Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 464: Transformation

Chapter 464: Transformation

Under the young Magi's incredulous gazes, something very magical was taking place.

As the midday sun filtered through the sparse canopy, casting dappled patterns of light and dark on the grove floor, the air around Valerian suddenly changed in a mystical manner.

His ears perked up and his eyes snapped open, gleaming with an intense focus. A faint glow began to envelop his small frame, like sudden ripples on the surface of a calm lake.

As the glow intensified, Valerian's form slowly began to change. His body elongated and grew, muscles bulging and bones shifting with a series of faint, almost imperceptible cracks. The transformation was seamless, yet powerful.

Gradually, the once-small cat became a towering figure. His fur deepened to an even darker shade, making it look like an imposing shadow against the sunlit background.

From Valerian's broad back, a pair of enormous wings began to slowly emerge. The wings, adorned with glossy black feathers, unfolded harmoniously, each feather gleaming with an almost metallic sheen.

His wings stretched wide, their span casting a dark shadow over the grove clearing. Valerian's wings looked both elegant and deadly. It was truly a sight to behold.

As the transformation was complete, Valerian now stood as a colossal panther, his topaz eyes blazing with an otherwordly light.

His sleek, black tail swayed gently like that of a graceful feline. As he took a step toward Adam, the ground trembled ever so slightly beneath his massive paws.

As he came closer, a low, rumbling growl emanated from his throat, causing the kids to shudder involuntarily. They had never thought that the adorable little cat who always followed Adam around was actually such a fearsome predator.

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However, if they knew that Valerian was in fact a dragon, they would definitely lose consciousness.

Valerian's gaze was sharp and commanding, exuding a primal aura of dominance. When the kids gazed into his eyes, they were truly shocked, and couldn't help but immediately look away.

"F-Flying Panther!"

"So this is his true form?!"


Hearing the praises from the young Magi, Valerian's lips curled up into a slight smirk. He walked toward Adam and stood right before him with a smug expression on his face.

"So brother, what do you think? Am I not majestic?"

Adam curiously glanced at his familiar's new transformation. He was quite surprised when Valerian had previously mentioned to him that he was able to transform into a creature other than a dragon.

Today, he was finally able to see it with his own eyes. To say that he was impressed would be a major understatement.

Dragons are truly natural experts in magic from the School of Alteration, he thought to himself.

"Even though this is your first time, I must say, you were able to pull it off very effortlessly. Not bad!" He praised sincerely.

Valaerian's topaz eyes narrowed, "Not bad? Hmph!"

Adam resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "You did great, little Val."

"Hmph!" The young dragon snorted and looked away in displeasure. But the intensely swaying tail behind him spoke otherwise.

Adam glanced at his students' dumbstruck expressions and asked, "Shall we leave for Stratford then?"

Aiden pointed his trembling hands at the black-feathered panther and asked, "A-Are we going to ride your familiar-no, I mean, Lord Valerian?"

The young dragon's ears twitched ever so slightly as he thought to himself in gratification, Lord Valerian? Hmm, yes, I like the ring of that. Hmm, I am a mighty dragon, after all.

He then glanced at the three kids and said in a deep and solemn voice, "From now on you will address me as Lord Valerian."

"Y-Yes, Lord Valerian!" The young Magi nodded their heads like starving chickens pecking at rice.

Seeing such an incredulous scene unfold before him, Adam couldn't help but bury his face in his palm. The next moment, he hopped onto Valerian's back, then gestured for his students to do so as well.

The kids were very nervous. They had never flown on a magical beast, after all. However, watching Adam's broad and straight back gave them a great sense of security.

After making sure everyone had adjusted themselves comfortably, Adam stroked the glossy black hair on Valerian's back.

"Alright, Val, let's take to the skies."


Valerian's roar reverberated through the grove, instantly silencing all the insects, birds, and small animals within.

The sunlight filtered through the trees, dancing across his black-feathered wings, making them gleam with an otherworldly beauty. With a powerful thrust of his wings, Valerian leaped into the air, ascending effortlessly.

The grove below became smaller and smaller as he soared above the treetops. His wings beat rhythmically, propelling him higher into the clear blue sky and toward the distant white


In but a few short moments, Valerian's silhouette had become a tiny dot before gradually disappearing into the horizon.


At the same time, in the dark woods bordering the town of Stratford, another transformation was taking place.

In a small clearing, a lone figure stood, his breath visible in the cold air. He shivered, not from the chill, but from the primeval energy coursing through his veins.

As the sun gradually dipped over the horizon, Selene and Luna made themselves known with boundless splendor and beauty. Yet, for this figure, they evoked fear, but also anticipation.

As the figure's eyes reflected the moonlight, a tremor ran through his body. He dropped to his knees, his fingers elongating into sharp claws.

A guttural growl escaped his lips, echoing through the forest.

The figure's muscles rippled and bulged, bones cracked and reformed, and the clothes on his body were completely torn open.

His face contorted in agony as his jaws extended and teeth lengthened into deadly fangs. Thick dark fur sprouted from his body, covering him, and protecting him from the harsh cold.

The transformation was both breathtaking and excruciating, a unification of man and beast! This figure slowly rose to his feet, having fully transformed into a towering werewolf. Standing at over two meters tall, his glowing eyes and shimmering fur shone under the


He exuded a fierce and predatory aura as he threw back his head and let out a blood-curdling

cry that resonated through the dark woods.


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