Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 249 Devastating Exchange

Chapter 249  Devastating Exchange

Previously, Goddess Pele had thought that she would be able to easily eliminate Clyde after exerting a little bit more of her power. However, what she is experiencing now proves otherwise.

Clyde was able to prove that he could issue enough strength to keep up with her. That was not a good thing for a Celestial like her, and it was starting to make the Goddess feel anxious.

The lightning that flowed in her hand began to spread from her arm which was holding the blade of the sword. Goddess Pele felt a sting that was getting more and more painful from the lightning. So she decided to stay away from Clyde for now.

Goddess Pele let go of the Eldgerglass Sword and jumped back. However, unexpectedly for her, who thought that Clyde would also keep his distance, Clyde instead rushed towards her with incredible ferocity.

Goddess Pele gritted her teeth as she stared into those bloodthirsty eyes. Clyde covered his body with bluish-white lightning to increase his speed several times.


In the blink of an eye, Clyde was right in front of Goddess Pele who wanted to get away. Then he swung the two swords in his hand simultaneously.


Lightning and fire combined to deal damage to Goddess Pele. Unfortunately, she still managed to move her hand in time to block the attack.

Clyde kicked her in the stomach, sending the Goddess flying backward and hitting a rising ground. An explosion was created when the Goddess' body hit the ground and flames spread around.

Clyde grinned, feeling every inch of his body enveloped by overwhelming power. After a long time finally, he could use all his strength.

Clyde just had never exerted this much power before because all he fought against were the creatures that inhabited the Ruin or the followers who were clearly below the Celestials in strength.

But right now he was fighting a real Celestial. So of course, even with all his might, Clyde still had a bit of a hard time.

He stared at the large hole where he had kicked Goddess Pele and grinned. 'Maybe, I really will be able to kill her. I wonder what kind of power I will get once I kill her.'


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The explosion of the volcano happened again. Clyde turned and saw the fog getting thicker and lava jumping from the hole at the top. Clyde didn't have to think hard to know that the volcano must have responded to the Goddess' feelings.

Immediately, Clyde abandoned his happy thoughts at being able to kill the Celestial. The Goddess must still have some kind of hidden power that she will use when she feels cornered.


The ground where Goddess Pele was thrown exploded, she came out of it and floated in the air. This time her body was enveloped in flames.

Previously, Goddess Pele was still keeping her humanoid form, but now she has completely gotten rid of that form.

In addition to her entire body being covered in burning fire, her eyes had turned bright orange like glass which reflected the power of the fire in her body. Her hair is now flaring upwards, just like the fire which is so strong after being doused with gasoline.

The heat was emitting from the Goddess' body. The heat was much more intense than before which made all the grass and leaves of the plants around immediately wither, even falling from their branches.

The place that was previously cool and beautiful has become devastated, a vast stretch of barren land. The green turns brown. The air was filled with heat waves that the Goddess continuously released.

Clyde realized his disadvantage, he was fighting in the domain of the Goddess so of course he couldn't beat her yet, unless with more overwhelming power.

Clyde immediately added his remaining Points to his Stats and Skills.

[ Burning Hand (Lv.30) > (Lv.50) ]

[ Pure Lightning (Lv.30) > (Lv.50) ]

[ Agility (30 > 40) ]

[ Magic Power (35 > 40) ]

After using his remaining Stat and Skill Points, Clyde felt another surge of power flowing through every inch of his body. He gripped the two swords in his hands even tighter and prepared for Goddess Pele's impending attack.

However, Goddess Pele felt doubt in her heart. Previously, she only felt anger because Clyde had infiltrated and disturbed the peace of her domain and made her have to be in trouble like this.

Yet now, the Goddess felt Clyde's power grow again. She didn't know what was going on. How could a human like him have this kind of power? Could his master Celestial provide this much power?

'No. That's not possible,' the Goddess thought.

A Celestial also needed their power to sustain their life. No matter how strong a follower of a Celestial is, they wouldn't be able to put up this much resistance to other Celestials. However, Clyde is different.

Goddess Pele realized that now her mind was no longer filled with anger. Clyde is different.

'I have to make sure.'

Goddess Pele focused her mind on giving a bound to Clyde's power of system.

However, she can't feel her power over Clyde's power of system.


The Goddess frowned, confused and anxious. How is it possible that the bound doesn't work? Isn't that the essence of the Aetheric Record - the power of system - in the bodies of all followers?

'Is that possible...'

Now, in the Goddess' mind, a possibility arose. That Clyde might be a different entity, not just a follower of a Celestial but something else completely different.

Clyde frowned and looked up at Goddess Pele, who was still serving above. He was still in a stance to receive whatever attack came from the Goddess. Yet for a few seconds, the Goddess just stared at him without doing anything else.

Clyde of course couldn't see Goddess Pele's expression with all the fire enveloping her so Clyde didn't know that the Celestial was feeling confused and worried.

Seeing no progress from this fight Clyde decided to attack first. He dashed with a body covered in fire and lightning and kicked the ground to dash toward the Goddess.

Goddess Pele was shocked by Clyde's actions. It was enough to shake off all Goddess Pele's daydreams about Clyde's power and existence.

In the blink of an eye, with his speed, Clyde was already in front of Goddess Pele, accompanied by white, bluish, and reddish rays coming from her sides. It was the Elderglass Sword and Inferno Blade that swung down at her neck together.


Goddess Pele raised her arms just in time to block the two swords. But she felt pressure and a sting that she didn't expect to happen.


The moaning sign of struggle did not escape Clyde's attention. When he realized that the Celestial he was fighting finally seemed to be struggling because of his power, Clyde could not help but grin in satisfaction.

Clyde drew both swords and then swung them again to hit the Goddess' body.

simultaneously in a barrage of slashes. Lightning and fire alternated to hit the Goddess' body.





The clashing sound of both Clyde's swords and Goddess Pele's body resounded throughout the area. They were back in the same exchange of attacks as a few moments before. Heat, flashes of fire and lighting, and a Mana storm spread around.

Creatures and followers within this domain felt the pressure of their battle.

Some were still able to stand, though with struggle. But some of the others had already collapsed to the ground with expressions of pain. They wondered, what really happened? But only a few that was around the place where Clyde and Goddess Pele fight know the reason.

In the center of the chaotic Mana storm, Clyde and Goddess Pele engage in a battle, trying to destroy each other.

Goddess Pele stretched out her hands, conjuring a searing wave of fire that rushed toward Clyde.

The intense heat threatened to consume him, but it turned out to be not as bad as he thought.

The armor he was wearing started to burn and crumble; but his body did not feel any pain. He only felt like he was being blown by warm air while in fact, it was the fire from Goddes Pele herself.

Clyde's innate fire resistance that he got after bathing in the hot water pond created a protective aura that shielded him from the blistering flames.

Clyde grinned. Seeing that grin, Goddess Pele widened her orange, glowing eyes. It was at that moment the Goddess realized, that her fire powers weren't too useful.

Clyde channeled his Mana into the Inferno Blade, making the flames on the blade burn even brighter than before. And then, he thrust his sword forward with all his might.


Clyde shot a pillar of fire that shot towards Goddess Pele. A roaring fire erupted from the tip of Inferno Blade, spiraling towards the Goddess.

The searing flames are twisted and contorted, forming a swirling vortex of pure fire. The intensity of the blaze grew with each passing moment, consuming the air and casting an ominous glow across the battlefield.


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