Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 76 - Because Of Money

"I came to see you today. Did Aiden force you to marry him?" Raka's question showed that he did not believe Anya's explanation yesterday.

Anya tried to avoid Raka's gaze and closed her lips tightly. She didn't dare to look directly at him or let her gaze wander around him.


"I recommend using the lime and bergamot for the base aroma. The aroma is soothing to use as a perfume. Apart from that, you can add the scent of green leaves to add a refreshing impression." Anya was only talking about perfume, completely ignoring Raka's question.

"I love irises. Do you have the scent of iris flowers?" Seeing Anya trying to ignore him, Raka also tried to be patient and asked slowly.

Anya shook her head and tried to calm herself down, "What about my suggestion earlier? It smells fresh like a plant and has a slightly sour aroma from citrus."

Raka's eyes looked clear and sparkled when he heard Anya's words, "The bergamot oranges we are planting have already grown and will bear fruit for the first time this year. When the fruit is ripe, I'll pick it for you."

The bergamot orange tree that Raka mentioned was the tree they planted when they decided to go on a date. The tree finally grew fruit, but unfortunately their love had withered.

Anya held back the sorrow in her heart and said calmly, "No, I have many bergamot oranges trees in my house."

"But none of the trees belong to us." Raka said while emphasizing the words 'we'.

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"Raka, I'm married!" Said Anya in frustration.

"I know," Raka's face looked grim. However, he still looked at Anya very gently, "How much do you need for your mother's hospital? I'll pay for you. No matter who you are in contact with, I just want you to be happy. Not like this."

"There's no need anymore. Aiden has helped me when I needed money." Anya said with a thin smile. Her smile seemed not to reach her sad eyes.

Raka closely listened to Anya's answer. He placed the perfume's bottle with his scent on the table and held Anya's hand.

"Money! You married Aiden for money!" Raka said frantically. Finally, he knew the reason why Anya wanted to marry Aiden.

Anya immediately brushed Raka's hand. She took a tissue to clean the liquids that were scattered on the table because Raka suddenly put down the bottle he was holding. She ignored Raka and continued to tell him the next step in making perfume.

Raka didn't even follow Anya's explanation. He mixed the ingredients randomly like a child's play.

"Aiden is engaged to Natali. Do you know that?" Raka said, frowning when he looked at Anya.

Of course Anya knew, so why?

Aiden didn't like Natali and Natali didn't want to marry a blind man. That was why Natali drugged her and sent her to Aiden's hotel room.

When Anya saw Raka in front of her, Anya started to understand why Natali did all this to her.

Natali liked Raka. By trapping Anya, Natali could cancel her engagement with the Atmajaya family and destroy Anya, the woman who was loved by Raka. With that, Raka might turn to her. She used one stone to kill two birds at once!

However, it turned out that Raka didn't believe the rumor that Anya was the third person between Aiden and Natali.

Anya pretended to be cruel and said sharply, "Of course I do. That's why I asked Aiden to break his engagement to Natali. I felt very satisfied when I saw Natali got dumped by Aiden."

Raka shook his head, "No! I do not believe it! Anya, I know something must have happened. Can't you tell me?"

If only, three years ago Raka had trusted Anya, maybe they would never have separated.

Raka had known Anya since she was a child. After her mother divorced her father, her mother took Anya away from the Tedjasukmana residence. In the end, they broke up and stopped communicating.

Eight years later, they met again. In the middle of the crowd, they could still get to know each other with just one look. Wasn't that fate?

Raka was still an older brother who was very warm and always invited her to play, while Anya had turned into a girl who had been honed by the cruelty of the world.

Unfortunately, their love did not get the blessing from Raka's parents.

Anya still remembered how Raka's mother humiliated her by giving her money and kicking her out. However, in order to save her mother, Anya accepted the money and ended her love story with Raka.

Raka had a very great family background, very kind personality, high education and humble attitude. Such a man was the target of all women in the city, including women from respectable families.

But Raka chose Anya, an ordinary woman from an underprivileged family. Even after being separated three years ago, Raka still couldn't let go of her.

Raka knew very well that Anya did not voluntarily marry Aiden. He also knew that Anya's mother was sick and needed money.

He knew that Anya had to bear everything alone and did not want to tell anyone about her burden. He hadn't seen her in three years, since Anya chose to accept money from his mother instead of telling him about it.

When they met again three years later, Anya was still the same.

Anya lifted her head and just smiled at Raka. The smiles felt so distant as if they were two people who had never known, two people who had never loved each other.

"Anya, I can't believe you deliberately ruined Natali's marriage. Tell me what really happened!" Raka said, half begging.

Anya lowered her head again, ignoring Raka's request. She helped Raka to fix his perfume, according to the proportions of the ingredients that should be added. After that, she returned to give the perfume bottle to Raka to continue making perfume, especially so that the man immediately finished the perfume and left this shop.

Raka took it and looked at Anya angrily, "Why don't you want to answer me? Can't you trust me?"

"Raka, my mother is in danger. I asked my father and Natali to borrow money but they didn't want to give me a penny. I have no other choice. I have become the woman I hate. I seduced Aiden." Anya said coldly. She hoped Raka could finally accept her explanation this time.

She didn't want Raka to keep looking for her. She didn't want Aiden and Raka to fight with each other. She didn't want Raka to be in danger because of her.

Raka slammed his hand that was still holding the perfume bottle hard onto the table. His hand gripped the perfume bottle tightly, crushing the bottle. His palms were covered with broken glass and blood began to flow down the perfume-making table.

"Raka!" Anya's eyes widened when she saw so much blood flowing. But Raka still clenched his fists tightly, not releasing the glass shards that had stabbed him.

"Tell me the truth!" Raka shouted.

The blood on Raka's hand kept flowing, making Anya panic and wanted to cry, "Are you crazy? Quickly let go! Let go!"

Seeing Anya who was almost crying, Raka could not bear to corner her and let go of his hand. The glass' shards fell one by one to the floor, while several other shards were still stuck on Raka's flesh.

Hearing the commotion that was happening, Ben rushed over to them. He also looked panicked when he saw the blood spilled and immediately asked the other employees for the first aid kit. He asked Raka to rest in the employee room first while cleaning his wound so as not to cause a scene in the shop. Ben also ordered one of the employees to clean the broken glass scattered on the floor.

Anya followed the two of them with a worried look.

Ben put the first aid kit on the table and said to Anya, "Anya, please help Mr. Raka. We still need people to serve other customers. I will go."

"Eh, but ..."

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