His Dearest Wife

Chapter 626

Chapter 626

Lin miss the eye knife mercilessly stab in the past, angry voice way: "Daifei son, you shut up for me."

Dai fei'er is still afraid of Lin's missing. She is not afraid of her, but of her present status.

Feng's identity as a young granny is very intimidating for people with her family background.

However, knowing that it might offend Lin, Dai Feier still wants to fight to death.

She was afraid that Lin Zimeng would push the door open. She was afraid that the Gu who had just played would be ruined.

She didn't spend the night at Lu Chen's home. She was worried when she heard Lu Chen's assistant say she couldn't get through to Lu Chen's mobile phone, so she came to see the situation early.

To her surprise, the door of Lu Chen's house was not locked. She came in happily.

Push open the bedroom door, Lu Chen drunk, drunk through, lying on the bedroom sofa, sleeping in the dark.

No matter how much she pushed him or quarreled with him, he didn't wake up, and daiffel had no choice but to wait for him to wake up in his house.

Or, later, she can go and have something to do with Lu Chen.

As soon as she had finished her calculation, she heard the doorbell ring.

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The people she saw from the window on the second floor were Lin Xiangxiang and Lin Zimeng.

She immediately took off all her clothes and casually put on a shirt of Lu Chen.

Then he pulled out his hair disorderly, creating a false image of just waking up from bed.

But originally this scene, she was sure to win.

But in the end, she missed Miss Lin together.

Looking at Lin Zimeng was about to faint, she was very happy.

Lin Xiangxiang insisted on going upstairs to see Lu Chen.

As long as the door of the bedroom is opened and Lu Chen is still wearing a suit shirt, nothing has happened.

Naturally, the play played by Daphne will come to light.

Lin Zimeng's tears kept falling down and stood outside the door.

Lin Miss really worried for her, she pushed Lin Zimeng: "don't hesitate, go in and have a look, maybe Lu Chen is ill."

Lin Zimeng's whole body is stiff. He looks at Miss Lin. the tears in his eyes keep falling down.

"I don't believe that Lu Chen will do something sorry for you. This woman must be talking nonsense. You must see it with your own eyes. Don't be cheated by her." Miss Lin didn't take daifeier seriously at all, she said with a sneer.

Lin Zimeng was moved by Lin Xiangxiang's persuasion, and he was not so sad.

She looked back at Daphne resentfully.

Daphne's face was very ugly, her hands around her chest, a look of resentment.

Lin Zimeng took a deep breath, raised his hand, wiped two tears, and reached for the door handle lock.

At the moment when he opened the door, Lin Zimeng's whole body was somewhat blinded.

A strong smell of wine made her frown.

"Lu Chen..." She gave a low breath.

The man lying on the sofa, his clothes are also very neat, in addition to his tie was thrown on the ground, shirt and trousers are still on his body, even the belt seems not loose.

Lin Zimeng from the despair just now, and an instant surge of hope.

She rushed over in a hurry, reached out and hugged the man who was drunk and fell asleep.

"Lu Chen, that woman cheated me. Nothing happened to you." Lin Zimeng's lips, gently kisses on the man's face, while hating Dai fei'er's words, while rejoicing that Lu Chen has not betrayed himself.

Lin Xiangxiang heard Lin Zimeng's words, closed an eye, opened an eye, looked in the crack of the door.

When she saw Lu Chen sleeping on the sofa with all her clothes intact, she immediately glared angrily at Dai fei'er.

As a matter of fact, daiffel didn't have the same air as before, with a frustrated expression.

"Daifei'er, you really have the face to say that nothing happened between you and Lu Chen. Why do you want to cheat people?" Miss Lin goes to daifeier step by step, and his voice is full of accountability.

Dai Fei Er shrugged his shoulders and began to retort: "did I say that I had anything to do with Lu Chen? It's your imagination. I just said that if I spend the night here, do I have to sleep together? "

"Well, why didn't you make it clear just now? You did it on purpose. You were so scheming that you almost cheated me." Lin Sinian is glad that he forced Lin Zimeng to come upstairs, otherwise, this misunderstanding is really big.

Dai fei'er felt guilty. She turned pale and said, "I'm not familiar with you. Why should I explain so much to you? Besides, I like Lu Chen's honesty. I'm not a fool. I need to be frank with you."

"You leave here immediately. My cousin is Lu Chen's real girlfriend. Don't get in the way here." Lin is disgusted with this woman.

"Miss Lin, don't think you can order me like this when you are Feng's daughter-in-law. I'm still Lu Chen's boss. I'll care about my subordinates. Who's in the way?" Daiffel immediately retorted angrily."Lu Chen is drunk now. I'm afraid he won't hear your concern now. You'd better come back when he wakes up." Lin Xiangxiang continued to drive people with a cold face.

Daifei'er doesn't dare to have too much conflict with Lin Xiangxiang, so she has to go into the room and take her clothes and leave.

Lin Xiangxiang opens the door and comes in. She looks at Lin Zimeng silently lying in Lu Chen's arms. She sighs: "cousin, take good care of him. I'll go first!"

"Miss, thank you I don't know what to do without you. " Lin Zimeng stood up with tears in his eyes.

Lin Xiangxiang chuckled: "be polite to me. I just don't want to see you break up. I think you are all my friends and relatives now."

"I'll take good care of him, and I'll make it clear to him that daiffel's character is too bad. I don't want to give Lu Chen to her any more." Lin Zimeng has made a decision, she will not easily let go.

"That's great. You've figured it out. It's more important than anything. I'll go first. I'll call if I have something to do." Miss Lin doesn't want to be an electric light cannon here. She needs to leave time for the lovers.

Lin Zimeng sent her to the door. Lin Xiangxiang raised his hand to her: "hurry back, don't send her!"

Miss Lin turned back to the car, a sigh of relief.

As she drove, she thought about her lovely son. She really wanted to hurry back and kiss him in her arms.

Miss Lin concentrated on her son, and did not find that in the back of her car, there is a fast coming SUV.

The SUV was a few meters away from her, suddenly accelerated, and the rear of Lin Xiang's car was suddenly hit by the SUV.

Lin Xiangxiang opened her eyes in panic, and felt that the car was out of control. After several rapid rotations, she was thrown out by the car.

Next to him was a turbulent river. After Lin was thrown out of the car, he rolled into the river.

On the SUV sat a man with a mask and a hat. The man had a gun in his hand and wanted to shoot Lin Xiangxiang.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Xiangxiang was thrown out of the car window and fell into the turbulent river.

He wanted to get out of the car to pursue and kill, but there were several cars behind him. He didn't dare to go down, so he had to drive away in a hurry.

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