Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 465: Stratford

Chapter 465: Stratford

The town of Stratford was located at the edge of the Weeping Woods. This forest got its name because of the trees that strangely resembled humanoid shapes.

Though the trees themselves were harmless, they produced terrifying sounds that imitated people crying in pain and agony.

The sound that this forest produced, weirdly enough, kept the creatures and monsters away from the town.

Well, most of them anyway.

Beyond this mystical forest lay the Greyscale Mountains that separated the Empire from the tundra wastelands further north.

Snowflakes gracefully danced in the air, glistening like tiny crystals in the evening sky. The forest, with its ancient trees covered in white, stood like silent guardians. While the rugged peaks of the mountain ranges beyond reached upward past the clouds.

Stratford was a picturesque town with wooden and stone buildings that seemed to seamlessly blend in with the wintry environment.

The roofs were blanketed with snow, while smoke rose from chimneys, creating a warm and welcoming contrast to the cold outside.

A group of weary travelers arrived at the snow-covered path leading to the town gates.

"Why didn't we just land inside the town with Lord Valerian?" Art asked suddenly as he pulled his fur cloak tighter around him.

"You don't always need to make a flashy appearance, my foolish student," said Adam with a slight smirk. "Being inconspicuous has its advantages too."

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"It would have been nice for the townsfolk to see us arrive on Lord Valerian's back..." Art softly muttered under his breath.

To which, Aiden nodded in agreement. Whereas, Eleniey shook her head, stating, "It's better to be discreet. It gives us more room to act."

"Heh, precisely." Adam nodded in approval.

As the group slowly approached the town's entrance, they saw that the gates were flanked by tall, sturdy towers. Guards patrolled the city walls with weapons in hand, constantly on the lookout for any possible dangers.

Things had been quite intense in the past couple of months, so they couldn't help but constantly be on edge.

As Adam and his students approached the city gates, the guards turned vigilant. Despite recognizing the raven-haired youth's robes and pointy hat, which only Magi would often wear, they stopped the group.


"State your purpose!"

Two guards standing by the gates approached the group and prevented them from entering. Although the weapons in their hands were trembling and their eyes flashed with nervousness, they stood their ground.

Slightly offended by the situation, Art stepped forward and angrily yelled, "You! How dare you stop us? Do you know who we are?!"

Seeing such a scene, Adam couldn't help but shake his head in slight disappointment. This kid, he's still as haughty as ever. Looks like I must discipline him later...

A middle-aged man wearing leather armor and wielding a sword stepped forward and respectfully bowed.

"My Lords and Lady, please state your purpose of visiting Stratford. We're under strict orders from the town council to not let outsiders in without proper identification."

The guard knew that the newcomers were very likely to be Magi, so he didn't dare be disrespectful to them.

Adam was about to show the guards his forged identification documents when suddenly a blond middle-aged man came running from inside the town.

"Jordy, wait!" The man hurriedly said to the guard. "They're with me!"

The guards turned around and saw a fellow resident of the town approach them. One of them couldn't help but ask in surprise, "Lord Kenley, you know these people?"

Kenley nodded. "Of course, I know them. Didn't I tell you about the relatives from my wife's side who would be visiting me?"

Jordy's eyes lit up. "Oh, yes, that's right!" But the next moment, his expression turned grim. "But visiting at such a time..."

"Ah, don't worry about it." Kenley waved his hand nonchalantly and began talking to the guards.

Meanwhile, Eleiney looked at Adam and asked in surprise, "Professor, your sister lives in this town?"

Adam's lips twitched as he thought, How come I don't know?

He was seeing this man for the first time in his life. But suddenly, he thought of something, Could he be...

Kenley's next words confirmed the youth's suspicion, "Haha, Adam, you must be very tired from the long journey. Come, let us go home. Twilight is about to fall."

Adam's eyes narrowed ever so slightly before he burst into a hearty peal of laughter. "Kenley, it's been a while! I hope you're treating my sister well, yes?"

"Yes, yes, come now. Let's head in." Kenley smiled warmly before leading Adam and the kids into the town.

Seeing that Adam was a relative of one of the town's residents, the guards heaved a sigh of relief. They respectfully nodded at him and the three kids, allowing them to enter.

Aiden walked beside Art and spoke in a hushed tone, "Oi, did you know about Professor having a sister?"

Art was initially puzzled before smirking. "Hmph! Of course, I knew!" He then looked at his friend mockingly. "You didn't? Tsk, tsk."

Inside Stratford, the narrow streets were bustling with activity despite the falling snow. Townfolk hurried about their business, covered in furs and woolens.

Children played in the snow, their laughter echoing in the streets as they built snowmen and engaged in a friendly snowball fight.

When the three young Magi saw this scene, they felt a warmth in their hearts that contrasted with the cold weather around them.

Kenley, who was walking at the forefront of the group, secretly glanced at Adam from time to time in astonishment.

They said an Agent of the Brotherhood would come to this town, but... I didn't think he would be this young! I can't believe he's a Mana Liquefaction Magus!

While Kenley was secretly observing him, he muttered flatly, "Have you arranged


Kenley immediately straightened his back and respectfully replied, "Yes, my lord."

"What about the kids?" Adam asked.

"Uhm." Kenley glanced at the three young Magi and awakwardly said, "I thought you were the only one coming. But worry not, my lord. I will have someone arrange lodging for them


"Good." Adam nodded.

Meanwhile, the three kids walking behind them had a dumbfounded look on their faces.

Eleiney couldn't help but curiously ask Kenley, "Mister, isn't our mentor your brother-in-

law? Then why are you addressing him so formally?"

Kenley's lips twitched incessantly as he thought to himself, My brother-in-law?

He's my superior!

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