I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Chapter 97: Never Decide When You're Angry

Chapter 97: Never Decide When You're Angry

There was an eerie silence that followed. Elliot and his friends realizing that they her killed victims, thinking they were villainous.

Anger flowed inside Elliot's system. The scenes in his memory of them being force fed the dragon's meat to turn them into Cannibals replayed in his mind. 

"Monster!" Elliot yelled, gripping his sword and slowly activating his power. He readied his skills to be activated but Lance raised his arms in front of Elliot, stopping him.

"Stop," Lance said. "You shall never decide things like attacking when you're angry. Let's calm ourselves down first."

"Okay," Elliot loosened his grip. "Okay I'm calm."

Elliot took a potion in his Inventory and drank it, slowly replenishing his MP. 

"Good," Lance sighed in relief. "Now"

"Hasty Aspire! Reckless Drive!" Elliot blasted himself and shot directly towards the dragon. His insane speed was too fast that before anyone else could react, Elliot had clashed his sword with Liberator's claws who was in front of Bright.

"Aw, come on!" Lance groaned.

"Stupid brat!" A healer raised her scepter, pointing it at Elliot. "Does he usually do this? Demented Heal!"

The HP drain from the Reckless Drive was healed by half, giving Elliot more confidence to cast it again and slash Liberator in the face. He failed his attack as he kicked Libetator to lift himself.

"You're a big b*tch!" Elliot glared at Bright.

The dragon only roared and fired a white beam from her mouth. Elliot had no mana left to block it.

Realizing the result of having such a hard head, Elliot chuckled and awaited for the beam to come. His knew this was going to happen but the anger had consumed him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A large shadow blocked the attack, a large dragon wrapping his wings around him. His eyes widened after seeing Hope guiding him to the ground as he held Hope's leg.


"Mr. Moon, we told you not to do that," Hope sighed. "Please."

Elliot nodded, "Okay."

As they descended to the ground, the dragons had formed a circle. They hovered over the humans, flapping their wings steadily. Bright flew inside the circle and roared.

"Terrans," Hope translated. "For your interference, I shall give you a gift."

Only Hope's party could understand him while he was in his dragon form. Lance had to relay the message to the others as they waited for the dragon to finish.

They dragons opened their mouths and gathered their energy, ready to fire.

"You shall have the gift of death!"

A large dome made of sand had formed from the ground, arising over the Adventurers to cover them. Large crystal swords hovered over the dome, shifting horizontally and meeting in the middle.

"South Western Great Defense!" the Guardians yelled. "Crystal Sword Sand Dome!"

The dragons fired their attacks with the intent to destroy everything. Their beams had mixed, forming different colors as it rained upon the earth.

"The Thunder's Call and the Lightning's Flash!"

The sky darkened as streaks of lightning traveled around the thick clouds that hovered over them. It lit up with large lightning strikes, hitting Florian, Kian, and the purple dragon.

The dragons' beams dissipated before it could fully penetrate the protection. They looked up only to see a man riding on a chariot that was pulled by giant rabbits.

As the dome started dissipating, the image of the man on the chariot became clearer. A white-haired bearded man with a lightning whip and a black cloud hovering over his head.

"What in the hell?" Ed widened his eyes after realizing that the man was coming to them. "It's an old man."

"Hello everyone!" he cheered. 

"Mr. Zeud?" Lilith called out. "Sir, what brings you out of your retirement?"

"How can I sit idly knowing that my previous Domain is being attacked by one of the biggest threats the kingdom has ever faced?" Zeud replied. "Lilith, don't worry, I am here."

Elliot was amazed by how strong the man was. He struck 3 dragons unconscious all in one hit, a feat he could not do. He even doubted Lance could do it, and Lance was already overpowered.

He clenched the handle of his sword, realizing that he was too far away. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he took another potion, this time, he was determined to listen to others and not let his emotions control him.

"Now you know why you need to listen," Lance said from behind him, flicking his forehead and crossing his arm. "If you want to become strong, you need to survive. Reckless Drive is banned along with Ethereal Strike."

"Serves you right," the healer from earlier said. "You need to be careful kid, one wrong move and"

The ground shook over a collective roars of anger blasted from the dragons. They saw their brethren fall into the ground unconscious.

"Would you look at that," Zeud chuckled. "Two Guardians having trouble over some dragons."

The black knights had surrounded them, making Zeud laugh loudly. "And pitiful twats on horses!"

"They're an Alpha threat, Mr. Zeud," Lilith said. "They're not easily defeated."

"Aw, rubbish. Try asking around town about The Sea Serpent Incident 20 years ago and come back to me," Zeud said and bent his knees, his eyes glowing with a bluish white color. "Nevermind, I'll tell you. The Lord of the Skies stopped a Double Alpha Threat on his own. It's okay if you feel ashamed too. Everyone else does."

He flailed his whip, the weapon wriggling like it was a feral snake. Several black knights were instantly killed by the attack, all burnt into crisp by the intense heat the lightning whip produced.

"What in the heaven's f*ck are you all waiting for? Y'all waiting for Yule?!" Zeud launched from the ground. His chariot followed him, catching him mid-air as he went straight for Bright. "I hate white b*tches."

Bright growled and backed away with Libetator confronting Zeud. He had an immense strength as the previous Dracon Eternal and Zeud could feel it.

"A better opponent," Zeud grinned, letting go of the reins and flailing his whip. "Ho ho f*ck you!"

"Follow me," Lance said. They were about to battle the knights when Johnson came over them.

"I heard you were the ones who slayed the Cannibal Dragon Emperors," Johnson said. "It might be a pitiful move for me but my insides have been messed up. I cannot defeat all the dragons on my own."

"You want us to go with you?" Lance asked to which Johnson nodded.

"Pommel will take us up," he replied. "Let's go?"

Lance looked at Hope who was already glaring at the dragons above. He sighed and nodded, "Okay. We'll go with you."

"Thank you," Johnson said and signaled Pommel to make them float.

The older man tapped his broken staff on the ground, casting the spell that created the magic circle beneath the group.

"You're quite an old man, of course you're bound to use magic circles, right?" Ed teased but Pommel didn't look as happy.

"Just defeat the dragons so we can all go home," the old man replied, finishing his spell and sending everyone above.

They shot up at an incredible speed. The man must've used a crazy amount of mana to cast a spell like this.

Johnson casted a spell to Pommel and the earth below him slowly opened. He looked down and saw a flight of stairs. Adam and Eve were inside.

"Come here, Mr. Caster, you need to be protected," Eve said. Pommel looked around before taking the stairs. As he got down, the earth closed, hiding him from the enemies.

As the others ascended, there was an opening that Bright was open. They gave their all and fired their strongest skills and attacks.

Their collective power created a fog around Bright, with it screaming in pain. They waited for a response but nothing came out from the fog.

"Is she dead?!" Ed asked with a cheery tone.

His question was answered when a roar came from the fog.

"Oh, nevermind."

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