Femdom Island

Chapter 221 I Won't End Up Like You

A few minutes before the incident, all the girls kept looking at the barrier and the comet-like person appeared out of nowhere with confusion in their eyes.

as a group of girls huddled together near a mysterious barrier. Their eyes were filled with curiosity and concern, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

Among them stood Tisha, the elven queen known for her keen observations and sharp intuition. She had recently witnessed a peculiar story of their beloved lover, Nikol.

So she wanted others to know about this too. Taking the decision of acting alone was too much for her, as Nikol was everyone's lover

As the girls gathered closer, their whispers filled the air. They glanced at Tisha, silently urging her to share her knowledge. Tisha took a deep breath and began to recount the events she had witnessed during her time in heaven.

With a grave expression, Tisha stepped forward, her voice filled with both trepidation and anticipation. "Listen, my friends and my girls," she began, her words laced with urgency. "I have something to share, something I have seen and heard, concerning the events unfolding within this perplexing barrier."

The other girls leaned in closer, their eyes widening in anticipation. "Tell us, Tisha," one of them urged, her voice quivering with anticipation. "We must know what is happening to our Nikol."

"Yes, queen! please tell us," Zenda also begged as she couldn't keep her curiosity bottled up anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Tisha began her tale, her voice steady but tinged with awe."Fine, I will tell you,"

She told them about everything that happened while she was in the second dimension with others, and Nikol's story in short.

As she finished her story gasps filled the air, the girls barely able to contain their sadness. "No way! Why? Why did he have to go through all of this," one of them interjected, her voice filled with both fear and anger.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Whispers of disbelief and awe rippled through the group. "What did Nikol say?" Eva asked, her voice tinged with worry.

"He didn't say anything, he just accepted everything and moved on, I don't know what he is going through currently, but I'm pretty sure, he won't leave us again, he's afraid of being alone, just like how we want him, same goes for him," Tisha's words were sincere and she quickly took the vibrator Nikol gave them and looked at it with caution.

"This is-" Tisha said and pressed the button, but instead of vibrating like a normal tool, it started showing something that looks like a hologram, which was a rather strange experience for these girls.

The air shimmered, revealing the figure of Nikol, their enigmatic guide through this strange and perilous realm.

Nikol's presence was both comforting and mysterious, and as his form solidified within the hologram, the girls couldn't help but be captivated by his intense gaze.

"Listen carefully, this is a message, I wanted to leave before I enter this barrier," Nikol's voice resonated through the forest, his words carrying an air of urgency. "These spheres before you hold the key to breaking through the barrier that stands in your way. With them, you'll have the power to confront the person who awaits you on the other side."

Curiosity mingled with trepidation as the girls exchanged glances, their minds racing to comprehend the weight of Nikol's words. He continued, his voice steady and unwavering.

"You must use these balls as your weapons," Nikol declared, his tone growing more determined. "Attack the person before me while I hold them. The decision lies with you. Whatever path you choose, I will stand beside you."

The girls' eyes widened with realization, the gravity of the situation settling upon them like a heavy cloak. This pivotal moment held their fate in its hands, demanding a choice that could shape their destiny.

"Things might go south, and everything will be lost but that's exactly the reason why I'm leaving this decision for you," He said those words and a little self-humiliating smile appeared on his face.

"What can I say I'm a weak man, I can't take the decision to destroy all of your life because of my selfish whims,"

The girls exchanged glances, their hearts pounding with a mixture of fear, uncertainty, and admiration for the man who stood before them. They had known him for a long time, and his sudden vulnerability left them speechless.

It was clear that this decision carried immense weight, and they understood the magnitude of the consequences at stake.

He continued, his voice trembling slightly, "I've always tried to shield you from the harsh realities of life, to protect you from the shadows that haunt me. But now, I can no longer bear the burden of my own desires at the expense of your happiness."

"But I'm ready to make the sacrifice, if I do it now, I might disappear from your lives forever. Even though it hurts, I don't mind as long as I can save all of you and our children,"

As his words hung in the air, the girls felt a surge of conflicting emotions. They had grown up under his care, guided by his wisdom and strength. But now, he was entrusting them with a responsibility that would shape not only their lives but also his own.

Tears welled up in the eyes of one of the girls, her voice choked with emotion as she spoke, "You've always been there for us, supporting and guiding us. We may be dumb, but we understand the sacrifices you've made for our sake. We can't let you face this alone."

Just as expected first one to show the support was none other than Alva, who always listen to her heart instead of brain.

With that, the holographic screen vanished, leaving the girls to clutch the spheres in their hands, their hearts pounding with a mix of anticipation and determination. They exchanged a final glance, steeling themselves for the decision that they are about to take.

A little by little time went on, and in that time nobody spoke, but after a few minutes of breaking the silence, Usha spoke as she wanted to confirm whether her decision will be what the majority thinks.

"Anyone against this? It's fine, you can raise your hand, nobody will humiliate you or attack you," She said and waited but surprisingly nobody raised their hands.

"He is the reason why we got together and had this life," Lydia said.

"We were living on the verge of extinction and he is the only person that showed us the path," Eva confirmed her sentence, while others also nodded their heads.

"Rather than living without him, I would rather die, I know this might be a foolish decision, but I can't imagine a life without him, even if we have children now," All of them knew, the decision they are going to take is a selfish one, which might affect the land in huge numbers, but-

Can they really let go of Nikol?

They couldn't do that, even over their dead bodies.

Tisha's voice resonated with conviction, her determination casting a resolute glow upon her companions. Eva, the agile and quick-witted rogue, and Nym, the wise and perceptive mage, nodded in unison, their resolve echoing through the forest.

Nikol's holographic figure nodded approvingly, a hint of admiration gleaming in his eyes. "Very well. Your decision has been made, and I shall honour it. Together, we shall face the challenges that lie ahead, armed with both strength and the desire for truth. Go forth this barrier and when the time is correct throw these balls at the man in front of Nikol,"

"How can we know if the time is right?" One of the girls questioned, while Tisha pointed at the red light that is not glowing.

"This will shine, it is a signal from Nikol,"


As Nikol gracefully executed a perfect prone manoeuvre, while the girls, fueled by murderous intent, unleashed a barrage of balls aimed directly at the man standing in front of Nikol. With alarming speed and precision, their projectiles whizzed through the air, carrying the unmistakable energy of Nikol himself.

"Take this! You brute of a man,"

The man, caught off guard by the unexpected assault, instinctively tried to intercept the oncoming projectiles. However, as he observed their velocity, a realization dawned upon him. These balls were imbued with Nikol's formidable power, making them unstoppable. A frown etched across his face as he acknowledged the impending impact.

His disappointment was palpable, the man turned his gaze towards Nikol. Their eyes locked, conveying a mix of astonishment and reproach. Without uttering a word, his disapproving stare conveyed volumes. At that moment, the balls struck their mark, mercilessly piercing through his body and leaving behind a series of gaping holes.

"What did you do? We..could have finished this peacefully," Jormungand muttered with his form disintegrating.

The scene unfolded like a dramatic tableau, freezing the air around them.

The man's wounded form stood as a testament to Nikol's unwavering influence, a reminder of the immense power he possessed. The silence that followed was broken only by the echoes of disbelief and the sharp gasps of onlookers.

"Nikol," the man finally spoke, his voice tinged with disappointment and a touch of pain. "I expected more from you. This display... it disappoints me greatly."

Nikol, his gaze unwavering, met his reproachful eyes with a mix of remorse and determination. "I... It is your fault, I don't want to end up being like you," he murmured, his voice filled with regret. "I didn't mean for this to happen but you need to die, I will deal with other problems later."

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