I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 124: Misunderstandings Part I

Chapter 124: Misunderstandings Part I

Among all the overpowered skills he got from the Manual, this was the most overpowered one yet.

And the most dangerous one too.

If he would use it, everything in him would be depleted, HP and MP. So, if he get caught by an enemy's skill, it'd be all over for him.

Elliot sighed, fully knowing he could act out of anger again and lash at any enemy who would provoke him using this skill. He was wondering why the Manual chose him in the first place.

Perhaps it already knew that he would make completely unnecessary decisions and thinks it would be fun watching Elliot suffer.

An icicle arrow was shot from a distance, breaking into smaller pieces with a loud boom that alerted the group.

"That's Ripple and Frost, signaling that they're done," Frederick said.

"So, Midnight and Luck left them with hundreds of minions to fight?" Elliot scoffed.

"No," Hope said. "I saw Mr. Guild Master fire his attack that killed a lot of the beasts. Mr. Midnight and Mr. Luck also killed a lot too. The twins were left with about 50 or so minions."

"Oh," Elliot pouted. "Well, okay then."

"Let's bury them now," Lance said and took Monstrum's body. He was about to properly carry the carcass when he remembered what this man had done.

Geneva told them what Monstrum did when he was still reigning the Realm of Inferno.

The Realm filled with flames has gotten even more chaotic after his rule. Rape, murder, torment, and every single sin you could imagine was allowed in the Realm. Geneva also told them that this was why the Realm had lost 5 of of its 7 kingdoms in the first years he reigned.

The people overthrew their leaders. The only kingdoms left was their capital, which was where the Ruler resided, and a neighboring kingdom that was connected to the capital.

Very few people could open portals through the other realms and when they appear, the people would not hesitate to go a different realm they were in. This was why the Seductors were in Terra, escaping from their harsh realities using the portal creation of one of their elders.

"So, what do we do now?" Elliot asked when they had finished burying Monstrum and Petra.

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'Sudden quest [ Fire Minions ] available.'

[ Fire Minions

Reward: 10 Inventory Slots

// Collect 10 Fire Minions. ]

Elliot ran to the battlefield where the fight against the beasts took place. It wasn't far from the city's gate so he didn't have any hard time running there.

When he arrived, he instantly used The Creator's Sloth to take 10 decently killed minions. He had to collect the ones that weren't too wrecked because the Inventory would place it in another slot since it was considered a different item.

'Sudden quest [ Fire Minions ] completed.'

'Reward received.'

Seeing everything in order, Elliot nodded in satisfaction.

"I need Connor."

He leaped in surprise after hearing Geneva behind him. He turned and saw the girl with pleading eyes.

"He's the Ruler of Inferno. If it's not the Heir, the people might not accept the new Ruler," Geneva said. 

Elliot was about to downright decline Geneva, thinking he should leave the decision to Connor, when Geneva spoke.

"I know that you're hiding something from your friends," she said with full confidence.

"Oh," Elliot gasped. "What?"

"I know you have something within your possession," Geneva said. "Something dangerous."

"Everyone has something dangerous in their possession," Elliot retorted, relaxing his shoulders after realizing her words are not much of a threat to him.

He was at a level where he can freely say that he has a secret cheat system that was an add-on to the Adventurer system. But along with that level was a family and friends that he was tied to.

If he would tell everyone about his system, they'd investigate his relationships and not long after that would be the location of his guild and the most vulnerable people he was acquainted to, Josephine and Viper.

He considered everyone he meet as important. Along with that was a tight shackles that he didn't know were already growing around his wrists, binding him to secrecy.

"What do you mean though?" Elliot said. "Everyone keeps secrets. Me, you, Connor, everyone."

Geneva sighed and pouted, "I thought you'd give up easily since you looked the most vulnerable and the closest to Connor within your group."

"I was Connor's first friend and he was my first friend," Elliot said, smiling after he remembered the time they first met.

It was when he had participated in his first Strike. The one where he got his first skill and the time where he saw how powerful the Azure Scorch Guild's pioneering members were.

Connor was as short as him back then too. The two young boys sharing grief and sorrow about how miserable their lives were.

"What if it's Cain," Elliot suggested. "He's the previous Ruler's brother, and he's strong. He could have that as enough requirements to be considered as Ruler, right?"

Geneva slowly nodded, "But if they knew that there was an Heir, they would come to claim his presence in front of them."

"So we don't tell them about the Heir's existence," Elliot said. "Only the ones who came here knew about him, if we can silence them up, we don't have to worry about anything."

"The only problem here is if Cain would agree," Geneva muttered, placing her index finger on her chin, deep in thought. "But I think he would agree. He's going to take over his brother's position. I'm sure he'd say yes."

"No," Cain said sternly. Fixing his clothes as he faced the mirror.

They were inside a house in the city. Elliot was with Cain inside the house while the latter fixed himself, saying he had to attend a meeting with important people.

"Cain, come on," Elliot pleaded. "You know you want it. It's the highest position in the Realm."

"No," Cain repeated. "I have more important matters to do, Elliot. Monstrum is dead, therefore I am free from the agreement of Connor and I."

"What if I give you another task?" Elliot narrowed his eyes. "I'd pay you anything."

"You cannot pay me anything," Cain said. "I am a one time, big time mercenary now. Affiliations are none of my"


Cain's eyes widened, snapping his head to the side where a familiar girl was running to him. She had his features but they were softer. Her hair was tied to pigtails as she ran to the man.

"Eve, what are you doing here?" Cain gasped.

"Papa," Adam walked over, pouting.

Elliot gasped as he saw the two kids walk towards Cain. His shock got even harder after he saw Lilith walking inside.

"What in the hell" Elliot trailed off.

"Thanks to Gelrick, I was able to locate your family," Geneva walked in with a smirk. "Cain, you sly cat. You didn't tell anyone you have a family."

Cain was speechless, the two children wrapped their hands around him as he stayed still, looking at the void.

"So, this is why you don't want to go to that forsaken place," Geneva said. "I understand now, Cain. Elliot and I will find another candidate."

Elliot stood and pointed at Cain, "You" he pointed at Lilith next, "And you? Together? These kids. They're your"

"Lilith is my eldest daughter you d*ck," Cain roared.

"So you're old!" Elliot gasped.

Lilith conjured a sword and slammed the hilt on Cain's jaw. Tears were falling from her eyes, sniffling her nose as she continued ramming her father with her weapon.

"Four months," Lilith said shakily. "Four months and you didn't come home."

"I'm on my way home, kid," Cain said. "I'm sorry."

Lilith dropped her sword and hugged her father tight, crying in his chest as he let out all her emotions.

"You did a good job finding them," Elliot said to Geneva.

The latter playfully pushed Elliot, "It was nothing. I rode Hope to fetch these two in such a short period of time."

"Good," Elliot said. "But who do we pick now?"

Geneva sighed, "I don't know anymore. But, I swear we can find someone. If not, then it has to be Connor."

"Yeah," Elliot nodded, raising his fist. "Bur I will not let that happen."

Geneva chukled and met her first with Elliot's, both laughing as they planned who to ask next.

Behind them, Connor almost let go of the tray he was holding. A tray filled with fresh fruits and newly cooked food for the priestess.

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