Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 61 [Bonus ]Excruciating Demise

Although he wouldn't go down without a fight, that doesn't mean that there weren't individuals in this world who would go through tooth and nail to bring him down with them.

"Squeak!! Squeak!!!"

As Prince Wyatt dragged Knight Camille's body toward the edge of the ship, he saw a rat dyed with blood, dragging a ripped portion of the Knight's insides, and making its way out of her belly.

Raising his brow at the grotesque view, he sent a thought towards Bones, making him stay rooted in his spot as he dined on whatever piece of flesh he had brought out with him.

Sending another thought towards Toothless who was patiently waiting for him outside the edge of the ship, Prince Wyatt ordered her to open up her jaws the same way she had done previously.

Looking down at the sea, he saw the inside of the man-eating whale with her jaws wide open.

'I promised to bring you the one that killed your child, didn't I?' Prince Wyatt sent his thoughts to Toothless.

A low groan escaped from her jaws.

"Well, here she is" Prince Wyatt said as he threw the stagnant corpse of Knight Camille over the ship.

They were no long talks or hate-filled speeches. There wasn't even a dramatic pause or indecisiveness.

Prince Wyatt merely threw the body of Knight Camille into the Jaws of Toothless. And although he could see her lips move, struggling to make out mostly incoherent words that he didn't care or bother to know what it was.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Because there was no going back from the revenge that he dished out on the poor soul free-falling into the jaws of a man-eating whale.


And with the echos of her jaws tightly latched together, Toothless dived back into the sea, causing the waves to resume and the ship to suddenly come alive as it swung along, among with the movement of the tide.

The revenge that he had dished out on Knight Camille was cold, colder than he had thought and much more painful than he had imagined.

Nevertheless, his revenge was served, and it was served cold.

Walking back to Captain Crimson eye, Prince Wyatt sent a thought to Bones. Telling him to watch himself off before he sent him back into the 'Temporary Space storage since he didn't want to stain the water in there as he hadn't been there yet to see what it looked like and how big the space was.

Bones squeaked back to him with understanding.

"Ahem…. Captain" Prince Wyatt called out the Captain who was openly scanning every hairsbreadth of his body.

"Ahem… Prince Wyatt" Captain Crimson eye replied, gazing deep into Prince Wyatt's eyes in silence.

Seconds ticked by and Prince Wyatt was sure that if he didn't speak, they would both stand out here and stare at each other in silence.

"Now that I have handled my business, I would like to listen to the plan that you mentioned earlier".


Although I may have reaped away many lives of both the innocent and the guilty, none of them had imprinted on my memories like the scene I have just watched.

"Of course, follow me, let's head to my office".

I responded to Prince Wyatt before turning around and leading the way.

Walking back, I could see Jerry opening his eyes as he looked around, looking as though he hadn't watched the scene earlier.

Hahh!!! Well, knowing him, I was sure that he closed his eyes the moment the show took longer than it was supposed to.

I sighed briefly.

I should have closed my eyes when I had the chance but I didn't and now I have the horribly disgusting scene forever scarred into the memories.

Prince Wyatt!! At what end, until you stop giving me surprises?

Signalling at Jerry for him to get someone to clean the scene and gently take care of the rat who was still munching down on as flesh of Knight Camille's flesh, I passed one of Prince Wyatt's subordinates who was unfortunate to see the whole thing through.

Judging by the way he was shivering, I could tell that he wasn't used to such a sight. Though I can't judge him as I didn't know anyone in their right mind who would!!

"What are you waiting for? Follow me" Prince Wyatt said behind me and it took some seconds before I heard back a reply.

"Y-yes P-Price Wyatt, of course".

Regardless, it wasn't my problem to be concerned about the mental health of another Pirate's crew. And so, with nothing but the sound of our footsteps, the three of us walked back to my office and took our seats.

Trying to ease the wafting tension in the air, I faked a cough more than a few times, drawing their attention to me in the process.

"Ahem... I think that it would be best if I go ahead and explain the plan without wasting any more of your time".

Prince Wyatt nodded.

"Okay, but first, I will need to ask you a few questions" I said, watching as a frown slowly emerged on his face.

"Don't worry, it won't be anything personal, I just want to know why Captain Clara was on your ship with so few of her crewmen. Did you attack her, perhaps?".

I watched as the one called Mad John suddenly snapped his head towards Prince Wyatt with a knowing look in his eye.

I already had my answers, however, I waited for the Prince to confirm them.

Prince Wyatt slowly nodded his head in response "Yes, I did. Is there a problem with that?"

Haah!! Is there any problem with that!!

If I haven't learned of his missing memories or hadn't witnessed the sight that had taken place earlier, I would have laughed and called him out for giving me such an idiotic response.

Regardless, I still chuckled.

"It seems like you don't know the consequences of your actions, Pince Wyatt?"

He scrunched his brows at my words and stared back at me warily "And what are they?".

"From the information I currently have at hand, you were placed under the fleet of Captain Clara, so that makes you a fleet lieutenant like the many others under me" I said, trying to construct a picture with my words.

"So whether you attacked with or without any reason, your actions of attacking your Fleet commander, Captain Clara, is the same as trying to illegally break out of the fleet. An action which even Captain Silver tongue wouldn't even have to think twice before putting a bounty tag on your back".

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