Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 871 Glacial Thicket

Chapter 871 Glacial Thicket

Leaving the repository, Mira and Master Shen Xian walked through the temple grounds. 

The disciples of the Frozen Sangfroid Temple gave Mira mixed looks. Some glared resentfully, remembering her overwhelming strength in the duels. Others nodded in respect, acknowledging the lessons she had imparted. A few even looked eager for another challenge. 

Mira, however, remained indifferent to these reactions, her mind already focused on what lay ahead.

As they neared the area where her companions were staying, Mira turned to Master Shen Xian. "Looks like it's time for me to go," she said. "Do you know of any good places nearby where we can train? Something challenging, perhaps?"

Master Shen Xian thought for a moment before responding, "There is a place, but it's not without its dangers. North of here lies the Glacial Thicket, a hidden ice forest known for its treacherous environment and unique creatures. The place is chaotic, unpredictable, and deadly. But for those who seek to test their limits, it offers invaluable experience."

Mira's eyes lit up at the prospect. "Mmhm. Sounds good."

Soon, they reached where her companions were. They were all lounging around in a large courtyard, enjoying the free food and calm atmosphere. Even Elenei was using this time to rest, lying under a large tree as she enjoyed the cool breeze hitting her skin.

Dominique and Hana were buried in Rhydian's fur as the wolf had transformed back into her beast form. Linnea leaned against her as well, enjoying the warmth coming from her body. 

Meanwhile, Coralia just looked around, bored.

However, as soon as they all sensed Mira approaching, their backs straightened, and they woke up immediately.

"Welcome back, Mother! Did you get what you want?" Dominque's head poked out of Rhydian's fur as she shouted. 

Mira calmly walked over and nodded. "Yeah. I think I learned everything I needed to know."

"And we don't have to blow this place up?" Dominique asked curiously, looking around with pity as if she found it a shame to destroy all of this.

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Everyone who heard Dominique tensed up for a moment, wondering if they heard that right. Even Shen Xian's smile froze as he looked at the group weirdly, but he understood. Mira was a literal walking catastrophe. 

Instead of engaging her with hostility, risking the destruction of everything, it was better just to let her be.

Mira chuckled, shaking her head. "Doesn't seem that way." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Dominique looked a bit sad for a moment. However, Mira continued. "A shame, really. I'm curious how strong the powers of the North really are."


"Oh well." Mira shrugged. "I'm sure we'll find a 'willing volunteer' soon enough."

"Really?!" Dominique shouted in excitement. 


"Good! Don't forget your promise then, Mother!"

Shen Xian decided to ignore the conversation going on between them. Instead, he eyed Rhydian and Elenei weirdly, his Eyes of Truth telling him that they were extraordinary.

He was about to look a bit more intently when Elenei lazily glanced in his direction. 'I wouldn't do that.' She said through a Voice Transmission. 'You've used those eyes of yours enough times during our stay. Any more, and you may find that you won't be able to handle the consequences.'

'...Understood.' He responded, taking her warning seriously. However, this interaction only made him more curious about Elenei.

After a bit of discussion, the group decided to head towards the Glacial Thicket. As they prepared to leave, Mira looked around the Frozen Sangfroid Temple one last time, taking in the serene beauty of its snowy landscape.

Then, after giving Shen Xian a nod, she hopped on Rhydian along with everyone else and took off. Nobody other than her was really connected to this place, so they felt no need to say goodbye.

Master Shen Xian watched them leave, a thoughtful expression on his face. As Mira and her companions disappeared into the horizon on Rhydian's back, an old man appeared next to him.

"Do you want us to follow them?" the old man asked.

Shen Xian shook his head, smiling. "No, let them go. Big changes are coming, and I've made my small investment."

"Why not follow her?" the old man pressed. "She's one of the greatest geniuses we've ever seen."

Shen Xian's smile widened. "Exactly. To be remembered in the mind of someone like Mira is more than enough for an old man like me. She's going to change the world. I'm content knowing the Frozen Sangfroid Temple played a part in her journey."

The old man nodded thoughtfully, but he still felt it was too dangerous to let someone like Mira run around. 

As if sensing his thoughts, Shen Xian explained, "In order to make progress, sometimes destruction is necessary. However, that's only if you don't succumb to it in the process. Just leave her be, but keep me updated on news about her."

What could the old man say against that? So, he simply nodded and left.

Back with Mira and her companions, they soared through the clear blue sky, only to realize why the atmosphere was so empty. No cultivators, birds, nothing.

The air itself was frozen! 

Mira saw this as an opportunity to experiment with her ice and water affinities. At first, she tried converting the ice back into water, which resulted in drenching everyone.

"Hmph!" she exclaimed as they all shivered. Waving her hand, she turned all the water on them into ice and flicked it off of them. "Let me try something else."

Mira then focused on manipulating the properties of the ice. She experimented with various approaches – altering its density, temperature, and even its molecular structure. At first, her attempts were clumsy, causing fluctuations in the air that made the flight bumpy.

However, as she adjusted and fine-tuned her control, she found a way to maintain a bubble of breathable air around them. It was a delicate balance, requiring her constant attention, but it allowed them to continue their journey safely.

"This is good training," Mira mused, her concentration unwavering. "Controlling the environment itself... there's a lot of potential here."

A few hours later, they saw what looked to be a dense expanse of icy blue trees in the distance.

Her companions, now more comfortable, looked around in awe. The landscape below was a vast expanse of ice and snow, stretching as far as the eye could see. The Glacial Thicket loomed in the distance, its towering ice trees and frozen canopies creating a fantastical scene.

"Wow…" Linnea muttered in amazement, taking in everything. She'd never seen anything so beautiful before. 

Elenei nodded alongside her, but not because it was beautiful. Instead, she felt a certain connection to this place, like there was something here that could be useful to her.

As they approached the Glacial Thicket, the air grew even colder, and the environment seemed to morph into something more dangerous. It wasn't apparent on the surface, but the snow on the ground was moving like a wave.

Mira sensed the challenge rising, a thrill running through her. She couldn't wait to go down there and put everything she learned into practice.

"Looks like we're here," Mira announced, her eyes scanning the icy landscape below. The trees were like crystalline guardians, standing watch over a place that looked untouched by time.

Rhydian descended smoothly, landing on the edge of the forest. The group dismounted, their breaths visible in the frigid air. The silence of the Thicket was eerie yet captivating.

"This place is incredible," Elenei remarked, her eyes wide with curiosity. She reached out, touching a frozen branch. It shimmered under her touch, the ice crystals sparkling in the light.

Dominique bounced excitedly. "This looks fun! What are we waiting for? Let's explore!" Like Elenei, her instincts were telling her that she could get stronger by absorbing the blood of whatever creatures were there.

Mira nodded, leading the way into the heart of the Thicket. 

As they ventured deeper, the forest revealed its otherworldly beauty. The ice trees formed intricate patterns, and the ground was covered in a blanket of soft snow, untouched by any creature.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees. The group tensed, turning towards the source of the sound. Emerging from the shadows was a creature that seemed to be made entirely of ice, its eyes glowing with a cold, blue light.

"A Frost Wraith," Mira muttered, recognizing the creature from one of the scrolls she had read. "Be careful. They're known for their speed and ability to blend with their surroundings."

The Frost Wraith lunged at them, moving with an unnatural swiftness. Mira reacted instantly, her fists glowing with a faint blue light. She struck the creature, sending it reeling back into a tree.

The impact shattered the tree, sending shards of ice scattering in all directions. The creature let out a piercing screech before dissolving into a mist of frost, disappearing into the air.

"That was amazing, Mother!" Dominique exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement. She waved her hand, and surprisingly, a thin strand of blue blood shot toward her. Nodding, she took out a vial and placed it in there. She'll experiment with it later.

Mira nodded, scanning the area for more threats. "These creatures are just the beginning. The deeper we go, the more dangerous it will get."

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