I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 103 - 93:1 Broke In_3

Chapter 103: Chapter 93:1 Broke In_3

Translator: 549690339

But the composition work that determines the other half of the artistic achievement, Carrie Thomas surely hasnt completed yet.

Even if she has a rough idea in her mind, at least she hasnt leaked it to Harrison Clark.

Given Carries character, even if she was plagiarized by Harrison, she definitely wouldnt think in the direction of plagiarism and copying, but would instead believe that the two of them were somehow connected.

In this way, the completed The Fire would still have the same artistic accomplishment as before, and still be a military anthem, while keeping the results of Yellowstone Research Institute intact.

But another change had happened.

After Carries part of the artistic achievement was stripped away, her talent would definitely be expressed in another song with a different yet equivalent form!

So, in addition to The Fire, Harrison might be able to squeeze out another equally memorable and inspiring work for future generations.

Apart from Carrie Thomas, Harrison Clark also needed to keep a firm hold on another key figure, his not-yet-official apprentice, Ward Owen.

Standing on the balcony, Harrison took a deep breath, gazing at the rising sun in the distance.

Then he lowered his head to look at the contact information for Ward Owen on his phone, a profound smile on his face.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

This time, I wont make you a huge star, so you fucking cant go back to Whale Group for a lifetime, or Ill change my last name to Cheng!

First, lets go find Ward Owen to sign a contract, so as to achieve deeper cooperation and better control the quality of the works produced by this fat man.

Making up his mind, he immediately leaped off the balcony.

Lucia, let the time machine pick me up and take me

Damn, Im already back!

Theres no time machine in this world!

This is the fourth floor!

No one is going to catch me!

As he flew in mid-air, Harrison thought about performing a stable free fall under 1G conditions.

Ive messed up.


Harrison didnt die but landed steadily on the ground.

His feet were a bit numb, but that was all.

Harrison stared blankly at his own hands and then looked up at the top of his head.

On the balcony of the fourth floor, his underwear was swaying gently in the breeze.

His thoughts raced.

I did indeed jump off the fourth floor, but Im unharmed.

What happened?

What did I do in that instant in the air?

He began to recall.

He quickly remembered his actions in mid-air after totally submerging into his subconscious.

For nearly a year, the instinct gained from Azure Dragon Armor training had involuntarily adjusted his posture, as if he was wearing Azure Dragon Armor and descending from the sky.

He succeeded, using the bending of his feet during landing to successfully reduce the impact force.


He looked down at his sneakers that had burst from the sudden pressure and scratched his head.

The height of this loft apartment is approximately 5.8 meters, and the total height of the four floors is about 15 meters.

After jumping off the fourth floor, my speed should be 12.12 meters/second when I touch the ground after a 15-meter free fall.

To relieve pressure, I squatted down and my center of gravity moved about 30cm down before stabilizing.

So, during the time from bottoming out to stabilizing completely, I experienced il+l-34 meters/second squared of acceleration, or 25.23G.

Its basically the same as being hit by a truck, but in the end, Im unharmed, and I only ruined my shoes.

Have I awakened some strange powers?

Harrisons whole body was covered with goosebumps.

Wait, how did I figure out the answer so quickly?

Where did my mental arithmetic and logical thinking ability get so strong?

Harrison began to realize something was wrong.

Since he was blown up till now, his thinking has been very clear, even when encountering doubts and difficulties, he could quickly deduce the correct answers from various aspects, not like before when he would just think a little bit and then get stuck, only to feel annoyed and want to give up.bender

So thats why he could so easily digest such a huge amount of information and quickly find the right answers, then make decisions without hesitation.

Considering the failed jump and strong mental arithmetic ability, theres only one explanation for the phenomena occurring with him.

Before he was blown up, he had just recently injected the coagulation serum, and at the time of death, he was still a perfect soldier.

Every time he returned to the past, his physical constitution would be preserved.

This time was no different, except not only was the training result preserved, but also the full effects of the coagulation serum!

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