I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga

Chapter 129: Project S.U.V Starts!

Chapter 129: Project S.U.V Starts!

The date set to visit the President’s villa on the island with the Student Council members was August 16th.

Since today was August 9th, that left exactly one week.

“Of course, I haven’t forgotten. What do you take me for?”

[Then that’s a relief. It seems my worry was unnecessary.]

I silently thanked the Vice President in my mind.

If I hadn’t received the call today, I probably would have completely forgotten until the trip was upon us.

It was something to consider, having too many plans during vacation.

“How are the President and Minami doing?”

[Both are the same as usual. If anything, they might be even more energetic. Probably because they are looking forward to this trip.]

Hearing the usually strict Vice President say this, I felt a sense of responsibility.

I thought it was just a casual outing, but it might feel different for the President who was going to graduate next year.

“I’ll prepare thoroughly.”

Then the Vice President on the other end of the line said,

[No, don’t prepare anything. We will take care of all the preparations. Just think about enjoying the summer vacation with the President.]

“No, I have some decency, after all.”

It was against my conscience not to prepare anything when they were providing the accommodation, meals, and transportation.

[Considering the wealth of the Saionji family, the cost for one person like you is nothing. As I said before, just come as you are.]


Faced with such a firm tone, I couldn’t argue anymore and decided to graciously accept the President’s offer.

[Then, we’ll see you on the day. Take care of yourself.]

“Ah, yes. Take care as well, Vice President–”


The call was cut off before I could finish speaking.

I thought he was being unusually kind, but he was still the same Vice President.

It was apparent, even over the phone, how much he cared for the President.

A week has passed since then.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With no other commitments, I spent leisure time going back and forth between home and the gym.

Despite having rejected her confession during the last festival, Minato still sent friendly messages, and I replied appropriately, trying not to hurt her feelings, even though it felt awkward.

Compared to before, when we only talked about muscles, there was a noticeable increase in her approach, probably because she remembered what I said during the festival.

In the case of the Group D members, with whom I had parted ways regretfully last time, we gathered over the weekend and went to karaoke together.

After enjoying singing, we had a meal at a family restaurant, went to an arcade, and then returned home.

Regardless of the rules of love comedies, I had fun like a typical high school student.

Thinking back to when my phone’s contact list only had my parents’ numbers, it felt like a significant progression now.

Not only the Class President and Satoru from Group D, but also Minato, my junior, and Mei Ling, who returned to China, have their numbers recorded.

As for Mei Ling, we had spoken once via international call.

She said her master was interested when she mentioned me and that it might take a while before she could visit Japan again due to an international competition, and we exchanged various updates.

It had only been about two weeks since she left, which might seem a bit excessive, but the absence was felt more keenly when someone was gone.

Especially since she stayed as a guest in our house for a whole five days.

Thus, a week passed in the blink of an eye, and finally, August 16th arrived.

The long summer vacation was already halfway through.

On the day of the promise.


“Ohohohoho! Hello, ma’am! It’s been a while since I last saw you!”

It was the President and her entourage who entered, almost breaking the door of the shop early in the morning.

It felt like it had been quite a while since I last saw them.

Even though it was just about three weeks ago, on the day of the summer vacation.

I had heard a week ago that the President herself would come to pick me up, so I was mentally prepared, but she still made a noisy entrance.

“Oh my, it’s been a long time, President.”

As my mother, who was restocking the fridge, greeted them warmly, the President covered her mouth with a fan and glanced at Minami standing beside her.

Minami nodded and extended the bag she was holding in her right hand.

Mrs. Imija blinked and asked,

“What’s this?”

Then Minami, responding to the question, slightly bowed her head and said,

“It’s a gift set of green tea from the President’s favorite brand. I hope you like it.”

“Oh my, you didn’t have to bring anything! You could have come empty-handed.”

Despite saying so, my mother did not refuse the gift.

She enjoyed drinking tea during the quiet hours of the store.

I had mentioned this fact in passing, and it seemed the President remembered it.

“Since you’re here, why not have a cup of tea before you go? I can prepare it quickly.”

But the President shook her head and said,

“I’m terribly sorry, but that might be difficult. We’re quite pressed for time right now.”

“Oh, if that’s the case, it can’t be helped.”

Seeing my mother’s shoulders droop in disappointment, the President, seemingly feeling bad about it, quickly added,

“Instead, once this trip is over, I’ll come back and join you for a tea party. So please don’t be disappointed.”


As the two women with the same name shared a strange exchange of emotions, the Vice President, looking anxious, glanced at his watch and said,

“President, we’re running out of time. We need to leave right now to catch our schedule.”

“Ah, that’s right.”

The President murmured, “Look at me, forgetting,” and then looked at me.

“Kim Yu-seong, you’re all prepared, right?”

“Yes, I prepared everything last night.”

Although they said they’d prepare everything and I could come as I am, I still thought it best to bring some clothes to change into, so I packed them in a bag.

“Then let’s leave right now. Even if we leave now, it’ll be tight to make the flight on time.”

“What? Flight?”

I was surprised as I followed the President out of the store.

Weren’t we supposed to travel by car?

Then the President tilted her head and said,

“Didn’t I mention before? Our family’s villa is in Okinawa.”

“This is the first I’ve heard of it.”

“Well, now that you know, it’s fine. This special Student Council training camp will be held at our family-owned villa on an island in Okinawa.”

Suddenly, it felt like a cliché out of a Japanese manga.

A family-owned island—just how rich were they?

Anyway, since there wasn’t much time left for the flight, I quickly hopped into the limousine the President had arrived in.

The limousine sped along the road and arrived at Tokyo Haneda Airport.

There, we got tickets and boarded a flight to Okinawa.

Thanks to the President, I flew first class for the first time in my life.

However, I was puzzled; typically, at this point, it would be a private jet, not a commercial flight for someone as wealthy as the President.

When I asked about this, the President said with a hint of incredulity,

“Have you been watching too many cartoons, Kim Yu-seong? Even the wealthiest don’t use private jets for domestic travel.”

Faced with the President speaking as if it were the most obvious common sense, I had no reply and shut my mouth.

Why was it that only in this aspect did things seem normal?

It took about three hours to get from Tokyo Haneda Airport to Okinawa Airport.

Despite being a domestic flight, it was quite a long trip, feeling different from going to Jeju Island.

The fact that it was my first time in first class also played a part.

When I mentioned I hadn’t eaten breakfast, the President sitting beside me personally ordered an in-flight meal for me.

“The food they serve here is quite good. I sometimes eat it myself when I’m too busy to have a proper meal.”

Thanks to her, I had steak for breakfast.

Although the portion was small and barely satisfying, I held out, thinking about lunch.

Anyway, after a three-hour flight, as soon as we arrived at Okinawa Airport, we got into a sedan waiting for us and headed to the port.

At the dock, a luxurious yacht was already moored, apparently to take us to the island.

As we unloaded our luggage from the car, a tall and sturdy old man waiting by the yacht took off his sailor hat and bowed to the President.

“It’s an honor to serve the young lady on this trip.”

“It’s been a while, Captain.”

The President waved her hand familiarly and was the first to board the yacht.

“If you get seasick, let me know in advance. I have prepared medicine for it.”

The Vice President said this and offered me two types of seasickness medicine, one to stick behind the ear and another to ingest.

After a moment of contemplation, I chose the oral medication.

“Then we’ll depart now; please, everyone board.”

The old man said this and headed towards the cockpit.

As the Vice President, Minami, and I boarded the yacht, the captain confidently turned the key.


The majestic sound of the electric motor filled our ears.

We embarked on the white luxury yacht, heading towards the isolated island.

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