Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 409 It Begins

The Primeval Battlefield stretched out before them, a desolate landscape scarred by the echoes of ancient battles. The air was heavy with a somber tension as if the very earth held its breath in anticipation of the clash that was about to unfold. The sky above was dark and ominous, casting an eerie pall over the scene below.

In the heart of the Human camp, the Grand Commanders stood side by side, their presence commanding and resolute. Alice, the Sword Empress, stepped forward, her armor gleaming in the dim light. She raised her sword high, its blade reflecting the glimmers of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

Her voice cut through the silence, strong and unwavering. "Soldiers of humanity! Today, we stand on the edge of the abyss, ready to face the Nightmare Incarnates that threaten our existence. We have endured hardships and witnessed the horrors of this Primeval Battlefield, but we have not wavered. We have trained, we have strategized, and we have prepared ourselves for this moment."

Her words carried a weight that resonated through the hearts of every soldier. Their gazes turned toward her, their faces a mixture of determination, fear, and unwavering loyalty.

Alice's voice rose, filled with conviction. "We fight not only for our survival but for the hope of a better future. We fight for our loved ones, for those who have fallen, and for the generations to come. This battle will test our mettle, our courage, and our unity. But remember, we are not alone. We stand together, shoulder to shoulder, bound by our shared purpose and our unyielding spirit."

The soldiers nodded, a ripple of determination spreading through their ranks. They tightened their grips on their weapons, ready to face the horrors that awaited them. The gravity of the moment was palpable, and the weight of responsibility settled upon each soldier's shoulders.

Alice's voice rang out, resolute and fierce. "Today, we march forth into the heart of darkness, armed with the strength of our convictions. We will not falter, we will not yield, for we are the defenders of humanity, the bastions of hope in the face of despair. Together, we will face the Nightmare Incarnates, and together, we will emerge victorious!"

Her words ignited a fire within the hearts of the soldiers. The air crackled with a renewed energy, the tension giving way to a sense of purpose and unity. The soldiers raised their weapons high, their voices merging into a thunderous roar that echoed across the Primeval Battlefield.

With Alice at the forefront, the Human army moved forward, marching toward the looming darkness. Their spirits were aflame, their resolve unbreakable. The clash between humanity and the Nightmare Incarnates was imminent, a battle that would determine the fate of their world.

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As they advanced, each step resonated with a solemn determination, their hearts ablaze with the courage of warriors. They were ready to face the horrors of the Primeval Battlefield, to confront the nightmare itself, and to forge a future where hope would prevail over darkness.

As the Human army stepped out of the protective confines of their camp, the silence of the Primeval Battlefield shattered like glass. The very ground trembled beneath their feet as their presence sent ripples through the surrounding darkness. In response, the Nightmare Incarnates, alerted by the intrusion, emerged from the shadows, their forms twisted and grotesque.

With savage howls and eerie screeches, the Nightmare Incarnates launched themselves towards the Human ranks. Their eyes glowed with an unholy light, filled with a malevolence that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest warriors. Fangs glistened with a vile ichor, their claws extended like lethal talons.

Humanity did not flinch in the face of this onslaught. The soldiers stood firm, their weapons raised, resolve etched upon their faces. The clash was fierce and brutal, as sword met claw, shield met fang. Battle cries mingled with the guttural growls of the Nightmare Incarnates, creating a cacophony of chaos and defiance.

Each Human soldier fought with unwavering determination, their training and instincts guiding their every move. They maneuvered with precision, striking at the weak spots of the abominations, exploiting gaps in their defenses. Arrows soared through the air, finding their marks with deadly accuracy, while spells crackled with arcane power, unleashing devastating bursts of energy.

Blood spilled upon the ancient battlefield, mingling with the dust and dirt. The clash of steel against flesh reverberated through the air, as the Human army pushed back against the nightmarish horde. Despite the ferocity of the Nightmare Incarnates, the soldiers held their ground, their resilience bolstered by their shared purpose and unyielding spirit.

In the midst of the chaos, the Grand Commanders fought alongside their troops, leading by example. Alice, her sword a blur of deadly grace, carved a path through the Nightmare Incarnates, her every strike infused with the strength of her convictions. Blake and Mary, their elemental powers unleashed, conjured storms and flames that engulfed their enemies, their prowess unmatched.

West Two, the Dreamweaver, wove his ethereal magic amidst the chaos. He shielded his comrades with his Dream Law Domain, rendering them immune to the insidious influence of the Nightmare Incarnates. His presence alone instilled a sense of calm amidst the chaos, allowing the soldiers to fight with clarity and focus.

Humanity stood strong. Thanks to their knowledge of their surroundings, knowing where the choke points and traps were, they were able to take down Nightmare Incarnates without any wasted effort. This was something that those abominations can't do with their maddened instincts.

It's also as if the slumbering fighting spirit of those who met their end in this battlefield, woke up because of this clash. It's like they sensed the tension in their surroundings and felt the sheer desire of Humanity to win, stirring them awake and alert.

Nobody could truly say if this had any effect on humanity since they were too focused on their task.

The clash continued, the battlefield becoming a swirling vortex of chaos and desperation. Each moment was a test of endurance and willpower, as both sides fought tooth and nail for dominance. Humanity refused to yield, their determination unbreakable, while the Nightmare Incarnates threw themselves relentlessly at the human lines, fueled by their twisted hunger.

Amidst the clash of steel, the crackle of magic, and the primal roars, the fate of the Primeval Battlefield hung in the balance. The war between Humanity and the Nightmare Incarnates had begun, and in this battle for survival, there could be no retreat, no surrender.


Ashton and the Celestial God remained trapped within the confines of the dream, their ethereal forms suspended in a realm of illusions. From their vantage point, they observed the relentless battle between Humanity and the Nightmare Incarnates unfold before their eyes. The Celestial God, once calm and composed, now seethed with fury and frustration.

His divine countenance twisted with a mixture of rage and disbelief as he witnessed the tenacity and resilience of the Human army. The Celestial God had meticulously crafted his plans, manipulated events, and orchestrated the rise of the Nightmare Incarnates to fulfill his insidious agenda. But now, all his carefully laid schemes were being thwarted by mere mortals.

The Celestial God had never anticipated that Humanity would prove to be such a formidable adversary. He had underestimated their strength, their resourcefulness, and their unwavering spirit. The sight of them pushing back the Nightmares with such determination pierced through his divine facade, unraveling the threads of his once-unshakable confidence.

In the depths of his being, the Celestial God felt a profound unease, a gnawing realization that all he had believed in, all he had built, might be nothing more than a mirage. The veneer of his godly power cracked under the weight of this revelation, revealing a vulnerability he had long denied.

In his frenzy, the Celestial God thrashed against the ethereal prison that held him captive. He unleashed his wrath, calling upon his celestial might to break free from the confines of the dream. But each attempt proved futile, as the dream's hold on him remained unyielding, mocking his desperate struggles.

Ashton, the mortal caught in this ethereal realm, observed the Celestial God's torment with a mix of disdain and helplessness. He is aware of the weight of the Celestial God's disillusionment, the crushing realization that everything he had believed in was shattered. But unlike the god, Ashton never doubted his allies, a belief that Humanity's indomitable spirit could prevail against the forces of darkness.

The Celestial God's frenzy escalated, his anger turning into a desperate frenzy as he clawed at the boundaries of the dream, seeking an escape. But with each failed attempt, his frustration only deepened, his divine rage intensifying.

In the midst of this ethereal struggle, Ashton's voice emerged, calm yet resolute. "Man, you just don't know when to quit," he spoke, his words carrying a quiet conviction. "You already knew it was useless, so stop trying."

The Celestial God's furious gaze turned towards Ashton, his divine eyes burning with a mixture of fury and contempt. Yet, within that gaze, there flickered a glimmer of uncertainty, a crack in his godly facade.

The dream realm shimmered around them, the ethereal energy crackling with intensity. The battle outside continued, Humanity's defiance echoing through the fabric of the dream.

Ashton and the Celestial God remained locked in their ethereal struggle, two beings on opposing sides, their fates entwined within the confines of this illusion. The outcome of their clash, and the destiny of the Primeval Battlefield, hung precariously in the balance.

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