Greek Mythology: I open a treasure chest at Olympus

Chapter 95: Son of the King of Gods was born!

Chapter 95: Son of the King of Gods was born!

Chapter 95: Son of the King of Gods was born!

The bright sun shone, and the sky of Olympus was as blue as a wash.

The towering divine mountain surrounded by clouds stood at the top of the world.

Just returned to the home of the gods, Apollo smelled the fragrance of flowers.

Staring with golden eyes, the foot of Mount Olympus was filled with bright flowers at some point.

Under the bright sun, it exudes a burst of fragrance.

“Brother Apollo, you’ve returned from the ocean!” A young maiden’s voice with joy surfaced in his ears.

Apollo smiled and looked deep into the flowers.

Among the bright flowers, half clear, a bright and beautiful maiden.

She was seriously concentrating on cultivating the flowers, white hands covered with black soil, and the sight of Apollo’s arrival jumped up with laughter.

Cheeks as white as peeled eggs, filled with innocent smiles and big green eyes staring out. Her hair, which was violet, had become a little brown with age, and it looked like a waterfall of jet black from a distance.

“Persephone, where is your mother?” Apollo marked this sister.

Compared to the last time we met, her body had matured a lot, a knee-length light green short skirt, revealing white calves, and the cream was snow white and soft, full of fresh and attractive.

The top had already hidden the rise and fall of the chest, the youthful breath of a young maiden like the bamboo shoots that sprouted after the rain, flourishing upwards.

Persephone blinked and said: “It seems that the Father God is going to be born. The mother went to see him in the temple of the King of Gods.”

“The Father God is going to give birth …” The corners of Apollo’s mouth twitched.

The heart was to understand Zeus’ thigh in life was finally coming out.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“So that’s how it is. It seems that soon we will have a new brother.” He whispered.

Persephone rattled like shaking the beautiful head, came to Apollo, big eyes clear look at his handsome cheeks, and seriously said: “I do not want a brother. They are not good-looking. I want Apollo, brother.”

She was considered the youngest daughter of Zeus on Olympus, but Zeus had not been idle over the years, sowing seeds everywhere outside Olympus, and there were countless sons of demigods.

She didn’t like those demigod brothers at all because most of them were wild and rude, not good-looking, and one of them was weak and couldn’t beat her.

Only brother Apollo was the most handsome and elegant, strong and full of charm.

Persephone snuggled closer to Apollo’s arms.

Apollo helplessly rubbed her beautiful head, took out a brown and black one from the bracelet given by Amphitrite, and put it on her crystal wrist.

Although Persephone was the Goddess of spring, she was theoretically more compatible with the emerald green one.

But for some reason, Apollo felt that this black matched her best.

“Brother Apollo, did you bring me a gift at this time? It’s so beautiful.” Persephone happily looked at the black bracelet in his hand and seemed very happy.

“Well, since the Father God is going to be born, then I’m going to go and see you continue to plant your flowers.” Apollo gave her a gentle smile.

“Well, when I have cultivated all these flowers, I will ask you to come and see them again, Brother Apollo.” Persephone nodded her little head.

Apollo walked into Olympus and found that there were far fewer gods and nymphs.

“It seems all have gone to see the King of God give birth.” Apollo smiled and went back to the temple of light first.

To his surprise, Aphrodite was sitting in front of the mirror in her room, slowly combing her hair, a beautiful, pretty face with a light frown, carrying a sad thought in the mirror.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, she jerked her head back; her stunning face blinked, covered with surprise, and she pounced on Apollo at once.

“You’re finally back.” Softly looking at Apollo’s angular face, her beautiful eyes seemed to be tinged with a layer of watery mist.

Is this a small farewell??Apollo muttered in his heart.

“You said to go to the ocean to help, the results of the Oceanus, Pontos, and they are solved by you, that series of great battles. You know how worried I am about you?” Aphrodite said softly, then fiercely glared at him.

Apollo was quiet, looking at her serenely.

Aphrodite’s eyes softened, and her cheeks turned red as she said, “You bully me like this; you can’t even let me be mean once in a while.”

“It’s you who can’t hold on just now, your eyes should be more firm, and your face should be more serious, like this.” Apollo laughed lightly and showed her several fierce expressions.

Aphrodite tried a few times but found that no matter how firm she was inside, at the sight of Apollo’s golden eyes, all her expressions would collapse at once.

Immediately, he was deflated like a ball: “It seems that you are right. I am stupid.”

“Sometimes it’s not always good to be too smart.” Apollo wrapped his arm around her slender waist and sat on the chair next to her.

Feeling the softness of her body and the light fragrance, he relaxed against the back of the chair.

“You must be very tired. I used to live in the ocean. Pontos and the others are very powerful. It must be very hard to fight against them continuously.” Aphrodite’s slender fingertips rubbed his cheeks. She was sweet and distressing.

Apollo laughed lightly: “Why are you like sister Artemis? She used to look at me with such eyes after every big battle with other gods.”

Hearing Artemis’ name, Aphrodite’s beautiful eyes lifted, and she softly said, “Because we are your closest relatives.”

“I just heard that my Father God is about to give birth, and all the gods are waiting for him, and I thought you were there too.” Palms caressing her flawless face, Apollo whispered.

“Cut, isn’t he a man who gives birth to a child? I’ve seen Athena born from his head. Is it unusual to give birth from a thigh now?” Aphrodite curled her crystal lips; I am also a wise man with extensive knowledge and rich experience.’

“Yeah, thousands of years old, girl.”

Apollo’s faint words instantly made her sense of self-congratulation collapse.

Humph, dislike me with this again.” She was aggrieved, not just born a little early.

But at the beginning, she was afraid of being coveted for her beauty, but she had lived on a small island for thousands of years, guarding an Eros who was still a light group.

Those thousands of years were in vain.

Nothing had happened, and nothing had been learned.

During these years, the experience was attempting to reach the high-ranking god of Mount Olympus.

“Well, sister, they are there in the temple of the King of Gods, right? I’m going to see.” Apollo stood up.

He picked out the pink one in the bracelet that Amphitrite gave him and gave it to Aphrodite.

Latter kissed her a few times with joy.

The black one was given to Persephone, the pink one to Aphrodite, and the silver one to my sister. Of course, the purple and turquoise are very suitable for Astraea and Hecate, except for the gold and blue ones that were given out. Did Amphitrite inquire about my social circle and prepare so many on purpose?

Apollo thought as he walked out.

“Lord Apollo, you are back.”

Not far from coming to the front of the King of God’s temple, the nine lively and lovely muses all gathered around and looked at their Main God.

“Well, let me see how your songs and dances have been doing this time someday. If they don’t improve, I’ll have to teach you a lesson,” Apollo said to them with a stern face.

“Lord Apollo, don’t do this, our sisters will look at your handsome face, and they will behave abnormally.” The muses grimaced and looked at Apollo pitifully.

“It’s all excuses; I don’t believe I’m that charming.” Apollo took out the majesty of the Main God to the subordinate gods and ignored their delicate gazes.

The golden eyes then swept towards the tightly closed King of God temple, and his pupils abruptly shrank.

With the ‘all-seeing eye’ probe, he could feel that, at this moment, the King of God’s temple was filled with an incomparably profound aura.

There was something similar to the aura of Zeus when the divine authority was activated, but not as vast as the divine authority to rule over everything, but with a deeper majesty than the divine authority.

Like a ruler of the universe about to be born.

With a hint of gravity, he walked to the temple of the King of God.

His sister Artemis was standing at the door, and when she saw his arrival, her silver moon-like cold eyes suddenly looked like melted ice, revealing a gentle smile and walking quickly to his side.

“You’re back.” She looked Apollo up and down softly.

The latter waved his hand and said, “I’m not hurt, don’t worry, sister.”

In the battle with Pontos, he had some serious injuries, but that drop of energy from the universe star also repaired his injuries while helping him improve his Etheric Divine Body.

Artemis reassured her a lot, pointing inside and said: “This has been going on for a long time. I do not know what happened, obviously cut open the thigh to take out the child, but more difficult than a normal birth.”

“Probably, this child is very unusual.” Apollo quietly gazed ahead at the temple of the ?King of Gods.

Hera, Demeter, Athena, Hephaestus, Hermes, Ares, and other gods were there, and the gods were all concentrating.

To the return of Apollo, the vice ruler of the divine court, only a few people, such as Athena, noticed.

Standing above, Athena gave him a faint smile.

Waiting for some more time, when all the gods were a little suspicious.

Inside the temple, a baby’s cry finally came out.

The portal of the temple of gods swung open, and the King of Gods, Zeus, silently sat on the throne above, holding in his arms a baby born with white hair.

Holding the baby in his hands, he said to the gods in a serious voice: “The son of the birth of my thigh, the newborn gods of Olympus, I give him the name…”


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