It Seems The Production Skill Acquired In Another World Is The Strongest (LN)

Book 5: Epilogue 1 Part 2

Book 5: Epilogue 1 Part 2

Part 2

According to Fulua, if I go west from here for a while, I will find a town named Aunen.

He said there was a time when I was based there before I lost my memory.

If you see the town, you may be able to recover your memory of Kou Kousaka. Would you like to go there?

Yeah, sure. May I ask you to show me the way?

Leave it to me. Navigation is my specialty.

Fulua answered in a dependable manner and began to walk with steps that had no hesitation.

Immediately after, Zogra tilted his head and said.

Huh? Isnt that east, Fulua?

Excuse me. Im still new to the human body.

Fulua stopped dead in his tracks and turned around on the spot.

He coughed to hide his embarrassment and started walking again.

Although he seems to be serious, he has a surprisingly cute side to him.

I chuckled unintentionally as I walked alongside Fulua.

Its a bit lonely to remain silent, so I ask them about their backgrounds.

Maybe it will help me remember things.

Fulua and Zogra are siblings, arent they? So Zogra is the younger brother, and Fulua is the older brother?

No, shes my sister.

Oh, no.

It was so rude of me to make a gender mistake.

I had done it out of the blue.

I was inwardly holding my head in my hands when Fulua suddenly smiled kindly at me.

Dont worry about it. Kou Kousaka guessed that Zogra and I were twins, and based on the fact that Zogra is my younger brother, you determined my gender to be male, didnt you?

Thats a good guess. Youve got it all figured out.

Im confident I know you better than anyone else in the world.

Fulua sniffed and proudly puffed out her chest.

That gesture was so childishly cute that I couldnt help but giggle.

Kou Kousaka. Whats wrong?

Its no big deal. More importantly, was I close to you before I lost my memory?

Yes. We traveled together for about three months. Those days are precious memories for me.

Fulua looked up at me with a very mature expression as she muttered this.

Nevertheless, I am sure that the days to come will be even better. After all, we will be able to spend time together as humans.

Ive been wondering, are you, by any chance, not a human being?

It is impossible if I think about it from a common sense point of view, but this is a different world.

For example, there may even be angels and demons.

In response to my question, Fulua pondered for a moment and then replied.

Both Zogra and I have gained human bodies and exist in this world now. However, we used to be completely different beings. It is difficult to explain, so I will tell you when Kou Kousakas memory comes back a little more. Is that alright with you?

Yes, I understand. Thats fine.

Hmm. I think I can tell you something a little more in-depth.

Zogra, who seemed to have heard what Fulua and I were talking about, walked to the left of me and said something like that.

For example. Its Benefator-san who made our bodies

What did you say?

I was surprised at the unexpected words.

Then, I am like a parent to both of you?

I guess you could call it a parent or maybe a god. Benefactor-san used [Creation] to reincarnate Fulua and I as human beings.

Kou Kousaka gave me a physical body as well as Zogra. For that, I am truly grateful.

I must have done something amazing.

It is no longer an act of God to reincarnate a non-human being into a human being, is it?

It is beyond the level of a cheat skill.

How did I get such power?

Im getting a little scared of getting my memory back.

Thats what I was thinking as I was walking along.


A mans scream echoed from a distance, and the birds perched in the surrounding trees all fluttered away at once.

It sounded like it was coming from over there!

Zogra pointed to the front left.

I have a feeling there might be trouble.

Kou Kousaka. What are you going to do?

Ill go check it out. You two wait here.

I told Fulua and Zogra that, and with my right hand, I took out a hikino tree axe from the [Item Box].

Gripping the handle tightly, I proceeded onward at a trot.

Eventually, the forest broke off, and the field of vision opened up.

It was a meadow.

There was a road about 20 meters away, and a wagon was being attacked by a bear.


It was no ordinary bear.

Both of its arms were unusually thick and about the same size as its torso.

If hit by a bear with arms that big, a human being would have been crushed to a pulp with a single blow.

D-dont come here! Dont come!

A small, fat man was holding a sword with a cart at his back.

He may be the owner of the wagon.

Fortunately, the bear is distracted by the man and does not notice me at all.

If I think about it realistically, I should stay away from the bear.

I should run away while I still can.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I would never abandon him.

If someone were in danger, I would reach out to them without hesitation.

I wanted to be that kind of person.

I realized that my body was moving on its own.


With all the strength in my right arm, I lifted the wooden axe and threw it at him with a side throw.

I think I have done something similar before.

The axe spun at high speed like a boomerang and flew off, cutting off the neck of the bear that was just about to jump on the man from the side.

The bears head fell to the ground.

Blood gushed out from the severed surface of the neck like a fountain, and after a couple of steps, the bear collapsed to the ground.


Ive done something quite reckless.

What would have happened if I had not been able to defeat it with a single blow?

I wiped the cold sweat pouring from my forehead with my right arm.

I looked at the man who had been attacked and saw that he was sitting there, slumped over.

I guessed that he had lost his strength after being freed from his fear.

I walked up to him and extended my right hand.

Are you alright?

Y-yes Ko-Kou-sama, you have saved me again.


Do you know who I am?

Yes, of course. As I had heard, you still have no memory.

The man grabs my right hand as he says this and stands up.

My name is Chrome Scarlett. I am a merchant in the city of Aunen. It is a great pleasure to meet you again after a year, Kou-sama.

Chrome-san told me that he had been attacked by a bear on the road before and that I had come to his rescue.

The only difference is that the bear that came out was an armed bear, not an armored bear.

Apparently, monsters exist in this world, just like in fantasy games and anime.

According to Chrome-sans story, an armored bear is a bear-shaped monster that wears an armor-like shell over its entire body, and its subspecies is an armed bear.

Both are extremely ferocious and require a number of skilled adventurers to defeat them.

Even though you have lost your memory, it is as expected of Kou-sama that you could defeat an armed bear with a single blow.

I was just lucky. I am surprised at myself.

It was not modesty but my honest feeling.

Fortunately, Chrome-san was not injured, and the case was now closed.

As I was breathing a sigh of relief, I heard a voice behind me.

It seems youve already finished defeating them. Well done, Kou Kousaka.

As expected of Benefactor-san.

I turned around and saw Fulua and Zogra there.

They must have followed me here.

Oh, isnt that Fulua-sama and Zogra-sama?

Chrome-san shouted right next to me.

Hahaha, I see. You have come to pick up Kou-sama, I presume.

Yes. Three hours ago, I detected signs of Kou Kousakas return.

I wanted to tell Chrome-san about it, but you were out of town.


From the conversation, I guessed that the three of them knew each other.

As I thought about this and looked around for some reason

I noticed one strange thing.

The corpse of the armed bear had disappeared.

Not a trace of the blood that had spurted from its neck remained.

I wondered what was going on.

As I furrowed my brow in wonder, Fulua pulled on my left sleeve.

Are you looking for the corpse of the armed bear?

Yeah. Where in the world did it go?

Its been collected automatically in Kou Kousakas [Item Box]. Please check the item list.

Lets see.

I chanted Item List in my mind, and a window popped up in my brain.

Item List

Hikino Tree Axe x 50

Armed Bears Corpse x 1

As Fulua said, the corpse of the armed bear was stored in the [Item Box].


Hikino Tree Axes arent decreasing.

I took one out and threw it, so there should really be 49 pieces left.

If it were a game, I would have suspected a bug, but when I asked Fulua, she said that the wooden axes I threw were also automatically retrieved.

What a useful feature!

With a little ingenuity, it could be used in some interesting ways.

It makes my gamers blood boil.

I would like to verify the specifications of the [Item Box] right now if possible, but if I stay here, I may run into a second or third monster.

We should probably head for the city of Aunen first.

So we decided to leave the place.

Incidentally, the horse that was pulling Chrome-sans wagon ran away, so I decided to put it in the [Item Box] and carry it away.

Then, Chrome-san rolled his eyes and said,

Kou-sama in the past also carried the wagon to the town in exactly the same way. Whether you remember it or not, Kou-sama is still Kou-sama, isnt he?

Human nature does not change that easily.

On the way to Aunen, I asked Chrome-san to tell me about my former self.

However, what he told me was not something I could immediately believe.

Kou-sama is the savior of the city of Aunen. You wiped out tens of thousands of monsters created by the flood and even defeated the calamity that destroyed the ancient civilization four thousand years ago the Black Dragon of Extreme Destruction.

Sorry, Chrome-san. Did you make up the story just because I have amnesia?

No, thats not true. I am telling you the truth.

Chrome Scarletts words are not a lie. I would also like to add that Kou Kousaka discovered and became the owner of an underground city that is said to exist near Aunen.


I used to accomplish too much, didnt I?

Im worried about dying of exhaustion.

Maybe I work more than I did when I was in Japan.

Benefactor-san was also active in other cities. You defeated Devil Treant and rebuilt the bridge that collapsed during the earthquake with [Creation].

Thats the New Zard Bridge, isnt it? I crossed the bridge last month on a business trip and found it to be a magnificent bridge. Even with your skill, it is truly amazing that you could build such a big bridge all by yourself!

How big was it?

When I asked him, he thought about it for a moment and then answered.

It would take about 15 minutes to cross the bridge by horse-drawn carriage. It would have taken three years to build the bridge by normal means. But at that time, Kou-sama was able to do it in an instant.


I was amazed at all the out-of-the-ordinary stories that came out one after the other, and I was gripped by a strange sensation.

It was as if I was rereading a book I had read a long time ago.

Perhaps listening to stories about my past self stimulated my lost memories.

According to what Chrome-san told me, I went to the royal capital in the north while solving cases in various places, and ultimately saved the world.

Thats amazing.

I feel as if its someone elses problem, but since I have amnesia, I hope youll forgive me.


As I listened to what he had to say about me in the past, the tingling sensation in the back of my head became stronger and stronger.

Maybe its a sign that my memory is coming back.

I wonder if more stimulation would help me remember everything.

While I was thinking about this, I saw a city surrounded by walls.

Chrome-san. Is that the city of Aunen?

Thats right. Do you recognize it?

I have a strange feeling about it.

I put my right hand on my chest.

There was a strange sensation.

Although this is supposed to be my first time in this city, I feel nostalgic as if I were back in my hometown.

As I stopped in my tracks and gazed at the city of Aunen, Zogra came up next to me and tugged on my left sleeve.

Come on, Benefactor-san, lets get going. Its going to be dark if we just sit around.

Thats true.

I nodded and started walking with Chrome-san, Fulua, and Zogra.

At the city gate, there was a young man who appeared to be a guard.

He had long golden hair that looked as if it had been bathed in sunlight, tied back in a single strand.

When he saw me, he gave me a friendly smile.

Hey, Kou. Long time no see.

Apparently, he knew me.

I wondered how I should respond to him.

After thinking for a while, I opened my mouth.

Im sorry. Actually, I have amnesia due to a number of reasons.

Yeah, Im aware of whats going on. I have heard about it from Fulua and Zogra. Im glad youre back in this world. Im sure youll get your memory back soon.

I hope so.

I shrug my shoulders as I answer the mans words.

I am quite frank with people I have never met before.

It may be due to his cheerful atmosphere, but thats not the only reason.

I think we are on the same wavelength.

Although it had been only a few minutes since we met, I had a feeling that we would get along well.

I was sure that I had been close to this man before.

With this conviction in my heart, I continued speaking.

By the way, may I ask your name? Id feel bad if I forgot the name of someone I knew.


The man grinned and opened his mouth.

I used to be known as the Gleaming Greedy Dragon. You reincarnated Fulua and Zogra as human beings, but you also reincarnated me. I now call myself Wyndir Meteor. You can call me Wynn.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

Dragon, reincarnation, and other unexpected words.

While I was puzzled, Fulua came over to me and said,

There is no lie in Wyndir Meteors words. He was once the Gleaming Greedy Dragon, a being who was one with Kou Kousaka.

With me?

I mean, what do you mean by becoming one with me?

I was puzzled, and Wynn opened his mouth with a chuckle.

Well, youll understand the details when you get your memory back. As for me, I owe you a great debt of gratitude for giving me a human life. Just remember that.

Wynn lives in the city of Aunen and is an adventurer by profession.

Today, he says, he has taken on the job of a guard as a quest and is guarding the city gates.

I dont have any proof of identity. Can I get through?

Dont worry. I can guarantee your identity.

It was Chrome-san who offered this assurance.

You used to belong to the Adventurers Guild. You can use your guild card as an identification card, so you can go and have it reissued later.

If Benefactor-san shows his face, the Adventurers Guild is going to be in an uproar!

I am sure everyone will be happy to welcome Kou Kousaka.

Following Zogra, Fulua told me.

Milia is still working as an assistant branch manager at the Adventurers Guild here in the city. It appears that she has turned down a transfer to the headquarters in the royal capital.

She said something about protecting Kous place of return. Isnt that a good story?

Wynn said in a joking tone.

Well, the formalities of entry are complete. Welcome to Aunen. Kou, lets go get dinner sometime.

Okay. When the time comes, can you recommend a good place to eat?

Of course. I know exactly what you like. Ill find you a good place.

We exchanged light conversation as I passed through the gates of the city of Aunen.

Beyond the gates, the bustling streets of the city spread out before me.

There stood girls as if welcoming me.

You have finally returned.

A lively and dignified-looking young lady with golden hairLeticia di Meteor.

Kou-san. Welcome back.

Lily Luna Lunaria, a petite girl with silver hair and a fragile atmosphere.

This is a quiz: Who am I? My name starts with the letter M!

A woman with chestnut-colored hair and a bright smile, always smiling.

Kou. Im glad youre alright.


A red-haired, crimson-eyed female adventurer of the dragon-folk who has been with me since the day I first became an adventurer in this worldIrisnote Fafnir.

The moment I saw the four of them, I regained my memory.

Like an embankment breaking, a flood of information rushed in.

I remembered.

I had fused with Zogral and transformed into a being equal to God Or rather, into something of a higher dimension that surpassed even God.

Not only controlling time and space but also interfering in all worlds past, present, and future and could rewrite the destiny of those who live there as I pleased. It was omniscient and omnipotent, possessing absolute and overwhelming power and standing at the top of all things.

At that time, I had become the kind of being who could make everything I wanted as  reality.

If I had wanted to, I could have conveniently changed the past to say, Kou Kousaka did not transfer to another world and was still an office worker in Japan, or Kou Kousaka fulfilled his childhood dream and became a firefighter.


No matter how much power I gained, I was still me, it seems.

Without losing my self-control, I did exactly what I had planned to do in the first place.

First, I restored all the worlds that had been obliterated by Zogral and revived the people living in them.

The number of lives revived was not only hundreds of millions and trillions but also in the realm of countless numbers but it was all done in an instant.

At the time, I didnt feel anything, but now that I look back on it, I realize that I had incredible power.

The next thing I did was to reincarnate Zogral.

This was a promise I had made in advance, and I could not go back on it.

I gave Zogral a human body and reborn him in this world.

As for who it was, well, I dont have to explain.

It was Zogra, one of those who came for me when I had amnesia.

I was the one who gave him the name at the time, but I guess I couldnt help my lack of sense in naming him even though he had become a being of a higher dimension.

Sorry, Zogra.

But fortunately, he seems to like the name, so I guess the result is all right.

Oh, yes.

I should probably explain this as well.

Zogral was not the only one I turned into a human.

Wynn at the castle gate was a reincarnation of the Greedy Dragon, and Zogras twin sister Fulua was once a different being.

Well, you can guess from her name.

Her true identity is [Full Assist].

It is quite unrealistic to think that a skill could be turned into a human being, but I guess that meant I had the power to make such a thing possible at that time.

After finishing what I had to do, I reincarnated myself as a human in order to return to everyone.

However, it seems that my human brain could not process the memories of my higher dimensional existence, and I had temporary amnesia.

It seems your memories have returned.

Fulua, who was standing next to me, relaxed her mouth and looked relieved.

Did you remember me as well?

Yeah. How does it feel to be human?

Every day is new. How about you, Zogra?

Im having a lot of fun. But Im not only playing, Im thinking a lot. I wonder what I can do.

As mentioned earlier, Zogra is the reincarnation of Zogral.

To put it simply, the will of self-destruction and the will of survival are fused together as one substance.

Just before the fusion, the two wills told me this.

Even though all the world will be restored, we have done unforgivable things.

We want to live among humans, learn from them, and figure out how to atone for what we have done.

It seems that this feeling has been passed on to Zogra.

Benefactor-san. Instead of talking about us, why dont you say hello to Iris-san and the others?


After nodding my head, I turned to Iris and the others.

And then I said.

Iris and everyone else. Im back.

Ive been waiting for you too, Master-san! Eeii!


Suddenly, a round object flew out from behind Lily.

I caught it in a hurry and found it to be a blue, round, magical creature Surara.

Master-san, were you surprised? Hehehe.

Its been a long time. Surara.

I held Surara in my left hand and patted his head with my right hand.

Yay! Master-sans hands are warm after all!

Is that so?

I put my right hand on my cheek.

It is true that it might be a little warm.

But putting that aside

Iris, Milia, Lily, Leticia. How are you all?

Of course. Its been a peaceful year, hasnt it?

There have been no reports of major flooding, and all the adventurers are taking it easy.

The God of War has returned and is now at rest in the Holy Land. Thank you, Kou-san.

I heard that Kou-sama reincarnated Wynn as a human. I am so happy to see my brother again. Please allow me to offer my heartfelt thanks.

Every word that everyone said made me nostalgic, and every time I heard them, I felt a sense that I had returned home.

My place is here.

I felt it strongly.


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