Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 63 Mimi's Chronicles: Bonding In Hell I

Hell Realm, Outskirts

The Sixty-eighth Red Region

A gaint dragon lay below a cliff, sunbathing while being submerged in a pool of burning sulphur. It's size alone was hundred of meters tall and kilometers long, a titanic dragon in the flash.

And tens of thousands of humanoid demons with scales covering their ashy bodies, 'happily' scrubbed the body of the dragon. They did it so happily and willingly, that one wouldn't believe that they were forced into it.

And in between the brows of the giant dragon, an elven young ranger lay on top of its head and also sunbathe under the burning sun, or the burning stars acting as suns of Hell.

Her hair was now long and unkempt, but that did not decrease her charm. Her body was also the same, her breasts and curves did not grow any larger, but her face was more cuter.

"Hey, Mimi." The young elf, Noelle opened her emerald eyes as she looked up at the sky fearlessly. "When do you think we'll be able to go home?"

"Don't ask me, how would I know that?" Mimi transmitted her thoughts to Noelle as opening her mouth would quake the sorounding place or cause large magnitude earthquakes.

She could barely move right now because of her titanic size. Let alone speak and even breathe normally. It was disastrous anyhow.


Noelle ignored those words and decided not to comment. But she couldn't help but retort mentally, 'And who told me not to worry a few months ago again? Yeah, that's right, YOU!! Now big sister and the others will surely spank me dead when I get back home!!! Waaaa~.'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Mother, we are done scrubbing your lovely and delicate scales!!!" One of the red scaled lizardmen, one with a hint of black on his scales and seemed more like a dragon, shouted from the neck of the dragoness.

He was quite handsome for a lizardmen, as even the most picky humans would still fall in love with him. He had nice and thick muscles, that made him seem powerful even qith his childish figure.

His body was likewise tall and lean for a child his age. With two small horns cutesy peaking out from the top of his ears, making him seem like an adorable small demon.

His face, that slightly resembled Mimi's childish features, was the only human-like feature of him. The combination only making him even more cuter than average.

"Is that so? Polish them then." Mimi indifferently commanded them to go through the torture once again. Jill was her illegitimate child, in other words, a product of asexual reproduction.

True gods were nothing different than other mortal races, either than that they were not defined by common sense and had far many godly powers than Deities of this world.

To true gods, illegitimate and legitimate children only referred to beings birthed normally as a residents of this world or natural born Godlins respectively.

Children born with people of this world were also not Godlins. For example, Enigma's three daughters... well, for some reason, were somehow considered Godlins.

Another example would be Cheryl's children, Michelle and Michu, who for some reason aa well, were, also Godlins... Okay then, a proper example would be Jill. Jill was born from the reverse scale of Mimi, thus making him her eldest son, or descendent.

Unlike Godlins, who aged once every ten years, he instead aged normally and was no different than normal demons.

Aside from having unlimited potential due to being Mimi's child, or being born out of an important aspect of her being. He also had a very thin bloodline of Mimi.

If he were a Godlin, not only would he have been born as a Half Deity, he would age once every ten years and have a the complete bloodline of their parent.

But it did not mean that illegitimate children were weak, an example was still Jill. The small bloodline from his mother still gave him strength, speed and mana far greater than his peers. At least by thrice compared to them. His strength being ten times!!

And, illegitimate children were still children of a true god. Their potential could be vied for. They were also born with a few abilities (not Providence) from their parents. While Godlins could inherit the Providence from their parents, chances were very low though.

"Y-Yes!!!" Jill couldn't help but almost fall down from her neck due to shock. But he still managed to squeeze out a reply and bitterly stared at the people his mother forced to work with him.

It's been months since he was born, but he looked no different than a three year old. This was because he was already a Low-ranked Demon, thanks to his mother's nurturing.

For every rank breakthrough, his body aged physically by three years. From Demonic critter to Low-ranked Demon, three years, which was why he seemed quite aged despite being a few months old.

He was the equivalent to a mortal Epic. Unfortunately, this group that his mother bestowed to him were stronger. Their weakest were like him, Low-ranked and their warriors, who fought in the front likes were at the High-ranked.

As for the previous leader and the true powerhouses of this race, were at the Demon Chief and Demon Lord realm. Two and three realms above him.

Luckily, his mother was still here. He proudly held his head high and commanded the red-scaled lizardmen to start polishing his beautiful mother's scales. The lizardmen didn't dare disobey him.


Looking at all of this, Noelle, who was still a Great master didn't know what to say. She realised that, in the grand picture, she was still very weak. Even someone stronger than her was being bullied by his 'mother'.

Someone only a few months old was even stronger than her. The world was completely unfair. But then again, she did not have the bloodline of a god, so it was fine.

She was only related to one, was blessed by two, and had a divine artifact. Okay, maybe life is not so unfair after all.


Plus, no matter which aspect, as a mortal, she could not rival with the Son of a 'God'. Even if he was just born months ago, he was leagues above the current her.

"...You think I'm bullying them?" Mimi opened her eyes, which rivaled a hill in size, and looked up at sky as well. Such a question popped up in Noelle's head when she felt the silence.

"...They're your slaves, not mine." Noelle hesitated at first but still responded at the end, albeit quite stifly. She couldn't help but think back to Enigma, he sure treated his people differently alright.

Thinking about it more, could her sisters sisters enjoying more rewards by being together with him? While she was stranded here with a pitiful goddess that only knew how to bully.

The thought alone was bitter, as she wanted wanted go back home even more so. Not being aware that even her so called sisters, don't know how the care of their god was like.


As for Mimi, it was not that she was a cold-hearted god, in fact, she was soft. Just that she sometimes could not sympathize with the weak. It was one of her bad habits that she couldn't change.

Plus, it's not like they aren't getting payed. Their lord will become a true demon king soon, alleviating the status half a step to becoming Mythical-grade soon.

A population of almost a million demons with one demon king and a Demon Lords. Unfortunately, to make it Mythical-grade, she would need probably around ninty-nine more demon kings.

Ten thousand people with one demon king was enough to make it Mythical, then a million would likewise need a hundred demon King's right? Yes, right.

It was pity that she was "almost" and not "above" one million. Because if she was, she would recieve a boost of ×5 on all apparatus by the time her hundred quotas became a million.

That was one way to increase faith. Luckily she still had plenty of time to solve that problem. For, for her to have a million quotations for believers, she would have to be a Rank 5 True God.

The way to increase quotas was through breakthroughs which multiple it by ten. Or she could just wait until four years later for the achievement boards and mission boards to be circulated among the true gods by the towers.

This was why true gods still preferred to rule over a lot of people like Athena instead of ruling over a small population. The larger the population, the larger the boost in the future.

For example, if she had one hundred and fifty demon Kings and a 1,5 million population, her believers would be at Mythical while, let's say their faith was Worship.

She would recieve 24 (faith/worship) + 500% (forth league racial limit) × 10 (100+ Deities) × 5 (plane population/a million+) = 7,2 units of faith power per month.

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