I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 138: Operation To Attack Switzerland (1)

Chapter 138: Operation To Attack Switzerland (1)

Six months later, generals and field-grade officers, including myself, in or near the capital were ordered to appear at the Imperial Palace.

The reason for the summons was to review the expedition operation plan, led for the first time by His Highness the Crown Prince.

Generals and field-grade officers, who rarely met except at events like the New Years greeting ceremony, were greeting and inquiring after each other in the corridors of the Imperial Palace.

Oh, yes. Ive been assigned as the commander of the 2nd Battalion, 12th Regiment. I wanted to go north, but the competition was quite fierce.

Ive been in the military for nearly 30 years, but I never thought Id hear young folks competing to go north.

As you know, Major General Felt, this is all thanks to Lieutenant General Yaeger. Thanks to him, the North is almost pacified, but there are still uncivilized people causing trouble. Its not too hard to subdue them, but its also good for earning military achievements.

Thinking back, the North used to offer many opportunities for military achievements, but we had to struggle against thousands of enemies, including hundreds of archers.

It was a dreadful place, where officers who couldnt handle the archers faced defeat, ruining their careers with dishonorable discharges or forced retirements.

Now, most of the barbarians have become slaves, paying for their ancestors crimes through hard labor in mines, fields, and construction, significantly reducing the size and unity of hostile forces.

Still, it was a good place for military achievements, as I could clear out small-scale resistances at least once a month, just as that Major General mentioned.

While lost in these thoughts on my way to the Grand Hall of the Imperial Palace, where the operation would be announced, suddenly, the relaxed atmosphere tensed up, and I heard salutes coming from behind me.

It seemed the Crown Prince was arriving, so I turned around and saluted.

Ah, isnt this our Lieutenant General Yaeger? Im truly glad to see you.

Its an honor, Your Highness.

Dont be so formal with me, haha. Id feel a bit hurt if you kept doing that.

In a situation like this, where its not one-on-one or a place with only close allies, saluting, as per FM,1

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was definitely the right thing to do.

The reason the Crown Prince acted so friendly in front of other generals and field-grade officers was quite obvious.

Yes, it was a strong declaration that he planned to use me as a core member of the military once he became the Emperor.

By the way, hows your wife? Shes definitely four months pregnant, right?

As per the Crown Princes words, during my suspension and house arrest, I spent every night actively engaged in physical activities with Laura, who was guaranteed regular or early leave, without using any contraception magic.

As a result, about three months after my suspension ended, I received news from the doctor that Laura was pregnant.

On that day, I received all sorts of baby necessities and clothes from His Highness the Crown Prince, and Duke Benner, after drinking over two liters of beer, lamented tearfully that he only had two regrets.

Those regrets were becoming a Field Marshal and not seeing the grandson Laura bore.

Thanks to your concern, we are doing well, Your Highness.

Like when my wife was pregnant, its important to keep a pregnant womans lower body warm. Also, sometimes they try to control their diet to avoid gaining weight, but you must discourage that. Otherwise, it can harm their body.

Ill keep that in mind.

After exchanging some pleasantries, the Crown Prince signaled for me to follow him, and we walked together.

I naturally took a position slightly behind and to the right of the Crown Prince, the second-in-command spot in the gathering.

Then, as if he had just remembered, he pointed to the officers following behind us and said,

These are Colonel Max, your brother-in-law, and other officers I often mingle with lately. They are quite capable and enrolled in the Staff College last year. They have worked themselves to the bone, studying and also reviewing the Switzerland invasion plan with me. Look at my face. Havent I become half the man I was?

Indeed, it seems he has been overworking and not sleeping well, judging by the thinness of his face and the depth of his dark circles.

You do look a bit thinner, indeed.

This plan was meticulously crafted. I drafted the general strategy based on data about Switzerland, while those guys worked on the practical plan. After hearing this presentation, everyone will acknowledge me as the future Emperor with military prowess.

Could you share a bit about the strategy youve developed?

Hearing that, the Crown Prince shook his head and said,

The operation will be presented soon. Your brother-in-law here will explain it in detail. Lets wait a bit; hearing it beforehand would spoil the surprise.

In Korea, knowing a movies plot beforehand always spoiled the experience.

Who would have thought Id hear something similar from the Crown Prince?

Then, Ill wait with great anticipation.

Thats not enough. Listen with high expectations.

I will trust in Your Highness alone.

With those words, the Crown Prince led a line of young officers forward, and I went to find my assigned seat in the Grand Hall.

The Grand Hall, typically used for grand banquets, was now filled with hundreds, if not thousands, of chairs, arranged in a hierarchical fashion for ranks from Lieutenant Colonel to Field Marshal.

I naturally took my place in a chair reserved for Generals.

After about 30 minutes, a board with a large map was set up in the center of the hall.

The Crown Prince and my brother-in-law began explaining the strategy in front of the board.

Let us begin the explanation of the war strategy against the Switzerland Duchy that I, Michael von Reich, have established! Colonel Max!

Upon hearing this, my brother-in-law, having practiced dozens or even hundreds of times, responded with a voice full of natural ease and confidence.

Lieutenant Colonel Max von Benner! I will now present the war strategy against the Switzerland Duchy as ordered by His Highness the Crown Prince!

Although I was about two years younger than my brother-in-law, watching him reminded me of when I first became a Lieutenant Colonel and prepared for the Bisochea occupation, presenting the strategy to everyone.

Despite my shorter military career, the speed of my advancement and the weight of responsibilities I had to bear were on a different level.

I couldnt say this to my brother-in-law or Laura, but to me, he looked like a chirping chick.

Firstly, the Reich Empires expeditionary force will consist of 50,000 troops, organized into six divisions. We plan to deploy them in March next year.

Upon hearing this, murmurs arose from the seats where I and other generals were sitting.

March next year is understandable, but only six divisions?

Isnt it too risky for His Highness the Crown Princes first expedition?

Lets hear more of the story. If those staff headquarters guys are quiet, it must mean there were no issues when they reviewed it.

Honestly, I also had my doubts.

That was because, although the Switzerland Duchy had a sparse population due to its barren lands, it wasnt a nation that could be handled with just six divisions.

Moreover, Switzerland was known as the strongest infantry nation in Europa, beyond the empire.

Since they earn their living as mercenaries, in reality, every soldier possesses combat capabilities exceeding those of an Imperial Army infantry sergeantits a haven of monstrous soldiers.

Why on earth did the General Staff approve this plan?

Of course, with Minister Otto Moritz in the General Staff, any nonsensical plan would have been rejected, even if it was proposed by His Highness the Crown Prince.

My brother-in-law, while noticing the glances and attention from the other generals, continued his presentation boldly.

Additionally, the objective of this war is for the Imperial Army to occupy six cantons, including Bern, Basel, Bad, and Ticino, out of the 23 cantons in Switzerland (comparable to provinces in South Korea).

As he finished, the young lieutenants of the Crown Princes faction swiftly turned the map on the board.

There was quite a shocking illustration depicted there.

Ordinarily, an army of 50,000 would attack Switzerland all at once, but this time, following the precedent of dividing troops into brigades during the pillage in the Francois Republic, we plan to divide the forces into six units for individual combat. Now, I will take questions.

Upon hearing this, one general asked the question that we all wanted to ask.

If successful, it would greatly aid the Empire in securing dominance. However, Switzerland is, frankly, a more formidable and powerful military state than the nomads. How do you plan to divide the forces within enemy territory to attack such a nation?

The Crown Prince, as if he had anticipated that question, smiled broadly and answered.

I will answer that.

  1. ED/N: It refers to following the guidelines for saluting as outlined in a Field Manual (FM) issued by the military. Field Manuals are publications that provide detailed information on various military operations and procedures, including customs, courtesies, and traditions such as saluting. These standards can include when to salute, whom to salute, and the proper form of the salute, ensuring uniformity and respect within military practices. 

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