I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women

Chapter 47 - The Second Lesson (2)

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 47 - The Second Lesson (2)

'Why? Why is he so insistent on these private lessons?'

Scribbling notes on her notepad, Julia glanced sideways.

Aslan sat beside her, seemingly absorbed in the lesson.

He must be mocking me, she thought.

It was obvious, just looking at his sly, wicked face.

And yet, Julia couldn't shake the feeling that Aslan was genuinely focused on this basic magic lesson.


She couldn't understand it.

This was something any noble would have learned from a young age.

Even if he hadn't learned it earlier, why would he want to now?

Especially from a much younger slave.

None of it made sense to her.


"What is it?"


Julia jumped as their arms brushed together.

He did that on purpose, she thought.

There was enough space between them, yet he deliberately moved his arm to touch hers.

At that moment, Julia recalled overhearing the maids' gossip.

'I'm so frustrated! How can the lord be so clueless about a woman's heart?'

'He seems to care for the girls, but he’s so clueless it looks like he’s just being helpful out of pure intentions!'

'Exactly! He should at least try to flirt a little. Ugh, it’s so frustrating!'

Did Aslan hear that too?

And did he think, ‘Oh, I need to be more forward’ or something?

Is that why he’s intentionally brushing up against me now?


'You sly bastard…!'

Now it all made sense!

All this talk about basic magic was just an excuse to be alone with her!

That’s why he said those ridiculous things to spend time with her!

Julia suddenly felt as if the pieces of a long-standing puzzle had finally fallen into place.

"Your mouth is open, Julia. Continue with the lesson."


"…Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ah, it's nothing… really."

Aslan’s gaze fixed on her, and Julia found herself instinctively looking away.

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Male advances…

This was something she had never experienced before.

Especially not from someone she despised—a man who acted arrogantly just because of his status…! Wait?!

'Is Aslan Vermont really that kind of person?'

Suddenly, she felt confused.

Aslan Vermont was undoubtedly scum.

He forced his slaves to eat from dog bowls, chose their clothing based on his taste, and set an absurd 10 billion lark goal for their freedom.

But what else had he done?

He revived the estate's economy.

He helped Charlotte and her unlock their abilities (even if she didn’t like it much).

And he built a road, boosting transportation and commerce.

Contrary to the rumors of him being a useless, irredeemable piece of trash, the Aslan Vermont she had observed was… surprisingly responsible.

How did this happen? she wondered.

She then remembered overhearing the maids gossiping again.

'The lord is so amazing. How can someone change so drastically?'

'It must be the power of love. It even made someone like him straighten up.'

It did seem like Aslan had changed since Charlotte and she came to the mansion.

So, could it be that he changed to impress us?

If that’s the reason, everything made sense.

The random acts of kindness that didn’t quite fit his usual demeanor.

The true nature behind them.

This man wasn’t just preparing to make them his future wives.

He was already laying the groundwork to win them over.

'You lunatic. We’re much younger than you…'

Isn’t this guy completely crazy?

Julia shuddered at the thought.

'Why would he like me?'

That was the most puzzling part.

Charlotte was pure and honest, loved by everyone.

She could adapt anywhere and be adored, but Julia wasn’t like that.

She was always full of complaints, easily irritated, and demanding.

Even she saw herself that way.

The only times she had positive thoughts about Aslan were rare, like when he reported the orphanage director.

In most cases, she was a thorn in the side of the wicked Vermont.

'Could it be because of that?'

No interest in easy women. Was that it?

Was he planning to break and corrupt her strong and upright nature?

Does he think I’ll give in? That I’ll become corrupt even if I become the countess?

'This is hopeless!'

Aslan had already set his sights on her.

No matter what she did, it would be hard to avoid becoming the countess.

There was only one thing she could do.

She would have to stay in the mansion as the countess and become an inside informant!



Julia clenched her teeth, her expression resolute.

Aslan looked perplexed.


"It’s getting dark already. Let’s wrap up the lesson for today."

"Y-yeah. I’m tired too. Let’s stop…"

The suffocating second lesson was finally over.

The lesson itself was as well-taught as the first, but this time Julia kept glancing at me, startled, or blushing suddenly and avoiding eye contact.

She stammered so often that the lesson took longer than expected.

Why is she acting like this?

Does she need to use the bathroom?

"If you need to go to the restroom, just say so."

"Huh!? What are you talking about…!"

"Never mind. Get ready to go out."

"Go out? Why?"

"Charlotte’s Super Strong Sword performance test is happening right now."

"I-I’m going."

Julia quickly threw on her coat, eager to follow.

Just a little while ago, she wouldn’t have wanted to ride in the same carriage as me, let alone talk to me.

Now, she seemed much more comfortable.

"Let’s hurry. We’re already late, so it might be over by the time we get there."

Charlotte might get upset, but I didn’t have a choice.

If I had to choose between the two, I’d rather deal with Julia’s mood.

Charlotte would probably forget she was upset if left alone for a while.

As the sun set, we quickly left the mansion and climbed into the carriage.

Now that I think about it, this was the first time I’d ridden alone with Julia without Sylvia.

Julia sat across from me, silently gazing out the window.

She looked like…

A tragic heroine being dragged to a wedding she didn’t want.

Why does she look so deep in thought?

"We’re here. Get out."


"Why are you just staring? I said, get out."

"I can’t get out unless you move…"

At the carriage door, I extended my hand, but Julia just stood there, unmoving.

Did she think I was blocking her way?

I stepped onto the carriage footboard and took her tiny hand in mine.

Julia flinched.

"When a lady exits a carriage, a gentleman offers his hand. That’s what this gesture means, so remember it."

"D-do you do this for other girls too? The same way?"


"Exactly what I said. Do you offer your hand like this to other girls too?"

Just get out already.

She suddenly asked something strange.

Even when I tried to pull her out, she stood her ground, determined not to move until I answered.

"I suppose I would."

"You would? Not you did?"

"I meant that I haven’t had the chance to escort a lady in a carriage yet."

Julia let out a small chuckle.

Do I look like the kind of person who would ride in a carriage with a lady?

If anyone, maybe Irene.

But even when I offered my hand, Irene would just ignore it and jump out by herself.

"Then the person who becomes your wife will have to hold your hand every day, huh?"

After laughing, Julia finally leaned on me as she got out of the carriage.

She fumbled a bit, unable to find her footing, so I lifted her down by her waist.

Julia’s cheeks puffed up with annoyance.

"This isn’t how you treat a lady…!"

"Did you really think of yourself as a lady? If you want to be treated as one, come back when you’re older."


Not yet, kid.

I said that with a slight smile, and Julia swatted my hand away.

She really wants to be treated like a lady, huh?

If that’s what she wants…


"Wh-what is it?"

"Take my hand. A lady usually holds the hand of the gentleman escorting her."

"What? You just made that up, didn’t you?"

"Of course not. Attending an event without a male escort is considered shameful for a lady."


Julia’s eyes widened as she stared at my outstretched hand.

In the world of nobles, women were seen as beings who couldn’t do anything alone.

They were always escorted by a man and accompanied in everything.

Could she handle that?

Could she hold the hand of someone she despised and walk in front of others?

Of course not.

"Now do you see why I can’t call you a lady?"

I started to pull my hand back when…

Slowly, Julia’s shoulder moved, and her hand started to rise before she quickly pulled it back.



She was about to take my hand, wasn’t she?

Julia’s face turned as red as a beet.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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