I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 100: A Night After the Sea

Chapter 100: A Night After the Sea

Wow, Haruka-chans swimsuit is so sexy! How can she be so innocent yet exude such allure?

In the living room of the Niihama household, my little sister, Kanako, exclaimed in surprise as she looked at the swimsuit photo of Shijouin-san on my flip phone.

By the way, this swimsuit photo was taken sneakily by Kazamihara with her flip phone and sent to me with a message saying, It turned out like one of Harukas gravure shots, but enjoy it for now. She sent it to me before the barbecue.

The resolution was a bit disappointing from my perspective, being used to smartphones, but the alluring and adorable figure of the pure and lovely girl with long black hair was captivating. Even if she werent my sister, anyone would be amazed by its impact.

(We had so much fun at the beach Well, cleaning up afterward was quite a task)

Sipping barley tea in the air-conditioned room, I recalled what happened yesterday.

After the chase game with Shijouin-san on the sandy beach, I had no choice but to carry the sleeping girl on my back and return to where everyone was.

It was truly a trial.

You see, I had to walk slowly so as not to wake the sleeping beauty, feeling her soft, trembling body against my back and hearing her soft breaths against my neck. It took an extraordinary amount of mental strength to hold back my bursting desires.

(And to top it off, Ginji and the others were asleep when we got back I wouldve been in trouble without Natsuzaki-sans help.)

As the one who had to take on the final cleanup duty due to being sober, I tidied up the barbecue set and other things with the friendly muscular driver. Then, we put the four sleeping people into the car and headed home.

Regarding the drinking incident, there was an apology from Shijouin-sans family, saying, Were sorry for not watching over the kids properly. However, every family understood that it wasnt mischief or anything of the sort, just the kids being careless, so they treated it as a simple funny story.

And now, the next day around noon, my little sister was eagerly asking me to tell her about our day at the beach like she was waiting for the latest volume of her favorite manga.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So, with the photos from that day, I briefly explained what happened. But

My brothers coverage of all the ero incidents at the beach, said my little sister with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

Dont make it sound like a title of some internet novel!

In the Niihama households living room, I retorted to Kanako, who recently switched from twintails to a ponytail.

What kind of clichd title is that? It could easily become popular with some decent erotic illustrations!

But seriously, thats the only way to describe it! Anyway hehe, I can just imagine my virgin brother turning red every time he gets close to Haruka-chan.


I couldnt argue with her since her imagination was completely correct.

By the way, it seems like your friends are all so helpful. Having a big group together for the beach or festivals is a chance for boys and girls to get closer, right? If you have the excuse of coming as a group, it reduces the awkwardness.

Yeah, I can understand that. Being in a mixed-gender group provides a convenient cover for such feelings.

Its better than forcing yourselves to go alone and getting all nervous. With the right group of friends, it increases the chances of forming a couple. On the other hand, if the group is full of loud people or too reserved, it can make things awkward.

That makes sense, I guess.

On that note, your friends seem to really support you, and as I thought, they were quite supportive of your endeavor, right?

Yeah Theyre really great guys.

Indeed, there were many moments during the trip where I thought I was lucky to have those three with me.

Well, Id like to think I repaid some of the favor with the aftermath of that drunk incident

Hehe, listening to my brothers stories, it seems like everyone around him is quite reliable. With such a dependable surrounding, I dont think I need to be involved. Although, I did consider going to the beach with you but it was probably the right decision to stay back.

Huh? You were planning on going!?

Well, if it seemed like you guys were having a hard time getting along, I thought Id liven things up. But in that case both you and Haruka-chan wouldve followed me around, and it wouldve been the last resort.

While saying that, Kanako smiled.

Apparently, she has the confidence to barge into my friend group and quickly become friends with them. In some cases, she was actually serious about going along.

However, regardless of that

Thank you, Kanako.


When I conveyed my overflowing gratitude, my sisters eyes widened.

With her twintails, she was cute, but her recently becoming default in a ponytail also suited her adorable face.

You really support my love life, huh? You were even willing to come with me to the beach and support me Thank you for caring so much about me.

Well, um Dont get conceited, big brother! Of course, Im totally rooting for your love life, but its more because I want Haruka-chan to become my sister Hey, hey, stop patting my head without permission!

I touched my cute sisters head as she blushed, trying to resist but eventually accepting my gentle patting.

Perhaps because she might have been the one I hurt the most in my previous life or because the family that might have been disappointed in me in the future was now showing such concern for me, my feelings of love for them couldnt be contained, and I continued to pat her head without getting tired of it.

Now Ive been feeling lately that my big brother is getting more and more used to being around girls. Rather than a transformation from an introverted character to a cheerful one, it feels like the core of your being has suddenly matured, and youve become more like a dad

Annoyed that she gave in to my head patting, Kanako grumbled.

Her analysis was strangely close to the truth. If I were to tell her someday that I came from a time leap, shed probably believe me without hesitation.

Well, that aside, you achieved great results at the beach, big brother! You had plenty of physical skinship and you finally accomplished the name-calling you wished for! In terms of Kanako-chans love psychology, that means the shell of friendship is starting to break! The day you metamorphose and spread your wings is so close!

Hmm It was definitely a good thing, but Shijouin-san was quite drunk during the name-calling part, and I dont think she remembers it, most likely.

Huh Does alcohol really make you forget things? Isnt that just an exaggerated expression from manga or something?

Even Kanako, who was at her age, seemed unaware of the dangers of alcohol, and her eyes widened in surprise.

Thats right, little sister. Especially since youre so cute, be careful when you eventually start drinking alcohol in the future.

Yeah, when you get really drunk, you can actually forget things. Its like waking up and finding yourself teleported from a bar to your own house Its not just fiction. Well, its just what I heard, though.

Normally, you wouldnt forget things that easily unless you got seriously drunk But that time, I ran around a lot, and the alcohol hit me pretty hard. Considering Shijouin-sans incoherent state during the trip, her memories were probably not connected.

Well, honestly, its probably better for Shijouin-san if she forgets. Think about it. For example, if you got drunk and snuggled up to me, hugged me, and said, I love you, big brother~, embarrassing memories like that youd cringe, right?

H-Hey, even if I were drunk, I wouldnt say something like that! Well, anyway if I had memories of doing something like that, Id want to die right away

Right? Well, I do feel a bit disappointed, but its also sad if shes left with memories of herself stumbling around, confessing her feelings, venting her dissatisfaction, and whispering Shinichirou-kun~ in my ear

Hahaha, well, given the way she was incoherent and unguarded, its almost certain that her memories are wiped clean. If she remembered everything, she would probably end up panicking in bed despite her carefree personality!

Based on my experience with various drunk people, Ginji and the others probably had some fragmented memories, but given Shijouin-sans level of intoxication, her memories of that time were most likely completely gone.

Ill be the only one who remembers the incidents brought on by that alcohol.

But are you sure about that? She might actually remember everything perfectly

With her arms crossed, Kanako questioned me with a doubtful tone while I smiled confidently, assuring her of the peace of mind in her crushs heart.

(TLN) Whoo chapter 100!! Letz gooo~

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