Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 343 Enigma's Seven Paths

"Why overthink things, there are a lot of realms, let's just each go to one." The second clone said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"They fused remember." The third corrected.


"It's still fine isn't it, even if they have fused, the Realms are still quite large aren't they?" The first inquired.

"True. Anyway, I don't care about you all, but I'm going back home, I call dibs." The fifth said when everyone was busy trying to find solutions, immediately out-smarting himself.




Silence pervaded throughout the small garden, as all Paths stared at each other. There were silently comprehending the fifth Path's words, and how they made complete sense.

"...In that case, I call dibs in the Mortal Realm." The fouth also decided to choose a place for himself since everyone was silent, also triggering a chain reaction.

"I call dibs on the Heavenly Divine Realm!!!" Third immediately and forcefully said, afraid that the others will fight with him.

"I call dibs on the Hell section of the Abyssal Hell!!" First also hurriedly said, followed by second, "I call dibs on Purgatory!!"

"Wait, so I don't get to do anything?" The sixth Path, also the .ain body, wondered as he looked at his Paths. 'Huh? Wait, what?'



"...There are no more places we can go to, though."

"What about the future?" First wondered, causing everyone to look at him in silence, wondering how deep was their own curiosity.





"Forget it, I'll go explore the Endless Sea instead." No matter how suicidal or inspirational he was, the difficulty of the initial phase of his Ragnarok was still SSS, let alone the true ragnarok. So he had to keep himself busy.

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"Then it's decided, first let's check out the Templates." Second said. There was no concept of who was the main body, or who was Greater than who.

The reason the 'main' was called main body was because they all originated from him. But they were still one person regardless of that. Even he was just a Path, with the favor of bearing the burden of being the main Enigma.

As for the one with Fate? He was Path Zero. Teach and En Jue, and the En Siblings were not considered Paths as of now, but maybe soon? He just had a hunch that they would be a part of him soon enough.


True God Template

Name: Enigma Mystique

Age: 207 (20)

Status: Healthy

Reincarnation: ~~~

Cultivation: Finalized Final Ascendency True God [7/25 000]

Faith Points: 001 311

Faith Power: 004 304

Faith Essence: 006 748

Extreme Empyrean Physiology Refinement Technique: 5% [(×192/year) • (24 years = 6%)]



Reiki: 429 Septillion units (÷1×10⁹⁶) [×100/year] (÷7)

Mundane Divinity(8): Rabbit God, God of Thunder, God Maker, Personification of Divinity, Pale God, God of Dimensions, Dream God, Nightmare Abomination

Unique Divinity(10): False Reality, God of Charm, God of Abominations, Dragon God of Fortune, Elemental God, Binary Child, Spatial-Temporal Lord, Nature Presider, The Great Devourer, Representative of Ancients

Ultimate Divinity(2): Eradicator of All Things, Lord of Infinite Origins

Main Divinity(2): The Lord, Father of Primordial Life and Jade Reincarnation

Law Fragments(0): –––

True Law(37): [Tribulation: 100%]  [Chaos: 100%]  [Wind: 100%]  [Illusion: 100%]  [Aura: 100%]  [Water: 100%]  [Gravity: 100%]  [Fire: 100%]  [Void: 100%]  [Stars: 100%]  [Grandiose: 100%]  [Thunder: 100%]  [Creation: 100%]  [Divinity: 100%]  [Falsity: 100%]  [Battle: 100%]  [Collosal: 100%]  [Reiki: 100%]  [Charm: 100%]  [Abomination: 100%]  [Fortune: 100%]  [Anti: 100%]  [Judgement: 100%]  [Law: 100%]  [Binary: 100%]  [Knowledge: 100%]  [Soul: 100%]  [Dreams: 100%]  [Nightmares: 100%]  [Reality: 100%]  [Health: 100%]  [Reincarnation: 100%]  [Dimensions: 100%]  [Time: 100%]  [Nature: 100%]  [Devour: 100%] [Rulership: 100%]



Bloodline: Progenitor of Divinity (???)

Constitution: Omniversal Sovereign (???)

Physique: Innate Adaptation (???)

Providence(5): Fantasy Verse (Zenith), Primordial Elemental(Fantasy), The Miracle (???), Spiritual Origin Trinity(Fantasy), Prognitor of Existence(Fantasy)

Artifacts(4): Fate - Series(???), Serenity(Ruin), ????(Ruin), Khaos(Ruin)

Chances: 3

Resources(13): Orb of Divinity(×3), Skill Evolution: Divine(×10), Lesser God Fragment(×1), Shard of Flowing Blood(×1), Blood River(×1), Dreamweaver Fragment(×1), Empty Divine Vessel(×1), Eye of Sphinx(×1), Supreme Divine Blood(×1), Rainbow Phoenix Feather(×3), Bone of Traverse(×1), Barrels of Faith(×2500)


Offspring(5): Jade(Godlin), Diey(Godlin), Noctis(Godlin), Michu(Godlin), Michelle(Godlin), ???(Godlin)

Overall Boost: +38 Billion%(Laws ÷ 7) +143 True%(Domain ÷ 7)

Pantheon Boost: 555% + 3 775% (Enigma)

Divine Power: 8,4×10¹⁵ units [×100/year] (÷2)

Recovery Rate: 1×10³⁶

Faith Discount: 99%

Fragments: 15 581 578 (2,2 million/annum)

Shards: 730 (120/annum)


Their Template was presented as such, being quite simple after all the Skills and unnecessary parts were subtracted.

"Quick question, if we Devour a god now, will the stats be shared equally amongst us?" First asked after a moment of silence and contemplation.

"Hold on, I'll be back." Third said and vanished out of the room, appearing within a forest. He spread out his hand, releasing silver Mist that shaped itself into a dog head.

The mist spread out and devoured a small Demigod beast, a large butterfly, which looked different than the one that attacked him and Allen back then.

And this was not revenge, don't get the wrong idea. He convinced himself as such, as he used Divinity Devouring on the Demigod Beast, breaking it down into nutrients.

"You have devoured a Demigod variant. You have recieved 60% of its stats and energy reserves, ×37 Overall Stats, 451 units of Reiki and 451 000 units of divine power"

"Hmm..." He finished absorbing the nutrients and teleported back at the room, immediately asking the irrelevant question, "So did you—"

"Yup, got it too." Second cut him off.

"You should not bother asking next time, we share the same thoughts. For now though." Fouth also added with a sigh.


Third sighed, and could only accept his wrong. He then ignored the others and initiated a conversation with the system about something important, "Hey system, what is this Essence you keep talking about and the excess stats."

The others immediately stopped checking out their templates and listened on carefully.

"Excess Stats can be used to increase the Lord's stats as long as they have not reached the current limit. They can also be used on others, increasing their stats permanently"

"Essence refers to the Innate energy making up everything a being is. The essence of an Cosmic being is considered the birth of another small Universe out there, within the influence of the Fantasy Verse. It also determines the Providence of a being"

"Damn, this is amazing. So we are absorbing the Providence of beings out there?." Sixth thought aloud as he read what the system's reply might imply, ignoring the Originity it took for itself.

"We can continuously increase our Providence despite being True Gods?!" First wondered out loud, but fifth cut him off. "No, idiot, we can use it on our believers, to give them Providence above their league instead." He said, but third laughed at him and asked playfully, "Did you just call yourself an idiot?"

"Aren't you laughing at yourself too?" Fifth retorted as well.

"Enough, instead of staying here and playing around like kids, each of you, go to your required stations." Sixth sighed and decided to interject between all of them. He resembled himself more than the others.

Then he thought of something and added, "We can use both the essence and excess stats to give our top believers higher stats and Providence of higher leagues to make them stronger."

"But before that, we have to reach the cap with out stats, before we can give them to others." He said, but fifth raised his hand and inquired with a frown, "But, there are no enemies at home."

"Suit yourself then." First snickered, ignoring the fact that they were considered one person. While fouth patted fifth's back, "Don't worry, you can rely on us to get them for you."

Sixth also added, "Yeah, since we share literally anything and everything, you can enjoy yourself and take care of Jade. She's bored by herself... and also Bella."

"Yes yes, whoever is going to the Abyssal Hell, should also pay Louise a visit. We can't neglect our treasured fiancee." Fifth said, looking towards First. "Sure, I'll do that if I have the time. Whose going to the mortal world."

"Enough, all of you scatter." Third said, chasing everyone to go to their respective stations, chasing even the main representative, who was supposed to be the leader.

"Yes yes." First vanished, heading towards the Abyssal Hell, and his first stop was obviously where there are a lot of Demon Gods. Second also vanished, followed by forth.

Fifth and main exchanged glances and vanished as well. Leaving only third, who was left by himself. "Hahaha, what should I do first? From being overly powerful, I'm now back to being this weak huh."

Most amongst the Paths, including himself, had yet to designate a certain Skill Tree to truly become a Path. Only the Path that left with Allen was the true Path amongst them, Enigma's Path of Fate. 'But it doesn't matter. Ill forge a Skill Tree suitable for me.' He thought with a smile.

He then floated up and vanished from the room, appearing high up in the sky, overlooking the entire Realm. "I realized that despite being one person, each of us seems to have a particular variation of our main personality. Now now, I wonder what kind of variation will I have." He thought, unaware of the fact that... the gods, had already seen him as the master of Ragnarok.

Because the position he stood at, was the main position where the dark clouds converged to, as if illustrating a doorway to another world, with him below it as if the entrant from the door.

"Now, shall we?" He smirked, eager to see how much progress would occur with him joining the Ragnarok. His personality seemed to be affected by the law of Void he ruled over, making him impassive and destructive to all unrelated him.

Meanwhile, Great Terra, would experience one of the Greatest Purge it has ever experienced ever since its creation.

Because not one, but five Major Ragnaroks had appeared at the same time, spreading throughout the whole world.

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