Eat The World Tree

Chapter 129: Searching For The Old Power (3)

Chapter 129: Searching For The Old Power (3)

My head is throbbing.

It seems Ive used up all my strength and lost consciousness for a moment. The last thing I remembered was being captured and dragged away by the Cheonma.

When I suddenly opened my eyes due to the cold air, the night sky at dawn filled my view. I was lying in the mountains, like a beggar.

It seems getting beaten has become a part of my daily routine.

Getting beaten here. And there.

Now, I had even come to the past in person, only to be beaten by Cheonma. Chuckling, I sat up, and Cheonma, sitting right beside me, started to speak.

Are you awake?


He must have been meditating while waiting for me to wake up. This person really was relentless.

Despite the ordeal, his body was still so sturdy. Even after a fierce battle, an intriguing energy flowed on the surface of the elderly mans body.


The elderly man cut the conversation short.

Ill ask only three things. Where are you from?

From quite a far place. A place I cant describe in words.

The elderly man closed his eyes and slightly furrowed his brows.

Is that related to the power you currently possess?

A question that hit the nail on the head.

But I couldnt bring myself to give more than that as a response. Mentioning the future is prohibited.

I tried to speak, but my throat clenched shut as soon as I parted my lips. I attempted to nod, but even that movement was impossible. Seeing my hesitation, Cheonma kept silent as if he understood.

Who is the rotten old tree youre connected with?

Such a rude brat. If I were ten years younger, I would have twisted your neck right away.

What could I do if I was unable to answer? The elderly man continued to ride the flow of tranquil magic with his eyes closed.

You cant say where youre from, yet you use my power?


It seems you really shouldnt be here.

I couldnt even marvel at the elderly mans insight. He seemed to know more about my condition than I expected.

Right. Having that power means I must have engaged in some crazy actions too.

Why do you think so?

Just by looking into my eyes, Cheonma saw right through me.

The move you showed. It was exactly like mine.

Cheonmas power. He took great pride in his strength.

Its impossible for two martial arts born in the same era to share the same techniques. Think about it, the answer is already there. Will you still not speak?

As I remained silent, the elderly man chuckled.

You really cant speak, can you?

Just like that, once again, the elderly man quickly understood my situation. How he managed to see through me so thoroughly, I had no idea.

It was presumptuous of me to think I could understand the elderly man with my limited experience.

I couldnt possibly know the years, let alone the experiences Cheonma has gone through.

He had his own experiences. And its on that basis he could see through even this situation.

The word experience couldnt be more appropriate. It was clear why the World Tree of Time led me to Cheonma.

What brought you here?

Well, I dont know exactly myself.

The mute finally speaks. You dont know why youre here?


The sound of insects filled the air. The soft tones pleasantly filled the summer night in the mountains.

I received a scolding, but I still didnt know why I was here.

From the beginning, it was a past I came to without any purpose. Believing the words of the World Tree to find a purpose somewhere, I even had a conversation with Cheondo right in front of me.

But now, having met this elderly man, I couldnt help but naturally lean towards one side.

Personally, I would like to ask for your teachings.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I felt a great lack.

Though I had skills somewhat recognized by Cheondo, facing the real deal made me realize how much I lacked. This deficiency would surely hold me back in the future.

However, my request must have seemed like nothing more than the bold nonsense of an immature brat from the elderly mans perspective.

You havent answered any of my questions. Are you saying you just want to serve me blindly?

I will do everything you ask.

For how long?

That, I do not know.

So there was never anything decided from the start.

The elderly man, Cheonma, finally opened his eyes.

How much do you know about me?

Besides your title, I know nothing.

Is that so?

The elderly man laughed scornfully as if he found it amusing.

Do you know how many young warriors have asked me for teaching until now? Those who sought my guidance solely based on my name, with half-baked determination.

The name Cheonma. The warriors blinded by the weight and value contained in that name were numerous.

The elderly man raised his pinky finger.

Do you know whats the most appropriate way to test the determination of such fools?

I do not know.

Its pain.

Magic gathered at the tip of his finger. A flawless darkness enveloped his entire body.

Carving out flesh, gouging out eyes, cutting off arms then they naturally scream abuses and leave.

A faint pain was felt in my right arm. Turning my gaze, my skin appeared bluish as if poisoned.

Can you prove that youre different from those mediocrities?

Cheonma asked.

Really, if youre craving for power, try it. It was a grave warning in a way. With naive, young thoughts, one could end up crippled. It might be better to back out now.

I can.

I responded reflexively.

Refusing here could mean uncertainty for the future, a choice made out of a sliver of anxiety. And maybe a corner of my heart was hopeful that it wouldnt be a big deal. Pride based on the flimsy reasoning that Im accustomed to pain.

It was a tumultuous feeling, and that nod came from such a heart.


However, my concerns must have seemed too childish to Cheonma.

You lack determination.

A disappointed remark followed, then intense pain shot through one of my arms.

I couldnt even scream from the sudden agony.


Blood spurted from my partially severed arm.

How? By what means?

Falling to the ground from an attack I hadnt even noticed, Cheonma snorted and started down the mountain.

Come back tomorrow after youve reconsidered.


Pain so intense I couldnt even respond. Was the attack designed to amplify nerve sensitivity?

Veins protruded on the surface of my skin. Suppressing them with the power of healing, I bit my tongue and endured.

Agh, ah. Damn.

The intense pain gradually began to subside.

Ugh, hoo.

By the time I regained my senses, Cheonma had already left. I was left lying sprawled over a puddle of my own blood in the mountains.


Those damn insects were still buzzing around.

I thought I was going to die.

Did this mean he had some expectations of me? It was fortunate he didnt simply cut my throat on impulse.

To steel my resolve But how?

Certainly, to Cheonma, I must not have seemed reliable.

Its unheard of, to shamelessly seek martial arts teaching without any shame.

Perhaps whats fortunate was that Cheonma seemed to have seen through my circumstances to some extent. Maybe he was indirectly asking me.

Do you have a desperate reason to receive my teachings?

And to reflect on that resolve.

The problem is I dont even know why I was dragged here.

Even if there was a motive, whether it became desperate was another matter.

I think I lived my life with great diligence. But sometimes, to others, it might not seem that way.

And as always, the problem lies with me. It means I havent yet adapted to this world.

Is there no way?


As I was deep in thought, the nearby bushes shook.

Could it be a wild animal drawn by the smell of blood, even though theres no wind?


A small head popped out of the bushes. It was someone I knew.

Why did you come?

To my question, the girl with leaves in her hair responded bluntly.

I came to see the biggest fool in the world.

Cheondo. She seemed a bit rushed, with leaves and spiderwebs all tangled in her hair.

Hey, calling an adult a fool?

Adults dont do such strange things.

Cheondos hands were full of bandages and medicines. Her martial arts uniform pockets were bulging, seemingly having brought everything she could find.

Master hates it the most when someone asks to be accepted as a disciple. He says its for him to decide, not you guys. Hes probably tired of hearing that all his life.

I see.

Its impressive you didnt die. It seems youve caught the Masters eye.

Although the bleeding had stopped, Cheondo personally disinfected the remaining wounds and tightly wrapped them with bandages.


After the treatment, I got slapped on the shoulder with her palm. The nerves were still sensitive, so I couldnt help but yelp.

All that power, those things you showed I have many questions. But I wont ask. You must have your reasons.

After saying that, Cheondo gave a reluctant smile. It was a look of curiosity, yet she chose not to pry.

Since she was young, Cheondo has always been so mature. I couldnt help but admire her anew.

Oh, right.

Cheondo clapped her hands, then reached into the collar of her garment and pulled out something wrapped in leaves, handing it to me.

Here, take this.

Unwrapping the leaves revealed a bunch of rice balls.

Ugly rice balls filled with various vegetables and sesame oil, steaming slightly.

My mouth watered. I immediately popped a rice ball into my mouth.

I just brought whatever was left in the kitchen. Hope it suits your taste.

Cheondo stood with her arms crossed, snorting with pride. I swallowed my laugh, filled with a sense of satisfaction from the food in my mouth.

The clumsily shaped rice balls were too salty. No one with cooking skills would make them like this. And since the rice was freshly made, it was still hot.

Its delicious. You did a good job.

Really? Anyway, Im going to leave now.

Ah, right, come here before you go. You shouldnt walk around with stuff like this stuck in your hair.

I stopped Cheondo from leaving and carefully picked out the leaves and spiderwebs from her hair, one by one. Without a word, she accepted it and then scampered off like a rabbit.

When she was young, she really was different.

From a bright face to a smiling expression. Of course, I was not saying the current Cheondo was completely different, as if reborn.

The anxiousness to care for someone was similar to reality. Her inability to be straightforward was also very Cheondo-like.

I watched her disappearing back, then leaned against a suitable rock.

When will morning come? Time seemed to stand still.

[Lee Shiheon.]

Ah, youre here.

[What happened today was extraordinary. I had to use my powers to reconnect.]

Its within my abilities.

[I see. As expected, the Spirit King]

The World Tree murmured in admiration before continuing the conversation.

[Will you return today?]

No. Ill hold out until tomorrow. I need to understand what Im lacking.

What did it mean to lack resolve?

Taken literally, there was no way for me to understand. I needed to become stronger. That desire was still strong in me. It was for that reason I have trained so hard, squeezing out every drop of blood.

Looking up at the starry night sky, I pondered again.

I thought about shouting out loud due to the sudden surge of emotion but soon stopped myself.


A raindrop fell, bouncing off my forehead and running down my cheek, moistening the soil.

What I always wanted was one thing.

To end everything and return to daily life. Whether it be the hometown where I once lived or the place with Lee Seyeong and Cheondo, it didnt matter.

The unease of not realizing when someones blade is pointed at my back was something I wanted to escape from more than anything.


As if having read my mind, the World Tree whispered to me.

[I understand. Theres one way to fulfill what you desire. It will cost me some of my lifespan, but under the current circumstances, it seems the most efficient method.]

Go ahead.


Before even hearing it, I had already answered. Cheonma told me I lacked resolve.

The World Tree sent me to the past to change the future.

I had talent. There were opportunities. All the recognitions and achievements I had received so far, none of them would have been easy without it.

But the me in the future didnt succeed. What exactly was the reason

[Then, please close your eyes.]

What for?

[Listen carefully. Please, think of it as just a nightmare for one night.]

The World Tree warned me with a worried voice.


My arm, injured earlier, started to ache.

Accompanied by a deep drowsiness, I willingly let my eyelids fall.

[Im sorry.]

An unseen sewer.

A tired body. It felt like I was waking up from a long dream. Was the trip to the past just a dream, and this the reality? The reality felt in both hands makes me deny all past experiences.

Dry skin and the stench brushing against my nose. A massive weight presses down on both arms.

Someone was lying in my arms.


Water drips from my chin. My head is soaked. Moisture lingers all over my body, and my eyes sting.

The cold skin of the person felt beyond my hands. Water drips from my chin again.

What is this?

My face reflected in the sewers filthy water.

A distorted smile. So much so, I doubt if I was the one smiling.

With a horrible sense of dj vu in my trembling hands, I gathered magic above my grasp to create light. The face of the person cradled in my arms is revealed.

Green hair. Eyes closed, a woman with a drooped posture.

A woman with a peaceful face, despite the horror she had faced. Below her pale face, blood had solidified.

Realizing who it was and how it had happened, my mind became a mess, and I couldnt stop thinking.


I was at a loss for words.

Ah, ahah.

A ringing filled my ears.


A tremendous pressure weighed on my chest.

Thump, sinking feelings. As if slowly descending into the deep, dark sea. How much time needed to pass before I awaken from this dream? No matter how much I pondered, no answer came.

It was a sorrowful dream ().

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