Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 250 Subjugation

The domain experienced something its inhabitants had never imagined before. An incident where their master, the Goddess of Fire herself, experienced a shocking and horrible incident.

To the followers of the Celestials, their master was the most powerful being in the multiverse and no one would dare to even think about challenging them to a fight. Yet somehow, suddenly the intruders came and created a mess like this in their domain.

All of Pele's followers groaned and moaned in their places. They fell to the ground and writhed, feeling a sudden, unbearable stinging pain. When they looked up, they saw that that great volcano was dying out.

It lost the fire that was raging before, leaving only a thick fog that was getting thinner as well.

What had happened? The followers thought. There is only one thing that can cause the great volcano to lose its power, that is if their master also loses her power.

But that shouldn't be possible because their master is a Celestial. And she was fighting against the intruders in her domain, so all the advantages should be on her side.


Suddenly, a Mana storm came and swept all the followers to several places considerably far from the area where Goddess Pele fought with Clyde. They did know anything that happened, however, they felt their body getting weaker and more painful.

This yellowish Mana Storm brought pain and destruction to places in this domain and not just the followers. Seeing that, they also understood that maybe something bad had indeed happened to their master. However, they can do nothing and can only writhe in pain while wondering, what really happened in that place?


While in the place where they fight, Clyde's attack which was created from condensed flames and formed a spiraling pillar, hit Goddess Pele strongly.

The Goddess looked down, only to find a hole in her stomach. She then collapsed to the ground with a weak body. The fire around her body was extinguished; her body was now covered in black embers that were fiery flames before. 

Clyde saw his opponent collapse and smiled. 'I really have defeated a Celestial.'

Clyde almost laughed with pleasure, but he held it in knowing he couldn't let his guard down before the Goddess was truly dead.

He walked towards her with both swords still clutched tightly in his hands, ready to be swung if the situation needed it.

The attack just now not only destroyed a large part of Goddess Pele's stomach but also devastated the realm behind her. Clyde saw the forests, plains, and mountains ripped apart by his attack. The damage only stopped after a few hundred meters.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Clyde stopped and stood beside the Goddess who was staring at him with eyes that had returned to being human. She looked confused, scared, and in shock.

"Who are you?" Goddess Pele asked. Her voice couldn't be heard shaking despite a hole in her stomach. Clyde thought it was quite impressive.

"I'm just an intruder," Clyde said. "Tell me where I can find the path to the Nexus of Creation."

Clyde decided that he couldn't waste time as the Goddess Pele might not have long to live with such a large wound in her stomach. So he asked directly about what he wanted to know.

"So you are not a follower of any of the Celestials," Goddess Pele said.

Clyde snorted. "No. You better tell me quickly. That way you'll still have time to... maybe heal yourself. Or wait for help from your followers."

Goddess Pele stared at Clyde in silence for a few moments, considering her odds. If she said it then she would reveal the greatest secret to the Celestials. Which would make all Celestials, not just herself, vulnerable to this man.

However, the Goddess knows that now her life will truly end if she doesn't say what Clyde wants.

"Come on!" Clyde pointed the still-burning Inferno Blade at her neck. "I will count to three."

"Let's talk about this first," Goddess Pele said.

"One," Clyde said.

"If you wanted to go to the Nexus of Creation to destroy it that would be a big mistake. You will destroy not only the Celestials but all the multiverses."

Clyde hesitated. He stopped his count.

"I don't know who you are, and why you want to find the Nexus of Creation. But if you do, you're putting yourself in danger as well."

"I just want to know how to fight the Celestials," Clyde said.

"You can do it already, can't you?" Goddess Pele replied.

"I can fight you one by one. I'm sure I can kill some but the others will just keep coming. So I want to make you guys unable to fight back," Clyde said.

Goddess Pele's eyes moved quickly for a moment as she was thinking. And then she said. "I might be able to give you a way to do that. As I said, you can't just destroy the Nexus of Creation. With my help, you can gain immense power to take on Celestials all at once without having to destroy the Nexus."

Clyde narrowed his eyes. 'Maybe I can make use of this Celestial. If I had a Celestial as an ally or spy, wouldn't that be great? she seems too scared to die now.'

Seeing a powerful being laying before him made Clyde feel an extraordinary sense of pride. But he resisted the urge to laugh now.

"Give me something so I can trust you won't betray me," Clyde said.

"I will give you my Oath. I will swear with my power that I will not betray you," Goddess Pele replied.

"And will obey my orders," Clyde said.

"What?" Goddess Pele suddenly acted as if she was going to start fighting again. But the tip of the Inferno Blade that stuck to her neck and started to burn her skin extinguished that attitude.

"Give me your oath, that you will not betray me and will obey my orders," Clyde confirmed. "Or, I can kill you now."

Goddess Pele took a deep breath and said. "Very well."

Swearing to her power that she would obey Clyde's orders was like she would become his slave. The Goddess of Fire never imagined that she would become a slave to an unknown creature.

However, this unknown creature has enough strength to overpower her and could kill her if he so chooses. Goddess Pele felt that with that in mind, the decision she would make wouldn't be that bad.

"What is your name?" Goddess Pele asked.


And so, Goddess Pele started to chant her Oath.

"I swear upon the Celestial's Oath, bound by my power given by the Nexus, that I shall never betray you, and obey all your commands, Clyde. With my domain as my witness, I pledge my unwavering loyalty and devotion, forever bound to your cause."

After he heard Goddess Pele say that, Clyde felt something happen to him. Foreign energy was created within him.

[ You have obtained the Oath of a Celestial: Goddess Pele! ]

[ You now have power over her! ]

[ Congratulations! You have accomplished the impossible task! ]

[ You have obtained The Oath of Subjugation from Goddess Pele. ]

[ New Title Unlocked: The Celestial's Master (Goddes Pele) (Lv.1) ]

[ Title Effect: You will gain full power over Goddess Pele even without activating this Title. ]

After getting these notifications, Clyde could heave a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a rift appeared above the sky. Clyde felt a great power coming from within the rift.

"I'll continue you again later," Clyde said. Then he took the stone that Hammer gave him and broke it.

Moments later Clyde disappeared into particles of green light, leaving Goddess Pele inside lying weak with a gaping hole in her stomach.

She never imagined that this day would finally come. A Celestial like her who had ruled the multiverse with seemingly limitless power was finally defeated, even nearly dead, at the hands of a lower being.

A few moments later from the rift appeared a man with wavy blonde hair that reached his shoulders. He was holding a golden staff that emitted light.

"Pele!" When he saw Goddess Pele lying in such a terrible wound, he immediately flew to her.

As soon as the man reached the Goddess Pele's side, he knelt down and brought his hand to the Goddess' injured stomach.

"What happened to you?" God Kane - the man with blonde hair - asked in a worried tone. He had come straight from the Far East after sensing the danger in this place. It seems he came late.

"Kane," Goddess Pele said. "Something has changed. We... are no longer the strongest beings in the multiverse."

God Kane frowned and then looked at Goddess Pele with an astonished expression. "What are you talking about?"

"You see what happened here? This was all caused by that being," Goddess Pele replied.

God Kane still doesn't believe her words. However, everything he saw seemed to say the same thing as what Goddess Pele said.

"Who... who is it?" God Kane asked.

"A powerful being named Clyde."


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