I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 134: Crown Prince’s Request (4)

Chapter 134: Crown Prince’s Request (4)

The next day, I was summoned by the Emperor and went to the Imperial audience chamber.

Being able to discuss politics alone with the Emperor in my mid-twenties was my highest honor as a noble and general of the Empire.

Thus, I was genuinely happy and determined to do my best to fulfill the Emperors expectations.

However, my feelings were more than simple anticipation and excitement. It was also nervousness.

This was because every time the Crown Prince met me, he always presented significant tasks, and I couldnt imagine what kind of duties would fall upon me now that I was meeting the Emperor directly.

While I was lost in these contradictory feelings of tension and anticipation, a captain in full uniform next to me knocked on the door and said,

Lieutenant General Peter Yaeger has arrived. Shall I let him in?

A moment later, a deep and low voice came from beyond the door.

Let him in.

As the door opened and I entered, I saw the Emperor and paid my respects, saying,

Baron Peter Yaeger pays homage to the Empires brightest Sun.

Rise. I have much to discuss with you. Please, take a seat over there.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

After saying that and looking around, my eyes were met with incredibly lavish furniture and artworks.

The throne and other furnishings were adorned with gold, and the walls were decorated with paintings, including the Emperors portrait, each worth hundreds of gold, along with various swords and the armor I had seen worn at banquets.

Furthermore, the floor was covered with a red silk carpet likely made in the East, and the entire room was made of white marble.

Despite the opulence, I calmly sat in a chair that, while modest compared to the throne, exuded a dignified elegance.

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Firstly, though I requested it through the Crown Prince, your successful persuasion of the Popes envoy to prevent the extension of the excommunication to the Republic was truly remarkable. Thanks to you, our Empire was spared needless bloodshed.

Its my honor, Your Majesty.

As this matter was conducted secretly, I cant reward you publicly, but I will send 2,000 gold to your house later.

To receive a reward of 2,000 gold for a task not involving risking my life in war with a sword in hand.

Indeed, the Reich Empire I served, while often demanding difficult tasks, always seemed to provide rewards that were excessively generous.

Now, I must repay with even greater achievements.

It is an honor, Your Majesty.

After the discussion about my rewards concluded, the Emperors expression grew serious, as if to discuss something important.

I focused intently on what the Emperor was about to say.

In the report you sent, you suggested that we should be wary of the Church in the future. Do you intend to retract that statement?

It went without saying, but I didnt have the slightest intention of retracting that statement.

This was because, in Europa, the Church had already completely lost real power and only remained as a symbol of authority.

Wasnt our significant influence in this war due to the Reich Empire directly utilizing Deuss authority, which all countries except the Francois Republic agreed upon?

Yet, the Pope, not content with having the highest religious authority in daily life, had tasted power and was becoming increasingly corrupted.

And the choices such a Pope would make were all too obvious, hence the need for caution.

How could I dare to speak nonsense to Your Majesty?

Then explain the basis for your statement. Ive read the report, but it seems necessary to hear your explanation.

Then I shall recount directly what I thought while negotiating with the Popes envoy.

With the Emperors nod of approval, I spoke confidently.

The Popes original intent in this Franco campaign was to enhance the internal influence of the Church within the Reich Empire by providing a rationale for war and receiving 200,000 gold as penance from the Francois Republic, thereby gradually strengthening the Churchs influence in the Empire.

As evidence, all the leading members of the war faction in the Francois Republic were handed over to the Popes Inquisition, bolstering the Popes authority, and a substantial sum of 200,000 gold, equivalent to several months of the Vaticans budget, was handed over.

Despite the Reich Empire, directly affected by the war, requested the annulment of the excommunication against the Republic, it was refused.

This demonstrated that the Pope, while holding the authority of excommunication, intended to maintain the punitive measures against the Republic to put the Empire in a disadvantageous position.

Had I not presented a solution satisfactory to the Pope, our Empire would certainly have had to pay a substantial sum or concede some internal matters.

An exasperating yet accurate statement. Indeed, thats why I authorized you, Lieutenant General Yaeger, to negotiate, excluding the transfer of territories.

I believe if I hadnt thrown them adequate bait, they would have certainly demanded the construction of a cathedral in our capital to commemorate the victory over the Francois Republic.

Upon hearing this, visible anger flared up on the Emperors face.

It made sense, as a cathedral in the imperial capital symbolizing the Churchs significant role in our victory would be quite a statement.

The Pope and the clergy, having played a part in the wars victory, would have requested the Empires favorable consideration.

And in return, they might demand the restoration of priests rights to serve in public office, like two hundred years ago.

Initially, they would start with officially recognizing priests roles as assistants to village heads, which they already did.

Later, they might ask for a pathway to city council positions and even central administration roles.

Just thinking about it is irritating. Right. Then, of course, you have a plan for that?

We should use our rights to appoint bishops and cardinals to fill these positions with those loyal to Your Majesty. Furthermore, for those who dont support you, use money and honor to sway them.

The specifics of the policy Ah, right, youre not an administrator. Asking more would be overstepping. Ill instruct for further review about it.

The Emperor was very wise, so just informing him of my ideas would be enough for him to develop detailed strategies.

Moreover, my reports content did not just end here.

But from what I read in your report, it seems the Empire will be safe from the Popes antics for now. You seem quite certain of this.

Yes, the Pope is addicted to wielding his papal authority. He will likely intervene in other countries wars for stronger papal power. He seems to desire a secular-shaking authority like that of Innocent I.

Other empires and duchies will shudder. Initially, they might welcome the Popes strong rationale for supporting their wars. But later, theyll truly detest it.

As he said, at first, they might consider it acceptable to grant some territory or money to the Pope who provided a rationale for their wars.

But when the Pope, without any real power or soldiers, demands the construction of cathedrals and clergy involvement in administration

What empires ruler would welcome that with open arms?

Understood. Then, lets conclude the report and negotiation discussions here.

Yes, Your Majesty.

However, theres something I need to inform you of. Its nothing significant, but our Empire is preparing for war with the Duchy of Switzchland.

Hearing this, I shuddered, recalling my last month spent in the staff headquarters, working four nights a week overtime.

It was clear that the current course of events was leading to a demand for a detailed operational plan during my period of suspension.

Ah, I would have liked to entrust you with the operational planning, but this time the Crown Prince will draft the initial plan. The staff headquarters will review and execute it, so you need not worry.

At those words, I could breathe a sigh of relief.

I desperately needed a vacation right now.

However, it concerns me that you, a pillar of our Empire, have no children at your age. Moreover, it will take at least a year to prepare for the invasion of Switzchland. Make good use of this suspension period.

It was a vacation, but while my mind might be at ease, my body wasnt.

Also, manage your subordinates more thoroughly. Once the Crown Prince ascends the throne, you will be responsible for a significant part of the Imperial Army. It would be too late to start building trust among the soldiers and officers then.

It was better than spending my vacation buried in paperwork, though.

During the day, I would often have to deliver consolation money or write letters of comfort to soldiers and officers who were injured or in difficult circumstances.

And at night, I would probably be with Laura, who was guaranteed a 100% punctual departure from work

Thinking about this, I responded in a drained voice, foreseeing challenging days ahead.

I will do my best as per your command.

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