I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 96: Turned Into Cannibals

Chapter 96: Turned Into Cannibals

Lance could only stare in the air as the white dragon flapped her wings in the air, sending powerful waves of shock.

Sittie just passed the memory to him, with him almost not believing everything that he had seen.

"You mean all this time" Lance trailed off. "We were fighting the wrong one?"

"Queen of Hell, now!" Bright yelled. There were shadowy figures arising from the ground. They looked like the knights Biankka had.

"W-Why are they here?" Elliot gasped.

"She's with the Queen of Hell!" Lance yelled. "Everyone, stay on your guard. The knights alone are at a Beta Level Strike. They're not easy to handle."

The knights started to move, dashing to the Adventurers with their horses. They were wielding swords that were long and slim.

"White Deathly Strikes!" Lance leaped and fired multiple crescent-shaped attacks from his white sword. He had opted not to use his Black affinity since the knights would only absorb the energy.

His attacks had hit only a few beasts, the others blocking the attacks with their swords.

"Lance, what about Hope?" Elliot yelled from behind.

"We don't even know what she's planning. We can't do anything unless we" Lance stopped, remembering a scene from his memory. "She's gonna switch their bodies."

"What?" Connor asked, firing a surge of flames as he ran towards them, Ed was trailing behind him. "Lance, what do you mean?"

"I saw it in Clan's memories," Lance forced himself to remember. "She said something about switching souls. Bright used Liberator to force the Dracon Eternal Gem from Clan and place it to Hope so she could switch their bodies. She needed to get rid of Clan because the gem was still recognizing him as its owner."

"W-What?" The three chorused, looking at each other in worry.

"You mean to say, she's gonna become the Dracon Eternal?" Elliot asked to which Lance nodded. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go to Hope!"

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"The White Dragon Empress is too strong. And with the Queen of Hell backing her," Lance trailed off and breathed out a sigh. "I don't even think we could get past the black knights.

Ed chuckled and walked in front of him. He horizontally raised his sword in front of him, closing his eyes as he felt his arm glow.

"Eternal Chaos Strike!" Ed casted, swinging his sword and firing a strong wave of attack. The aura from his sword nearly hit half the number of knights. "Lance, you're the strongest one among us and yet you're the first one to give up?"

Elliot chuckled, brandishing his sword and stiking a knight nearby. "Who are you and what did you do to Lance?"

"I-I" Lance trailed off when Connor laughed and fired multiple flaming shots.

"And you're Hope's guardian too. Serious, what will the kid say?" Connor chuckled.

"You're all right," Lance sighed in defeat. "Let's go get my son back."

"No!" Hope yelled. The white dragon had slowly walked towards him, its long claws digging the ground. "Don't go near me!"

"I'm just going to swap our bodies, no big deal," she chuckled. "I can't believe you look like your father in your dragon form."

"I can't believe you're such a b*tch who manipulated everyone!" Hope retorted. "Just give up. You're not going to win!"

Bright laughed. "The moment the Supreme Dragon Emperor married me, I already won."

"Luminous Dexterity! Ball of Suspended Flame!"

"Think again!" A red glowing Elliot hovered over her. He was upside down while there was flaming ball on his foot that he used as a stepping stone. "Hasty Aspire!"

He blasted off from the air and into the dragon at an incredibly fast speed. It took only an under a second before he had clashed to the ground, piercing the white dragon's right wing.

The dragon yelled in pain, backing away only for her foot to be caught up by a circular symbol on the ground.

Connor raised his sword and the ground beneath the dragon's leg collapsed, a jet of flames erupted from it. She groaned again and used her strength to fly off.

"Like you can escape that easily," Lance grit his teeth and launched himself from the ground and into the dragon, conjuring wing-like auras from his swords.

His speed was quick even without a boost. When he was near the dragon, he deactivated the wings and crossed his sword and in front of him.

"Black and White Annihilation!"

His swords glowed and fired a raging burst of power into the dragon. When Lance felt himself falling down, Hope caught him in his dragon form.

"Are you okay, dad?" Hope asked.

A sigh escaped his lips as he grasped onto Hope. "I'm alright. What about you?"

"To be honest? I'm confused," Hope confessed. "I want answers but I doubt it will happen at this rate."

"Your questions will have their answers after this, Hope," Lance said comfortingly. "Trust me."

"Okay," Hope nodded and landed on the ground softly. They looked up and their eyes could only widen when they saw the White Dragon Empress hovering above them. A black pattern of triangles had appeared all over her skin like they were part of it.

"Ha! I really won this time. Now I have gained an Eternal's power and favor!" she laughed devilishly. "You will never win!"

The other dragons had fled beside her, all under her trance. Even Libetator, who they yet to know why he could morph, was under her spell.

"Everything is all according to my plan," she said. "Everyone who went against me shall perish and experience the most painful death!"

"Why do you have to talk so much?" Elliot appeared in front of her. There was a strong red aura that covered his body. 

'Skill [[ Hasty Aspire ]] has branched.'

'You have gained the skill [[ Reckless Drive ]].'

[[ Reckless Drive ]]

Cost: 7,000 MP

// For the next 2 seconds, the user shall gain 100,000% Strength and Speed.

"Ethereum?" Ed gasped. "He's using Ethereum again!"

Elliot used one second to blast off and another to hack the hilt of his sword against Bright's face. Her body was instantly blown into the ground in a split second, creating a massive crater and destroyed a large portion of the city.

Lance pulled Elliot down with his ropes before the other dragons could even reach him. He maneuvered for Elliot to be caught by Hope who was awaiting from below.

"I told you to not do a crazy thing like that again!" Lance scolded. "Ethereum. Seriously?!"

Elliot pursed his lips and rolled his eyes. "I had to do it."

"You little"

"Everyone!" Sittie cut Lance off, running towards them and panting. "I have accessed the white dragon's memories. Maybe you'll find something you could use from here. Memory Scatter!"

The sparks appeared from the tip of her wand and shot to everyone's head.

Elliot's friends paused as the memory entered their minds.

It was dark and cold. The large cave was silent as two dragons wriggled through chains that had coiled around their bodies.

"You two need to give your loyalty to me," Bright said from the memory.

She was walking in front of the two dragons who were held by white chains. Her wings were slightly opened by maintaining to cast her binding spell.

"Never!" the Flame Dragon Emperor said. "Now we know why you were so eager to mate with the Supreme Dragon Emperor. You wr*nch!"

Bright tsked. "White Puppet Creation doesn't work on individuals with strong resolve. I guess Clan was just angry and confused. And vulnerable. But then again, I know what works."

A dragon walked inside, dragging a bag of what seemed to be meat that disgusted both the captive dragons.

"Bright, don't you dare," the Water Dragon Emperor growled.

Bright grinned, "Say 'ah'."

They all awoke from their memories and stared at the void.

Elliot clenched his sword as tight as he could, even feeling his palm bleeding. His eyes were wide as saucers with rage.

"She made the Flame and Water Dragon Emperors into Cannibals!"

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