I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga

Chapter 125: Revenge Match

Chapter 125: Revenge Match

The arm-wrestling finals began immediately.

In fact, this mini-game had nothing to do with the original purpose of the swimsuit contest, but the audience was even more enthralled by it.

They say the most entertaining spectacles are fires and fights, so it’s understandable, though unrelated.

Ryuji and I faced each other on stage.

This was the first time we had competed like this since dividing into teams for dodgeball with our classmates.

Thinking back, Ryuji was on par with me in exchanging throws.

Rather than just being the protagonist’s advantage, it seemed he had his own training evidence.

“Please take it easy, Yu-seong.”

“Sure. I’ll do my best, too, Ryuji.”

We shook hands and then leaned forward over the table.

The foreign ghost floating behind Ryuji looked down at us with interest.

Then the MC, acting as the referee, held our clasped hands and said,


At that moment, I felt Ryuji’s hand gripping mine tighten.

Just that alone ignited a burning competitive spirit.

I had no intention of going easy, but I realized I couldn’t underestimate him.


With the start signal, Ryuji’s hand tightened firmly.

I looked at Ryuji, feeling his unusual strength.

His body, to put it plainly, looked like that of a high school student who worked out a bit.

Despite the overwhelming difference in our physical stature, he was exerting an astonishing amount of strength.

Could this be the so-called compressed muscles often seen in shonen manga?

An event, physically improbable, was happening calmly.

Certainly, with this, it was no wonder that Yoshida lost earlier.

His strength was definitely beyond that of an average person.

And it was clear how this looked in the eyes of the audience.

“A close match! It’s a close match!! Sakamoto Ryuji, where does such incredible strength come from in that small body?!”

We continued the intense struggle for strength.

It was a literal stalemate.

Of course, I was holding back a bit.

If I went all out, Ryuji’s arm could literally be folded.

But even considering that I was holding back, his strength was literally off the charts.

‘If I keep holding back like this, I might actually lose.’


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I slowly began to gather my strength.

Then, thick veins bulged on Ryuji’s forehead.

It seemed he was also giving it his all.

On the other hand, I still had some reserve strength.

Probably because our physical training regimes were different.


He yelled loudly, putting more strength into his right hand.

But the already disrupted balance showed no signs of recovering.

Ryuji’s right arm began to slowly tip over to the side.


The audience cheered at the sight.

Honestly, most people were probably betting on my victory.

But Sakamoto Ryuji had already exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Even if I lose now, I’ll still be told I fought well.

“Contractor, it seems you’re starting to struggle.”

The foreign ghost behind Ryuji said this, patting his back.

But Ryuji, already in a state of deep concentration, said nothing.

I was surprised at Ryuji’s determination to somehow turn my arm over, not giving up.

It made me wonder if Ryuji had always been this competitive.


The foreign ghost, shaking his head as if to say it was hopeless, then spoke to me, who was right in front of him.

“I’m not sure if you can hear me or not, but assuming you can, listen. Exactly 3 seconds after I finish this sentence, I will possess the Contractor’s body. This will greatly enhance his physical abilities. But I do not wish for a victory by possession. Be prepared. And if you are a warrior, do not run away from me and his challenge.”


I was startled by the unexpected words of the foreign ghost.

But the foreign ghost began to count down with his mouth, as if not giving me time to think.




As the ghost’s count ended, I reflexively tensed my arm.

And in the very next moment…

“Now is my time.”

Ryuji’s presence changed.

I felt a sense of déjà vu hearing that line.

Thinking back, Ryuji’s dodgeball skills had dramatically improved right after he uttered that chuunibyou line during our last game.

I thought he was hiding his true skills then, but now it seems that ghost has possessed Ryuji’s body.


Suddenly, Ryuji’s grip strength felt like it had doubled—no, tripled.

No, it wasn’t just a feeling; his grip strength was increasing in real time.

I might not have known before, but now, familiar with handling qi, I can tell.

The orange aura currently emanating from his body was the same yang qi I used.

It must be the ghost’s doing, but according to what I heard from Senior Fuma, it was nonsensical for a yin entity like a ghost to handle yang qi.

But seeing this contradiction unfold before my eyes, I had to revise my existing knowledge.

As my once faltering wrist rose again, the audience went wild.

Especially memorable was Satoru’s shout from under the stage, “It’s Dark Ryuji Mode!”

And then the foreign ghost wearing Ryuji’s guise smirked and said,

“You can indeed see me, warrior of the modern age.”

I realized I could no longer exercise the right to remain silent against him.

After all, the fact that I hadn’t been immediately overpowered after his possession was proof enough.

“What’s your purpose?”

“Don’t be so guarded. I have no intention of harming the Contractor. My purpose is solely to fight the strong ones around the world.”

What is this…?

It seemed like a battle-crazed ghost, typical of shonen manga.

I was astounded by his stated purpose, yet I remained vigilant.

His usual behavior might seem off, but his skills were genuine.

Even now, the energy rippling from Ryuji’s body is pressuring me in real time.

He must know how to use qi.

Unwilling to lose like this, I awoke the senses within my body.

Then, an orange luminescence like a mirage rose from my entire body.

As my body was instantly enveloped in qi, the ghost wearing Ryuji’s guise exclaimed,

“Indeed! My eyes do not deceive me! Magnificent! Warrior of the modern age! To think you can handle such a level of Twt-ra!”

Desperately, I shouted against the mounting, horrific chuunibyou scene of Ryuji unfolding before my eyes.

“Please, just shut up!”

“Hahaha! This is fun!”

Regardless, he burst into hearty laughter, emitting a far stronger qi than before.


I thought our previous fight was no joke, but now he was much stronger than before.

Had I known it would come to this, I should have finished it quickly before he possessed him.

Regretting this, I clenched my teeth.



We both fought with all our might.

Straining as if our necks would burst to pin each other’s arm to the other side.

I didn’t know how a mere mini-game turned into this, but it had become a fight for both our prides.



The table supporting our arms cracked.

This momentarily disrupted the tense balance between us.

I didn’t miss this opportunity, and I twisted my wrist.


The ghost possessing Ryuji’s body widened his eyes, trying to resist, but the shifted center of gravity couldn’t be restored.

And then…


As Ryuji’s arm hit the other side of the table, the MC overseeing the match quickly raised his hand.

“Match over!”

The unprecedented match, gripping enough to make one’s palms sweat, had the onlookers murmuring, audible even on stage.

Then, after checking on me and Ryuji, the MC raised the hand of the winner.

“The winner of this match is Kim Yu-seong from Korea!”

At that moment, as if they had been waiting, an immense cheer erupted.


“The most exciting arm wrestling I’ve ever seen in my life!”

“He lost, but he fought well!”

Praise was poured equally on both the winner and the loser.

I reached out my hand to Ryuji, who looked up at me with a dazed expression.

Then, the ghost wearing Ryuji’s guise burst into a hearty laugh and grabbed my hand.

“Indeed! The priest’s words are true—the world is vast, and there are many strong ones!”

Laughing as if his lungs were full of air, shaking my hand up and down, he then spoke seriously,

“This time is my defeat. But next time, I won’t lose.”

It was a line straight out of a shonen manga.

Immediately after, as the ghost left Ryuji’s body, he, looking pale as if coming to his senses, asked me,

“This wasn’t filmed by anyone, was it?”

Without a word, I pointed to the camera spinning behind the stage.

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