I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 104: Francois Eastern Expedition (1)

Chapter 104: Francois Eastern Expedition (1)

Just like how good fortune with women was said to follow when one rose in rank and wealth, suddenly, there were many beauties around me.

There was my wife Laura, with her shimmering long silver hair and intelligent, bright red eyes, exuding a cool and aloof charm, and Lieutenant Anastasia Kerzhit, who seemed like she stepped out of a painting of a Russian beauty, with her fair skin, bright blue eyes, and long blonde hair radiating a passionate aura.

And there was Charlotte, petite with a height around the mid-150s, black hair, and sparkling black eyes, reminding me of a cheerful and kind Korean idol.

Of course, Anastasia probably didn’t have romantic interests in me, but she saw me somewhat as a great hero for having dealt with Ludwig, who killed her parents and harmed her tribe.

Also, as a representative of her assimilated northern tribe, she sought to establish her position within the empire by gaining my favor and performing great military feats under my command.

As for Charlotte, she was a girl assigned to attend to me by the empire’s order, and her bright and friendly demeanor made me feel good when I was around her.

For some reason, in the office of the 12th Brigade commander, Lieutenant Anastasia and Laura were…

“Lieutenant Kerzhit, now that introductions are done, please return to your quarters and rest. Both the Major General and I are familiar with the combat capabilities and tactics of your archer cavalry unit. You must be tired from the long journey.”

“Major General, you have only encountered our northern archer cavalry as enemies and may not know how to utilize them from a commander’s standpoint. Therefore, I have brought a special wine made from grapes harvested in the North. Let’s drink it together, and I will explain how our archer cavalry can be effective in upcoming operations.”

“Indeed, that’s important information, but others like Lieutenant Colonel Werner and Lieutenant Colonel Marco, who came with you, have already retired to rest after the long journey. Perhaps, Lieutenant Kerzhit, you should also rest today.”

It was April, and the sunshine was warm, but somehow, a chilly aura seemed to envelop me just being around those two.

It seemed that Lieutenant Anastasia and Laura were competing like this to gain my support as their superior officer in the military…

If it were a personal matter, I would unconditionally side with Laura, but when it came to official duties, shouldn’t a proper leader treat everyone equally?

As I was thinking this, Charlotte brought three cups of hot tea to the table in front of my desk.

“As Colonel Laura mentioned, as soon as I heard that Lieutenant Kerzhit’s archer cavalry was joining our unit, I immediately read dissertations analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of your unit, and even considered tactics and strategies that could be employed through your unit.”

Laura, thinking I had taken her side, smiled triumphantly.

“But, as Lieutenant Anastasia mentioned, we cannot overlook the experience of a lieutenant who has fought and commanded as an archer for a long time. Moreover, her eagerness to work proactively from her first day of assignment is commendable.”

At these words, Lieutenant Anastasia smiled broadly, pleased to have her efforts acknowledged by me.

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“Thank you, Major General.”

“No, I never imagined that the White Wolf Tribe’s archers would be under my command. You supported our unit, and headquarters accepted it, making it possible. Thanks to that, the range of tactics I can use on the battlefield seems to have doubled.”

That made sense, considering that I had instructed the development of a flint field in Töner, a fiefdom bestowed upon me, gathering retired blacksmiths and technicians from the empire to mix ashes obtained from burning sulfur and wood with flint to create gunpowder.

However, since I had only heard that it would be difficult to use in actual combat for almost a year, I wouldn’t be able to use gunpowder in this battle.

In the end, we had to fight with knights, infantry, crossbowmen, and mages, but with the addition of archer cavalry…

Stirring up the enemy lines with archer cavalry and then thrusting in the knights, among other tactics, the range of combat methods I could employ had significantly increased.

“This is the highest compliment our Kerzhit family has received since defecting to the empire. It has always been our wish to fight under a strong warrior.”

“Is that so? It feels good to hear such praise from Lieutenant Anastasia, who has survived the cold North and evaded the sword of Ludwig.”

“People who are close to me or have a friendly relationship with me call me ‘Anya’ instead of ‘Anastasia’ or ‘Kerzhit’. Please call me Anya.”

When I read her personal file, she experienced a tragedy at 17, where her father and many of her tribe were killed by Ludwig’s hand, and at 19, she led her own tribe and others to defect to the empire.

Although she received the benefits of being knighted, a small territory, and a commission as a lieutenant for her achievements in leading several tribes and her status as a tribe leader, even the empire’s not-so-kind attitude towards outsiders and commoners, she must have suffered a lot internally.

Seeing me, who had treated her favorably within such an empire, she made efforts to build a good relationship with me, especially for the survival and settlement of her subordinates who followed her.

“Understood, Lieutenant Anya. Then, what are the advantages of the archer cavalry?”

“Given our speed, we can attack the enemy knights unilaterally without being caught, and we are confident in disrupting the formation of enemy infantry.”

That was a tactic often used against Töner and Ludwig’s men in the North.

“In addition, while other empire’s scouts only ride horses for simple reconnaissance or weak surprise attacks, our tribe’s warriors can dismount and fight in hand-to-hand combat nearly at the level of knights. Using hit-and-run tactics, we can bait and capture large enemy forces. Even if they don’t take the bait, their morale drops drastically.”

Upon hearing this, even Laura, who had been looking at Lieutenant Anya disapprovingly until recently, nodded in agreement.

This was because, when fighting in the North, the 24th Regiment I commanded had never fallen for that tactic.

However, records of clashes between barbarians and imperial troops in the North showed many cases where infantry battalions or regiments fighting in such a manner lost their composure and were annihilated, their formations completely collapsing.

Thus, Laura, I, and Lieutenant Anya continued our discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of archer cavalry.

In the meantime, the tense and chilly atmosphere that had been flowing between us, or more precisely, between Lieutenant Anya and Laura, eased a bit.

I hoped we could all continue to get along like this.

Anyway, all three of us had a keen interest in military knowledge and enjoyed discussing new topics, so several hours flew by quickly.

“Major General Yaeger, are you in there?”

“I am here, but why have you called?”

“The commander of the Francois Eastern Expeditionary Force has summoned all officers of lieutenant rank and above. Please come immediately.”

We then wrapped up the meeting, quickly straightened our attire, and donned the uniforms we had hung on the coat rack.

Charlotte naturally began clearing the tea cups and snacks, and Lieutenant Anya approached me to ask,

“Major General Yaeger, since I’ve only recently been commissioned and don’t know much about the imperial army, may I come to you for guidance whenever time permits?”

Until now, only Laura had been receiving direct guidance from me, talking in my private room… and occasionally, we would stray off topic, and… well, things happened.

In Lieutenant Anya’s case, as she said, being newly commissioned, she inevitably lacked knowledge about the imperial army.

Therefore, no matter how capable she was, her understanding of the imperial army as a whole would be limited compared to her rank.

Such a difference on the battlefield could lead to a tremendous disaster.

I felt sorry for Laura, but I think I should allocate some time to her as well.

“I will teach you for 1 to 2 hours after regular working hours, one or two days a week. Additionally, since we still have a few months before deployment, you should also study regularly with the notes and textbooks I compiled from the Staff College.”

Hearing that, Lieutenant Anya seemed somewhat disappointed at the prospect of having to study from books, even as an active officer.

For some reason, Laura suddenly looked at me with a significantly pleased smile.

I guess she liked how she spent less time with me than she thought.

“Then hurry along. Once the strategy meeting hosted by the commander is over, skim through the first chapter of that book before you come in tomorrow. I’ll ask about it.”

For a moment, I spoke as I did during my days as a Staff College professor, but all this was for Lieutenant Anya.

As we all hurried towards the meeting room, Charlotte gently tugged at my lapel and said,

“I can help with the brigade’s miscellaneous duties. So, if you need anything, just let me know, General.”

Charlotte, who said this, was eight years younger than me and was of small stature, around the mid-150s in height. Maybe that was why?

She seemed like a younger sister to me, so I instinctively responded in a kind voice, as if encouraging a young girl.

“Really? Then I’ll be sure to ask for your help often.”

“Yes, leave it to me, General.”

Francois Eastern Expeditionary Force Headquarters, Main Conference Room.

As we entered, many generals, including me and others of high rank, took our seats, while the junior officers, overwhelmed by our presence, sat according to their ranks.

Everyone was discussing the upcoming expedition.

As the door opened, a man wearing the armor of the Reich Empire’s military entered the room, even though he was there for a meeting.

The four stars on the rank insignia on his armor suggested that this man was a commander.

Someone with four stars in the Reich Empire’s military wouldn’t be incompetent, so they must not be like those who were associated with the Dark Independence Army…

“I am Heintz von Patton, the commander of the Francois Eastern Expeditionary Force.”

Hearing the name Patton, I felt like I could somewhat guess this person’s disposition.

He seemed extremely capable but very… very different from the other generals.

“The explanation of this operation will be done by Major General Yaeger, but before he begins, I will explain our expeditionary force’s combat doctrine.”

At these words, all the generals and officers turned their eyes and ears towards General Patton.

“Maximum mobility, accurate supply, and aggressive combat and tactics. Like the barbarians of the North, move swiftly to the eastern part of the Francois Republic, biting like a white wolf!”

He seemed like the perfect commander for the key aspects of the operation I proposed—fast movement and an active invasion of enemy territory.

It seemed I was about to experience the most intense battle of my military life here.

Thus, I conducted a detailed briefing of the operation, more elaborate than what I had explained to His Excellency, the Minister of Military Affairs, Moritz.

Three months later, we officially advanced into the interior of the Francois Republic.

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