Fantastic Beasts of Records: Lecherous Prince Of The Sea

Chapter 62 Sudden Revelation

"I didn't see Pirates as the ones capable of obeying and upholding rules" Prince Wyhatt responded, and although his voice seems calm and steady, I could see his body had tensed up.

"Of course, we aren't one to follow rules however, without them, the ocean and the chain of power would have been in shambles so it isn't strange that we Pirate hold the Pirates' code and any other rules that we are pledged to abide by close to our hearts" I replied.

He went quiet for a minute, and although he didn't make any obvious gestures, I could see that he was deeply thinking and contemplating what he was about to say next.

"If you are telling me all this, then I guess that you also have a way out of this dilemma" Prince Wyatt responded, his eyes staring straight into mine.

I smiled.

No matter what, I will always be a person who likes a man that goes straight to the point without beating around the bush. Without wasting much time, I replied "Of course, I do. And seeing that we are walking towards the same goal I don't mind offering you such a favour"

Even though I would like to know why you joined the fleet in the first place or attack your sister-in-law if you know that you were just going to leave at the last moment.

"What kind of favour?"

But if you hadn't done such a thing, I wouldn't have procured such a helper for my plans.

"A relationship, a trustful bond between the two of us. You want to kill the Captain of the Poisonous Maid's crew and escape the wrath of all the 9 seas while I want to take back everything her father took from me and take my revenge before I send both of them down to meet the reaper. both of them. So how do you see it? We point our swords together at a common enemy and walk together to accomplish the goals we have each set in mind".

Although the Prince before him was strong and intimidating, he knows how terrifying the strength and forces of all the 9 seas were when joined together to the point that even he can't go against all of them.

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So the thoughts of what they might do when they find out what the banished First Prince had done wasn't one that he wanted to think about.

All it took was one letter to another Fleet commander or worst, Captain Davy himself to put Prince Wyatt in the position of prey.

"So what you are saying is that I need to help you in your revenge against Captain Davy and in the end, you will help me by keeping any news of what had transpired between me and Captain Clara before killing her after you have after you have fulfilled the revenge you wanted"

"Yes, that is exactly what I want. It's a win-win situation for the both of us, and since I have a way to keep the woman's mouth tightly sealed, she would just be like a sheep waiting to be slaughtered".


Like a sheep waiting to be slaughtered huh!!

I wanted t shake my head at the Captain's silly attempts to rope me in, but I resisted.

Even though I wanted to kill Captain Clara, it was only because I felt the need to eliminate any danger that might threaten my life in the future.

And since her danger level was the same as Knight Camille who didn't hesitate to plot my assassination, I took her existence very seriously.

However, that didn't mean that I would help a man that I have just come across, a man whose moral compass I still don't know, to exert his revenge while I dutifully waited in the corner to witness the results.

In all, it was a one-sided favour that required me to be stupid in order to accept it.

"I am sorry, but I will have to decline your offer" I said, watching his face turn into a scowl.

"And why is that? Please, tell me if there is anything I have said that wasn't pleasing or favourable to you" Captain Crimson eye replied, his eyes staring intensely at mine.

"I have given you the option of staying under my protection from the fury of Captain Silver-tongue for trying to unlawfully break away from the fleet and the wrath of Captain Davy for attacking his daughter and threatening to kill her. There is no way that he won't find out that his daughter has lost her ship and is somewhere drifting away on the ocean. However, I am willing to bear the consequences and cover up your mess in exchange for your help".

But, if I were to think about it this way, the deal that he had presented to me was fair and favourable to both sides. And if I were a denizen of this world I would have accepted it, however, I wasn't, thus the decision was a hard choice for me to make.

It might be because I didn't understand the dangers and risks his words meant and could only imagine them, or because I wanted to take care of whatever problems I had quickly and be done with it.

But, this seems like a long road of revenge that would certainly take a lot of time and effort to accomplish. And that was the reason I didn't want any part of it.

Attaining power and strength while enjoying my adventure in this new world was the foremost thing on my mind. However, Captain Crimson eye must think that I have already attained the former and was just looking for some adventure.

He was grossly mistaken though, yet I didn't have any reason of correcting him for the sake and the safety of my well-being.

And as though he could read my mind, Captain Crimson eye spoke once more.

"If you are thinking about how you would continue your adventure, then that won't be a problem as I promise to take care of anything that would disrupt your journey through the 9 seas. The only thing I am asking from you is your absolute support and assistance whenever I am in dire need of your help to execute the plan for my revenge. That is all I need"

He paused, waiting for me to digest his words.

"Trust me, Prince Wyatt, you might be strong, but there is no way you can go against the whole of the 'Depths of Leviathan' alone, much less against your Uncle-In-Law".

All I ne.... Wait a minute!!!!

Hold up….

My eye suddenly widened in surprise as I doubted my ears.

"Captain, What do you mean by my Uncle-in-Law?".

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