His Dearest Wife

Chapter 619

Chapter 619

Today, for Miss Lin, it's a memorable day in her life. Her lovely son is going out of the incubator.

At the moment, the corridor of the hospital is full of people, except for more than a dozen stern black bodyguards, all of them are eager to embrace the lovely little thing in the incubator.

The old man Feng had been here a long time ago. His old face was full of energy, and he had a nervous and excited expression on his face.

Beside him stood Feng Jing and Feng Yu, who held Lin in his arms, and their feelings were also full of complexity and joy.

I always wanted to have a child who belonged to each other. Now, this wish has finally come true. Although an accident has made this surprise more waiting and anxious, now I'm looking forward to it, but it makes the joy add up.

"Come out!" Chi minlan also stood beside Lin, his face full of excitement.

Nurse carefully holding two small hands waving small things, see in front of this situation, scared do not dare to breathe aloud.

Standing in front of these people, the momentum is too strong, the nurse walked to fenglaozi, Chen quickly stretched out his hand in the past, will Fengjia grandson gently to fenglaozi in front of: "have a look, good lovely baby!"

Fenglaozi reaches out his hand, with a slight tremor, and gently embraces the little grandson who is already white and tender.

He has been looking at this pink face outside the incubator for several days, but he hasn't been able to personally feel the way he moves in his arms.

At the moment, those big clear black eyes, also with novelty, looking at this strange world, two small fists clenched tightly, the little guy suddenly face so many strangers, seems to be particularly nervous, two big black eyes after a mess, small mouth suddenly a flat, wow cry.

"Good grandson, don't cry!" Fenglaozi looked at the little guy was scared to cry, calm for a lifetime of the old man, instantly scared up in a hurry.

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"Grandfather, let's go to feed the baby first. The baby must be hungry." Feng Yu looked at his grandfather's helpless way of taking the small things. He forced himself to smile and began to persuade him.

As soon as master Feng heard that the little guy was probably crying because he was hungry. Although he was not willing to put him down, he put him in Lin's arms urgently: "let him drink some milk, so small, you can't be hungry."

For the first time, Miss Lin held her son tightly in her arms. The impact of joy made her eyes moist.

Xiao Feng Li seemed to feel his mother's warm embrace. His mouth was flat just now. Now he moved it, and his eyes began to look at it.

Miss Lin can't help but raise his lips and smile. These days in the incubator, the little guy's body has grown a lot. At the moment, it's white and tender, round and unspeakable and lovable.

"I'll accompany you back to the ward first!" Chi minlan is also eager to hold her grandson in her arms.

Back in the ward, under the guidance of Chi minlan, Lin Xiangxiang gives his son the first sip of milk.

Little guy seems to be really hungry, full of energy to eat his rations, two black eyes also stopped a little bit, satisfied blink blink, a breath to drink for more than half an hour.

Lin's missing is both novel and emotional.

Chi minlan said with a smile: "Xiao Li is really like Feng Yu. At a young age, his facial features are so delicate and beautiful. When he grows up, he is a very handsome man."

"Mom, you can see it when you are so small. You have a good eye." Lin Xiangxiang also stares at his son's small face and can't move his eyes.

She looked through the baby photos from other Baoma on the Internet, and then compared her son's small face. She had to admit that she was too beautiful and delicate, her hair was thick and dark, her eyes were big, and her eyes were very beautiful.

"Anyone with eyes can see it. Look at his small nose and mouth, which one is not carved in the mold of Feng Yu."

Miss Lin nodded: "after you say so, it's really like Fengyu. It's really his own."

Chi minlan scolded her with a smile: "what are you talking about? It's not natural. What else can it be?"

Miss Lin was amused by his words, so he casually said that his mother was nervous.

After feeding Xiao Fengli and his three generations, he entered the ward again. This time, Xiao Fengli fell asleep after eating and drinking, and let them have enough.

"Xiaoyu, let's leave the hospital and go back in the afternoon. It's not as spacious and comfortable as home all the time." Feng Jing also loved his grandson.

I didn't expect that time flies, and he has become a grandfather. This psychological change is very emotional.

Feng Yu nodded: "yes, I will be discharged in the afternoon."

Miss Lin raised her head and touched the man's deep eyes. She could feel Feng Yu's eyes full of spoiling, and her heart was full of sweetness.

In the afternoon, with the help of Feng Yu, Lin left the hospital and went back to Feng's manor villa.

The family has asked her sister-in-law for three months to take care of the baby full-time. Although she is a new mother, she is much more relaxed than others in such a rich family.In addition to feeding her baby on time, she has a 24-hour full-time sister-in-law to take care of her baby most of the rest of the time.

Fenglaozi also decided to move back to live in China for a long time. Most of the day, he stayed next to the little guy and looked at his little heir happily.

In the afternoon of this day, after feeding his son, Lin Xiangxiang was idle and bored, so he went online to kill time.

The cell phone at her desk suddenly rang.

Miss Lin took a look, it turned out to be Lu Chen's call.

She answered quickly.

"Miss, has Zimeng contacted you in recent days?" Lu Chen's tone was a little anxious.

Lin asked in surprise: "what's the matter? She didn't call me. Is something wrong with her? "

"I don't know why, her phone can't get through. I went to her home to find her, and I couldn't find anyone. Later, I went to inquire and found out that she had gone abroad to shoot advertisements. I don't know what happened to her. I just felt that she didn't want to receive my phone call very much." Lu Chen's tone, there is a touch of sadness and loss.

"How could that be? Zimeng likes you so much that he won't answer your phone Miss Lin was also surprised.

Lu Chen was also at a loss: "that's why I feel that something is wrong. She seems to be deliberately avoiding me. I miss her. Can you call her and ask her what's wrong?"

Lin Xiangxiang can understand Lu Chen's uneasy psychology and quickly comfort him: "don't worry, I'll call her right away."

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