. You get out!" Dong Qing Han angrily shouted before Su Mu could say anything.

Dong Qing Yan's lips pursed, and her eyes watered as she dashed out of the room angrily, but before she left, she didn't forget to glare at Su Mu one last time.

"Please forgive her disrespect, Young Master Su." Dong Qing Han bowed towards Su Mu, cupping his fists.

"Brother Dong is being too serious." Su Mu waved it off. He had mentioned the High Heaven Pavilion on a whim, and he couldn't care less about what people thought of it.

After they had finished their conversation, Dong Qing Han ordered the Wind and Cloud Guards to escort Su Mu to the nearby inn, which was also the most lavish inn within Medicine King's Valley.


"Feel free to call me if you need something, sir."

"Very well."

Su Mu watched as the inn's owner bowed towards him before he left, making sure to close the door to his room.

After a few seconds, Su Mu turned towards the far corner of the room with a smile.

"You know I can feel your presence, right?"

"You Are you really an Alchemist who can make it to the top fifty of the Alchemist Summit?" Dong Qing Yan's figure manifested out of thin air as her voice echoed through the room.

'To sneak out of her home and come here unguarded in the middle of the night to confirm my status as an alchemist What a sheltered upbringing.'

"Top fifty? It won't be an exaggeration to say that my achievements in the Dao of Alchemy are the highest in this world."

Technically, that wasn't a lie.

While his achievements weren't surpassed by many within the Outer Universe, the grade of pills and artifacts he could currently refine wasn't all that high because of his low cultivation base.

Su Mu had to admit that the cultivation system of their world made it as fair as possible for every cultivator out there.

"You're lying." Dong Qing Yan didn't think twice about declaring Su Mu's words as a lie while stroking her tongue out, which caused the latter to smile.

"You are a Common Grade Mid Rank Alchemist, right?"

"Huh? Did my brother tell you that?" Dong Qing Yan was visibly surprised by his words, and her eyes widened in shock.

"Of course not. What business would I have to discuss your alchemic achievements with your brother?" Su Mu answered, and Dong Qing Yan nodded in return. "I can also tell that you don't have much practical experience as an alchemist."

"Amazing! So you really are an Alchemist!" Dong Qing Yan believed Su Mu's words about being an alchemist. Although, she never trusted that he was the best in the world.

There was no way that was possible.

"But you know what else I am?"


"A man." Su Mu started walking towards Dong Qing Yan at a relaxed pace, causing the latter to close her mouth unintentionally. "And a pretty young lady like you sneaked into my room in the middle of the night. Do you know what happens when a man and woman are left alone in these circumstances?"

"You wouldn't" Dong Qing Yan realised the situation she had pushed herself into before a light blush appeared on her face, causing her to step back. Had she unknowingly stepped into the lion's den?

"The Dong Family's Young Lady sneaked out of her room to visit a man she had met only for a few minutes" Su Mu rested his hand on Dong Qing Yan's cheek, slowly carrying it as he brought his face closer to her. "What kind of rumours might start circulating within the Medicine King's Valley if this information were to get out? The Dong Family's reputation will take severe damage, too."

"Mmh" Dong Qing Yan closed her eyes, feeling Su Mu's hand softly caressing her cheek before parting her lips ever so slightly to say something, but the words seemed stuck in her throat, and the moment she had imagined never came.

"Pfft! Hahaha"

"Eh?" Dong Qing Yan slowly opened her eyes after hearing Su Mu's laugh, clearly dumbfounded when she noticed he was standing a step away from her.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not interested in little girls."

"L-Little girl?!" Dong Qing Yan's face turned red in embarrassment, much different from the light blush from earlier. "We're almost the same age!"

She couldn't believe it. Not only did this guy try to seduce her, something she almost fell for, but he dared to laugh it off and call her a little girl!

"But all I see is a little girl who doesn't even know how the world works."

"What's that supposed to mean? Why'd you even doOuch!"


Bringing his hand forward, Su Mu gave Dong Qing Yan a rather painful forehead flick, causing her to whine in pain.

"To give you a reality check."


Dong Qing Han slowly opened her watery eyes, rubbing her slightly red forehead in pain.

"You sneaked out of your house without telling anybody where you were going, right?"

Dong Qing Yan nodded, watching as Su Mu rested his hand on the wall behind her, making it impossible for her to move around.

"I can do whatever I want with youyour life is mine to control, and you don't have the strength to resist, much less call for help. The rooms of this inn won't allow any sounds to escape. Even if I were to have my way with you, no one would come to save you."

"Ah" A shiver ran down Dong Qing Yan's spine when Su Mu narrowed his eyes.

Even though he hadn't released his cultivation base, Dong Qing Yan knew that Su Mu was far better than her older brother, someone she couldn't hold a candle to.

"The moment you stepped into this room of your own accord, you practically handed control over your life to me without even realising it. Do you understand the stupidity of your actions now?"

"Mmh" Dong Qing Yan nodded, somewhat shocked.

"As long as you understand." Su Mu took a step back from the young lady.

"I didn't think of you as a bad person That's why I came here." Dong Qing Yan muttered in a mosquito-like voice.

"Believe me" Su Mu brought his hand forward, placing it above Dong Qing Yan's head. "Those with the wickedest of intentions wear the kindest expressions."

"I'll keep that in mind." Dong Qing Yan replied, and Su Mu retreated his hand.

"By the way, didn't your brother tell you not to associate with me?"

"He did tell me that you defeated him after he and his fellow brothers tried to go after your woman, but he said it was his fault." Dong Qing Yan summarised what had happened at the High Heaven Pavilion. "As for not associating with you, he warned me not to provoke you in the future."

"I see" Su Mu nodded, not paying much mind to it. "So, why did you come here?"

"Why did I come here?" Dong Qing Yan couldn't keep up with Su Mu's pace, almost forgetting what she had in mind while visiting him.

"Don't tell me that you expected something to happen between us" Su Mu faked a surprised expression, intending to mess with her.

"O-Of course not!" Dong Qing Yan retorted, somewhat embarrassed.

Su Mu chuckled lightly, not teasing the Dong Family's Young Lady any further, giving her time to calm down.

"You know I heard some of your conversation with my brother before you caught me" Dong Qing Yan watched as Su Mu nodded at her words, and she continued. "I know you want to visit the Pill Saint's Peak; I might have a way to help you."

"Is it faster than simply visiting the Alchemy Summit?"

"Maybe." Dong Qing Yan crossed her arms, avoiding eye contact with Su Mu. "But I don't feel like telling a bully!"

"That's exactly how little girls behave."

"Ugh" Dong Qing Yan couldn't think of anything to retort, but she soon noticed that Su Mu's eyes widened slightly, and he turned towards the back of the room. "Is something wrong?"

If she wasn't wrong, the direction Su Mu had glanced at was where the entrance to the Medicine King's Valley was.

"Not really It's is better than I expected." Su Mu smiled, puzzling Dong Qing Yan, and just as she opened her mouth to ask something, he activated the Seven Divine Steps before disappearing.

"Huh?" Dong Qing Yan hurriedly looked around, unable to find an open window or door that Su Mu could've used as an exit. "How did he?"


"My dear disciple, are you sure we can find him here?" Meng Wuya, the 3rd Order Saint Realm Cultivator from the Tong Xuan Realm, looked at his beloved disciple, who was standing next to him.

"Yes, Master. Big Sister Su said he would visit the Medicine King's Valley soon." Xia Ning Chang answered, looking at the entrance to the Medicine King's Valley. "She said Brother Su wishes to visit the Myriad Drug Pond."

'What business does that brat have at the Myriad Drug Pond?' Meng Wuya pondered for a few seconds. 'Could it be related to the Saint Grade High Ranking Alchemist's inheritance he told me about?'

That was the only possibility he could think of.

Ever since learning about Su Mu's visit to the Medicine King's Valley, coupled with Meng Wuya's praise of Xiao Fu Sheng as an alchemist, Xia Ning Chang had been requesting him to take her there.

Generally, Meng Wuya wouldn't think twice about fulfilling his disciple's wishes, but knowing that her primary reason for this visit was Su Mu rather than alchemy, he felt disheartened.

"I still don't know how that girl Su Yan knew of his whereabouts without even knowing where he went." Meng Wuya muttered.

"That's a secret, Master." Xia Ning Chang smiled at him, and the Peak Saint Realm Cultivator blinked in surprise.

It was the first time his disciple had kept something a secret from him, which left him dumbfounded, and Su Mu's smiling image appeared inside him.

"It's all because of that corrupted and cursed" Meng Wuya angrily spat out, but before he could finish, an amused voice came from behind him and his disciple.

"Corrupted and cursed what, Treasurer Meng?"

'He managed to slip by my Divine Sense yet again!' Meng Wuya turned around stiffly, looking at Su Mu, who gave him the same smile that the former had imagined moments ago.

"Brother Su!"

Contrary to her master, Xia Ning Chang happily ran towards Su Mu, embracing him in a tight hug, and burying her face in his chest.

"It's been a while, Sister Xia." Su Mu hugged her back, patting the back of her head.

After they hugged for a minute, Xia Ning Chang decided to let go of him, turning back towards her master.

"Greetings, Treasurer Meng." Su Mu greeted Meng Wuya by cupping his fists, and the latter nodded.

"Your cultivation has improved leaps and bounds" Regardless of how Meng Wuya felt watching the little rascal pair up with his lovely disciple, especially when she stood next to him like a loving housewife, the old man couldn't help but acknowledge the inhumane speed of Su Mu's cultivation.

It was even better than one would expect from the inheritor of a Peak Saint Realm Cultivator.

"By the way, why are you two here?" Su Mu asked, genuinely curious about why the master and disciple duo had suddenly decided to visit the Medicine King's Valley.

Xia Ning Chang explained how Su Yan had told her about Su Mu's travel to the Medicine King's Valley, and how she had asked her master to take her to this place.

"Old Man..." After hearing everything Xia Ning Chang said, Su Mu turned towards Meng Wuya. "You really are a sucker for your disciple."

Su Mu didn't doubt that Meng Wuya would decimate this entire small world if Xia Ning Chang asked him to.

'This damned brat' Meng Wuya's mouth twitched, but he held it in. Xia Ning Chang looked happier than ever after reuniting with Su Mu, so he couldn't bring himself to ruin the moment, and instead, he asked. "I heard that you wish to enter the Myriad Drug Pond within the Medicine King's Valley. Is that true?"

"Indeed." Su Mu nodded without much thought.

"This old man can help you with that" Meng Wuya stated in an unusually proud and haughty tone.

He knew that the Myriad Drug Pond was a forbidden area within the Medicine King's Valley, a place that Su Mu could never sneak into on his own, but if Meng Wuya were to request Xiao Fu Sheng, it could be possible for him to visit that place.

It was time for the Saint Realm Cultivator to show his influence and might to the disrespectful junior who seduced his disciple.

Su Mu looked at Meng Wuya for a few seconds before he smiled, and watching that smile, a bad feeling emerged in the latter's heart.

"Sister Xia" Su Mu turned towards Xia Ning Chang, who looked back at him with curious eyes. "Do you wish to visit the Myriad Drug Pond with me?"

"I do." Xia Ning Chang nodded enthusiastically.

"Then, wouldn't it be better for us to find a way ourselves rather than relying on Treasurer Meng?" Su Mu continued, glancing at Meng Wuya from the corner of his eyes. "We can prove to him that we can look after ourselves. So until we reach the Pill Saint's Peak, Treasurer Meng can wait at the peak alone."

'Hold on' That wasn't how Meng Wuya imagined this conversation to continue.

"It won't take long, probably two or three months at best." Su Mu added, causing Xia Ning Chang to ponder.

'My disciple alone with this fiend for three months?' Meng Wuya almost cursed out loud at what Su Mu was playing at, but before he could say anything, his disciple opened her mouth.

"We can do that, Brother Su. It'll give Master some time for himself, too." Xia Ning Chang replied with a smile, and Su Mu's smile widened.

"Then, what are we waiting for?" Su Mu picked Xia Ning Chang up in his arms, carrying her like a princess.

"B-Brother Su!" Xia Ning Chang squealed in embarrassment, instinctively wrapping her hands around Su Mu's neck to stabilize herself.

Not long after, Su Mu activated the Seven Divine Steps before he disappeared with Xia Ning Chang, leaving Meng Wuya alone in the middle of the night, standing outside the gate of the Medicine King's Valley.




Almost 4000 words. Resurrect, readers.

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