I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 465: Sword Saint

Chapter 465: Sword Saint

We purchased

The astonishment of the Black and White Impermanences perplexed the onlooking wizards.

The wizard turned his gaze towards the direction where the Black and White Impermanences' line of sight was, with a slight furrow of his brow.

"Inquire of the God Lord, have you discovered anything?" the wizard asked.

The siblings exchanged another glance, and Black Impermanence said coldly, "Just a moment ago, there were two people observing from the sidelines in this courtyard. However, none of the people present were able to perceive it until my sibling and I invoked the Impermanence Divine Talisman, relying on the power of capturing and restraining souls, to sense a faint trace of spiritual presence. However, the other party had already fled far away and is probably no longer in Luoye City."

Shen Wuyou explained the situation to the wizards.

Shen Wuyou, dressed in a pure white gown, arrived at the spot where Lu Heng had previously stood in battle. He paced around the small area several times, sensing the gradually fading spiritual aura in the air, his face completely devoid of a smile.

"Such a familiar aura"

The young girl spoke with a solemn expression, "My sibling and I travel throughout the world, guiding the souls of the departed. With billions of souls passing through our hands, the spirits that leave a profound impression on us must be extraordinary individuals. What's even more terrifying is that they are here, so close to us, yet no one notices. Their covert methods are truly unheard of!"

"I dare say, even if Demon King Sun Yan were to arrive here, it would be impossible for him to flaunt himself so arrogantly under the watchful eyes of my sibling and me!"

The young girl spoke with unwavering confidence.

And these words directly frightened all the wizards.

Something that even Demon King Sun Yan cannot achieve

"Could it be an ancient demon from the primordial era, even older than Demon King Sun Yan?!" exclaimed the wizard in a trembling voice, recalling that Demon King Sun Yan's companion, Nine Phoenix, was also a formidable ancient demon from ages past.

In theory, given the immense influence Demon King Sun Yan currently holds in the demonic realm, it is not surprising for him to commandeer some ancient demons. However, what puzzles us is why he would send such malevolent creatures to Luoye City! Could it be that he has a sinister plan targeting the All Souls Ancestral Root?

The wizards were filled with deep concern.

The expressionless Black Cloaked Reaper said, "This matter is of great importance and indeed not an ordinary malevolent entity. I cannot turn a blind eye to it in the depths of the netherworld Sister, should I report this matter to Chakravartin?"

The young girl, Shen Wuyou, lightly flicked her fingers and plucked two thin threads from the void. She said, "Naturally, we must report to Chakravartin and make a trip to the netherworld to have these remnants of soul essence examined for verification. Since it is a familiar aura to you and me, perhaps it has a name recorded in the Book of Life and Death."

After finishing her words, the young girl bowed to the wizards and said with a smile, "We entrust the subsequent matters to you, dear wizards, and we, siblings, must first return to the netherworld. However, the remaining manifestations have already begun searching for traces of malevolent entities nearby. If there is a signal, we hope that you, esteemed wizard uncles, will lend a timely helping hand."

The Black and White Impermanences patrol the world and receive offerings from the mortal realm. Their power has greatly surpassed what it used to be. However, the physical manifestations of their patrols are not their true forms, and even if they encounter demons and monsters, they would not be a match for them. Ultimately, they still rely on the power of the mortal realm.

However, when it comes to this matter, the wizards are already well-versed and proficient.

After all, those malevolent spirits, vengeful ghosts, and stubborn souls that escaped in the past, sometimes encounter formidable opponents that even the top-ranked wizards of Fire God Temple find difficult to handle. In such cases, the wizards of Fire God Temple would lend a helping hand.

Having cooperated for thousands of years, it goes without saying that it is only natural now.

After the Black and White Impermanences respectfully disappeared, the wizards, in turn, dispersed and began making preparations for the subsequent response.

With such a formidable demon appearing in Luoye City, the entire city must be placed under martial law; we must not give any chance for the malevolent spirits to exploit.

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And Furthermore, someone needs to be sent to notify the All Souls Ancestral Root as well.

The wizards dispersed in different directions, while Lu Heng and the young White Dragon girl stood in the void, observing the situation from a distance.

The young White Dragon girl said, "Master, your two children have detected our remaining aura Does this mean we are about to be exposed?"

The young White Dragon girl wore a disappointed expression, evidently not yet done playing, and reluctant to step into the spotlight so soon.

Lu Heng, however, shook his head and said, "Rest assured, they won't find anything. The Book of Life and Death is a power derived from the Requiem Seal, and the main seal is still in my possession. I will slightly interfere to ensure that they don't uncover any results."

The young White Dragon girl finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No wonder you, Master, remained calm. So, you were prepared Hmm Where do we go next then? Shall we pay a visit to the Underworld? The current Underworld must be exceptionally vibrant and powerful!"

The young White Dragon girl fantasized about the magnificent scene that would unfold once Lu Heng's construction of the Underworld was completed. She wished she could immediately accompany the Black and White Impermanences to see it, filled with great anticipation.

However, Lu Heng shook his head once again and said, "We won't go to the Underworld just yet. Let's first go to Hanyu Mountain."

Lu Heng, saying this, directed his gaze towards the towering ancient tree.

There, a streak of light flew out from Luoye City and headed straight towards the roots of the great tree.

The wizard from the Fire God Temple went to deliver a message through the grapevine.

So here comes the question, in a situation where Hanyu Mountain is already engulfed by the towering tree and the mountain gate has vanished, what is the purpose of these wizards going to Hanyu Mountain?

Based on the previous encounters, it seems that the Heavenly Court is also not present here.

With such thoughts in mind, Lu Heng, accompanied by the young White Dragon girl, directly followed the streak of light that was flying towards to deliver the message.

In the void behind them, two ethereal figures were roaming, the avatars of the Black and White Impermanences siblings who had merged into the void.

What Lu Heng and his companions saw before was actually only an incarnation.

These sibling incarnations, numbering in the billions and scattered throughout the entirety of the Celestial Desolation Realm, now, under the command of their true forms, are converging towards Luoye City to search for the "evil demons" concealed in this place.

Among them, two incarnations followed closely behind this wizard who was heading to deliver the message. Evidently, Wuyou and Wuyu siblings believed that the evil demons might be tracking this messenger.

Of course, their speculation is indeed correct.

With his preparedness, Lu Heng now harnesses the power of the netherworld to conceal himself, making it impossible for even the sigils of the Black and White Impermanences siblings to detect his and the White Dragon maiden's souls.

Therefore, Lu Heng and the White Dragon maiden stealthily moved around not far from the flying siblings in the void, yet the two of them remained oblivious to his presence.

In this manner, a wizard, the incarnations of the siblings, along with Lu Heng and the White Dragon maiden, flew in succession and arrived beneath the towering tree of that colossal tree.

Here, there lies a crystal-clear grand lake, surrounded by a bamboo forest, exuding tranquility and elegance.

The gentle breeze brushes by, causing ripples on the surface of the lake, further reflecting the ethereal beauty of the bamboo pavilion by the lakeside.

The wizard's beam of light directly landed in front of the bamboo pavilion, bowing respectfully towards it.

"Luoye City's wizard, Tuoba Sheng, pays respects to the sword saint senior."

A gentle breeze swept through, causing the doors of the bamboo pavilion to swing open, revealing a middle-aged man with white hair and a weary countenance stepping out from within.

Four thousand years later, the young man of the Yun sect once known as Huo Feng, now bears none of his former exuberance and vitality.

The desolate figure had lost one of its arms, leaving the right arm completely empty from the shoulder downwards.

He shook his head, addressing the wizard outside the door, saying, "Stop flattering I, Huo Feng, a mere cripple, am unworthy of such a title."

Speaking thus, he glanced at the void behind the wizard and said, "Wuyou and Wuyu are here as well? What a rare sight. With official duties at hand, why have you both come to me? Is it possible that there's a malevolent force in this vicinity that even the combined might of Fire God Temple and City God Temple cannot handle?"

As Huo Feng's words fell, the figures of the two siblings appeared from the void.

In the wizard's astonished gaze, the little girl in white giggled and said, "Uncle Sword Saint, you truly possess supernatural foresight, worthy of being the foremost celestial figure renowned throughout the four seas. Indeed, near Luoye City, a formidable primordial fiend has emerged, with extraordinary strength. Perhaps it will require the intervention of Uncle Sword Saint to vanquish it."

The little boy in black clothing spoke with a solemn expression, saying, "That fiend has an extraordinary origin. A conservative estimate places it at the level of Demon King Sun Yan, a powerful ancient demon. Besides Uncle Sword Saint, there is likely no one near Luoye City who can restrain it. Moreover, its arrival is suspicious. It could be sent by the Demon King or a dark sect, possibly targeting the All Souls Ancestral Root. That's why we have come to deliver this message, so that Uncle Sword Saint can be prepared."

And in front of the bamboo pavilion, Huo Feng, having listened to the words of the Wuchang siblings, displayed a slightly perplexed expression.

"Has the demon come to Hanyu Mountain?"

He furrowed his brow and said, "Are you certain it was sent by Sun Yan?"

Huo Feng said, "For over two thousand years, Sun Yan has always kept his promises and has never trespassed upon Hanyu Mountain If you were to say it was the Heavenly Court who sent him, perhaps I would believe it."

After Huo Feng finished speaking, a helpless sigh echoed from within the bamboo pavilion.

"The misunderstanding from Senior Sword Saint runs deep in our case"

In the midst of the sigh, a man dressed in divine robes emerged from the bamboo pavilion and said, "On this occasion, I have come at the behest of Senior Huo Yun and Senior Caiyi to show concern for Senior Sword Saint, and it is not the case that the Heavenly Court has sent me, as for appointing a demon to cause trouble, it is even more inconceivable for us to engage in such actions."

The man smiled wryly and said, "In truth, if it weren't for Senior Huo Yun getting reprimanded by Senior Sword Saint every time he comes um advising, I wouldn't need to bother Senior Sword Saint either."

The man also seemed quite helpless.

The wizard named Tuoba Sheng looked slightly surprised at the immortal deity and recognized his identity, saying, "Oh, you're the Marshal of the Milky Way Luoye City wizard Tuoba Sheng, I offer my respects."

The man known as the Marshal of the Milky Way returned the gesture and said, "My name is Wu Yi, pays my respect to you and Impermanent God Lords."

The grim-faced figure in black robes nodded expressionlessly, considering it as a reciprocation.

White Impermanence, Shen Wuyu, chuckled and said, "Brother Wu, you truly are omnipresent Why not just reside in Hanyu Mountain and spare yourself the trouble of returning to the Heavenly Court? It would be much more convenient, wouldn't it?"

Black Impermanence snorted coldly and said, "Even if he resides here, he still has to regularly return to report to the Supreme God. It would still involve back-and-forth travel and the same level of inconvenience."

The siblings sang in perfect harmony, with an eerie and peculiar vibe.

Regarding this, Wu Yi could only smile wryly with a sense of helplessness, choosing to stand silently on the side without uttering a word, refraining from engaging in futile arguments any longer.

Meanwhile, Huo Feng furrowed his brow and said, "In any case, as long as I am here in Hanyu Mountain, neither the Heavenly Court nor the demons shall set foot upon it!"

"That demonic entity, no need to worry. Whether it's sent by the Heavenly Court or by Sun Yan, I guarantee it won't be able to come near Hanyu Mountain!"

"Furthermore, upon your return, you may announce to the outside world that I, Huo Feng, have comprehended the supreme and transcendent technique of 'Demon Heart Cuts the Sacred'."

"From this day forward, unless the Wolf God himself personally arrives, anyone who dares to covet the Wolf God's Hanyu Mountain and the Divine Peach Fruit within the Celestial Desolation Realm shall not leave with their life intact!"

As Huo Feng's words fell, everyone present was taken aback.

White Impermanence, Shen Wuyou, exclaimed in astonishment, "Demon Heart Cuts the Sacred? Isn't that the sword technique you envisioned, Uncle Sword Saint? It's truly remarkable that it has come to fruition!"

Wu Yi, his expression also filled with astonishment, said, "Sword Saint senior you you have actually comprehended Demon Heart Cuts the Sacred? This

It is evident that this sword technique, discerned solely by Huo Feng, carries a tremendously formidable weight for those familiar with him!

Even Tuoba Sheng, the one with the lowest status and strength among those present, was equally shaken, as he was aware of this supreme sword technique that only existed in legends.

In front of the bamboo building, everyone was astonished, while Huo Feng snorted coldly and said, "If you don't believe it, let Supreme God Lu come and try it personally. Hasn't she been itching to draw her Heavenly Thunder Sword against me for a long time? This time, I will have the opportunity to see if my realization of the Demon Heart Cuts the Sacred can reverse life and death in the face of the Heavenly Thunder Sword!"

In Huo Feng's words, there was a thick aura of killing intent.

It is evident that Huo Feng harbors a strong discontent towards that supreme god who presides over the Heavenly Court and gazes down upon all living beings.

In response, Wu Yi could only offer a wry smile of resignation, abstaining from uttering any word, having long grown accustomed to the abhorrent temperament of the Sword Saint.

White Impermanence then shifted his eyes and chuckled, saying, "Since Uncle Sword Saint has already realized the supreme and unparalleled Demon Heart Cuts the Sacred, that's wonderful. Now, even if Demon King Sun Yan personally comes, we don't have to worry about any trouble on Hanyu Mountain. With Uncle Sword Saint here, who else in the world would dare to covet the Peach Blossom Divine Fruit?"

Black Impermanence, with an expressionless face, nodded and said, "Since the esteemed Sword Saint is here, then we have nothing to worry about Goodbye."

After speaking, the figure of Black Impermanence dissipated and vanished directly in front of the bamboo pavilion.

White Impermanence chuckled and said, "Uncle Sword Saint, Wuyu is going back now It is crucial for Wuyu to inform Chakravartin about the good news of your realization of the Demon Heart Cuts the Sacred technique. From now on, we must be even more careful not to offend Uncle Sword Saint Hehe"

After speaking, the little girl's figure also disappeared in front of the bamboo pavilion.

Both the older sister and the younger brother have left.

Upon witnessing such circumstances, Wu Yi displayed a brief moment of hesitation before respectfully addressing the Sword Saint, "Esteemed predecessor of the blade, I too must take my leave. Your realization of the transcendent technique, known as the 'Demonic Heart Severance,' is indeed a blessing bestowed upon me by the realm of Celestial Desolation"

"Enough already, just go away, and spare me your nonsense," Huo Feng impatiently waved his hand to shoo them away, saying, "Go back and tell Supreme God Lu not to send anyone anymore. Don't even think about sending Huo Yun and Caiyi over, even if she were to pluck my mother from the depths of the River of Time, I, Huo Feng, would not show any courtesy!"

"While the Wolf God still reigns, these younger generations have no right to meddle in the affairs of every blade of grass and every tree on Hanyu Mountain! If they yearn for conflict, let them perish from our sight! They should stay far away from Hanyu Mountain and cease to be a nuisance! I am disheartened on behalf of the Wolf God!"

Huo Feng cursed with a vile tone, saying, "Next time they dare to send someone to bother us, I will wield my sword indiscriminately and bring them down! I always keep my promises!"

Huo Feng directly scolded and drove away Wu Yi.

Soon, only the wizard from Luoye City was left in front of the bamboo building.

Regarding this wizard, Huo Feng's demeanor seemed to have softened considerably.

"Would my esteemed friend Tuoba like to come in and have a seat?"

But the mighty God Lord of the Milky Way, Wu Yi, has been chased away by insults, while the siblings Impermanent God Lords also fled. With an even lower status and power, how could Tuoba Sheng dare to stay?

He promptly bowed respectfully and said, "The junior must take leave and return to report, congratulations to the senior for attaining enlightenment on the Great Dao."

After saying that, Tuoba Sheng also hastily departed.

In the end, the only one left in front of the bamboo pavilion was Huo Feng, with a desolate figure and hair turned white.

As well as Lu Heng and the white dragon girl, who had been standing by and watching for quite some time.

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