God's Apostle: Rebirth of a Lazy Genius

Chapter 112 Fruitful Conversation

A few days passed since Ethan made Aria and Ronan drink the potion. After the first day, both had felt significant changes in their bodies. They noticed that they felt a lot more healthy ever since they took the potion. Despite the excruciating pain involved, they were willing to go through it.

Ethan could not make the potions daily as their ingredients were rare and costly. But he could do the acupuncture procedure regularly and that's what he did.

Ethan's schedule was quite packed as after bathing and rinsing his teeth, Ethan did some exercise followed by swordsmanship training. After that, he would join the others for breakfast and leave for a round in the town. After returning, he would go to the castle and handle the official work. In the evenings he would cultivate his ancestral blessing, read books in the library, and do the acupuncture treatment on Aria and Ronan.

One day, it was the evening and Ethan was leaning onto the tree in the mansion's backyard. Naenna was sitting beside him and she seemed to want to say something, judging from her body language.

"Do you want to say something, sister?" Ethan asked.

"Huh? Yes…" Naenna blurted as she fiddled with her fingers.


"Well… I don't know… I have been thinking about what I want to do." Naenna muttered as she dropped her head, looking downcast.

"And… What is it that you want to do?" Ethan asked with interest.

"Every time I go outside in the city, I always feel interested in seeing how the money is traded with goods. How the market works and how merchants make money." Naenna said, clenching her fists in embarrassment.

"So you like money?" Ethan asked bluntly with an awkward smile. In his mind, Naenna already had a lot of money. More than she could use. So he didn't know what she wanted to say.

"No!" Naenna roared.

"Uhh… Then what?" Ethan asked in surprise.

"I don't 'like' money per se… But…  I like the process of earning money." Naenna said shyly.

Ethan finally understood what the deal was. With an encouraging smile, he said, "So you like doing business? That's interesting."

"How come?" Naenna asked, looking at Ethan.

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"Well… It's not what girls usually like…  Especially those raised in a noble household." Ethan said.

Hearing this, Naenna became silent. After a moment passed, she spoke, "You are right, I didn't like it before. But when elder sister Earlene came… I felt like I am so useless. Even Anicia can use mystical powers."

Silence once again ensued as Ethan analyzed what Naenna had said. Apparently, she was losing confidence because girls like Earlene and Anicia were around her so much. It was an unexpected development.

"Do you really want to prove yourself that much?" Ethan said, directly hitting the core of the situation.

"Yes!" Naenna blurted.

"Then you should do it. Our White Family has some businesses." Ethan suggested with a curious look.

Naenna did not say anything as she clenched her fists tighter. After some time she muttered, "No, I want to start something new."

"Then do it, do you have a plan?"

Embarrassed, Naenna shook her head and said, "I don't know what to do. And…"


"And… Mother and father wouldn't agree." Naenna said hopelessly.

"Why not?" Ethan asked densely.

"Hmph! They only want to marry me off the first chance they get!" Naenna blurted in anger.

"Oh…" Finally realizing the issue, Ethan became speechless.

"Do you not want to?" He asked playfully.

"Well… If it's someone nice…" Naenna muttered.

Hearing this, Ethan was surprised. He couldn't understand what was Naenna thinking and wanted to probe more into her thoughts.

"But you just said you didn't want to?"

"Tch, Why wouldn't I want to? Everyone gets married. Even you are engaged… Aren't you?" Naenna said, reflecting on Ethan's playfulness.

Startled, Ethan spoke in a hurry, "That's different."

"How is it different?"

"Because it's not a marriage, it's just a deal of convenience," Ethan said coldly.

Naenna's eyes widened and then narrowed. She raised her hand and punched Ethan's head with an angry look.

"What was that for?" Ethan blurted in surprise as he held his head in pain.

"Idiot!" Naenna yelled.

With a sigh, she changed the topic and said, "Mother has always told me to be prepared for marriage. That's how the world is for us nobles. But even so, I don't want to just yet."

"Is it because of your wish?" Ethan asked.

"Partly it is…"

"Partly?" Ethan pried.

Looking at Ethan with an annoyed expression, Naenna said, "Idiot!"

Guarding his head in fear, Ethan blurted, "Now what?",

Naenna sighed hopelessly and looked at the ground once again as she muttered in a low voice, "Forget it."

"Fine…" Ethan responded lazily, once again leaning on the tree in leisure.

Suddenly, Naenna slapped her cheeks gently as if to wake herself up and said, "Haa… Anyways, it will probably never happen. I can't do it alone…"

Abruptly, Ethan clapped his hands in excitement as if he just had a great idea. He said, "Why don't we do it together then? We will open a trading company."

Hearing this, Naenna's eyes widened as they then became moist. With a smile, she said, "You don't have to say that… It's fine."

Suddenly, Ethan's expression became serious as he grabbed Naenna's arm and said, "What do you mean? I'm not joking, sis. This is something I have also been thinking about. The idea and plan will be mine, the management will be yours. What do you think?"

Realizing that Ethan was serious and not joking, Naenna truly felt gratified. But she couldn't imagine it happening nonetheless. In disbelief, she asked, "R-really?"

"Yeah! We will go head to head with the Kuber Merchant Company!" Ethan said casually.

Naenna's eyes widened and then she broke out into laughter. "Hahaha! Sure sure…  We will do that… Hahaha! Good!"

"You don't believe me?" Ethan asked softly with a sly smile on his face.

"Wait… Are… Are you really serious? What will we trade?" Naenna asked as if to test Ethan.

"Don't worry about it. I have that all figured out. You in it with me or not, sis? Or are you afraid?" Ethan challenged in a provocative tone.

"Hmph! Hmph! Why would I be afraid? I'm in!" Naenna said with a smirk.

"Very well then! We will begin by tomorrow. Be ready in the morning. We will be going to the city." Ethan said as he stood up.

"Sure!" Naenna said with a genuine smile on her face.

Ethan had never seen such a smile on her face before this. Seeing it made him feel somewhat good.

"Alright, we shall meet tomorrow," Ethan said and left. Naenna simply stared at his back as she clasped her hands before her chest and muttered softly with a smile, "Thank you, Eth."

Ethan, who could hear these words due to his heightened senses also smiled genuinely as he thought, 'Such a coincidence. But this works in my favor. It's time to create a Business Empire. Using that, I shall spread my network like a spiderweb. Eventually, I will have a firm foothold in this world. Only then can I act openly about my intentions?'

As he walked in the hallway, the planning of the future occupied his mind completely. Ethan was sorting out his thoughts before going to sleep. Today was very fruitful as he had unexpectedly discovered a new side of Naenna. This was proof that you can not completely know a person until you really know them. It was interesting to know her views and society and marriage or such. But Ethan was happy that he had found a manager for his company.

Now all that was needed was to register a company and begin selling. As to what he was going to sell, that wasn't the hard part at all. Ethan wasn't all-knowing who knew all knowledge from the earth. But the little products he knew how to make were more than enough to completely dominate the market.

Ethan soon reached his room. He opened the door and entered with a smile on his face. Everything was going according to plan. From the slaves to his training and his increasing strength. Things were flowing naturally. Even Alier was dead. Ethan didn't know when Afriel would wake up again but it didn't matter. He was content. Honestly, Ethan wished for things to go smoothly like always. But he knew that the world never worked that way.

Ethan changed into his pajamas and looked outside the window. The wind was blowing nicely and the outside scenery was serene. As the thoughts of his previous life once again entered his mind, for some reason, Ethan did not feel as melancholic as before.

Perhaps it was because he was starting to get used to the new world or perhaps it was because of the people around him. Anyhow, with these pondering thoughts, Ethan lay on his bed and fell asleep in a mere few moments.

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