Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

245 Chapter 245

Chapter 245- School Ceremony (Part 3)

The curtains that covered the stage opened, and light focused on the stage. A few seconds later, footsteps could be heard coming from the background. Who came out was a middle-aged man in his 50s with a long beard and long white hair.

His face was filled with scars, and his left hand missed two fingers. One look was more than enough to know that this man was a seasoned veteran. His demeanour alone could make people feel suffocated from sheer pressure.

He stopped in front of the microphone and then looked at the people present with his sharp eyes. A few gulped a mouthful of saliva from sheer fear and nervousness.

"Welcome to our Soul Academy. My name is Serven Walker and I'm the headmaster of this institute. Pleased to meet all of you." He bent his head slightly as a way of greeting everyone there.

Then, after that, he started a long speech about the academy, what it can provide to its students and also the potential future that it can open for them. Just a typical speech that they probably heard before.

Acht didn't really care about that and merely kept eyeing his surroundings for any potential threat or anything remotely suspicious. His mind couldn't stop thinking about the shadow's words for some reason. As much as he wanted to believe it was all an illusion he created for himself, he wanted to make sure nothing wrong would happen just because he let his guard down.

However, for the first 10 minutes of the speech, he couldn't feel any ghostly presence around him or around Mia and Tania.

'The only one that appeared in the dream was Tania. Is it perhaps targeting Tania? Or maybe all of them? Or it can be just a way to mislead me. Fuck! This is driving me nuts.' He clicked his tongue in frustration.

At the 10-minute mark, the headmaster's speech ended, and he invited someone else on stage. Acht heard the sound of very familiar heels walking slowly to the stage. The rhythm alone was more than enough to make him recognize who it was.

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'She really does whatever she wants, huh.' He shook his head with a sigh.

Leislet then revealed herself with her usual seductive smile that made all the male students gasp simultaneously.

She stood on top of the stage calmly and started speaking with her melodic voice. As she was giving her speech, her eyes fell a few times on Acht, and she winked at him gently.

The boy rolled his eyes at her flirtatious attempts and looked at Tania beside him. She was nibbling on some kind of snack while ignoring the whole speech.

"She is so hot, holy fuck."

"I can die in peace if she just touches me."

"Step on me, mommy."

Acht wanted to cut off his ears just so that he doesn't hear these horny teenagers being all stupid and unbearable. Especially the last voice; he wanted to stand up and go beat him up because he made him hear that abomination.

'Bear with it, Acht. It's fine. It will be over soon.

Luckily, Leislet seemed to have understood that Acht was getting bored, so she quickly ended her speech and went down from the stage. The ceremony was finally over, and everyone could leave.

Acht also stood up to leave along with the two girls. But, Leislet soon appeared in front of him.

"Did you like my sexy speech?"

"Sigh, many could've seen you winking like that."

"I want them to see." She said and hugged Acht's arm happily.

Tania looked at her for a moment before she turned around to walk away. She really didn't like Leislet at all, even more than Scarlett. Staying there was not an option for her.

Suddenly, in less than a second, Leislet's cute smile distorted into the worst possible grin that could be seen. Then, she extended her arm in Tania's direction. The woman's hand changed from her usual pale white skin to a dark tentacle.


The arm shot at the small girl at a terrifying accuracy. Everything happened in less than a split of a second. Not even the most powerful awakneres around them sensed it.

"You are too predictable, shadow fucker."

*Swish* *Boom*

Acht muttered as he grabbed the tentacle and threw it to the ground along with Leislet or, to be more precise, Leislet's copycat.

"What.." Tania, who was finally able to react, stared wide-eyed at Acht and the shadow.

"Heheheheheh.." Leislet started laughing before it changed her shape to that dark and sinister figure Acht knew all too well.

"How did you know I was fake?"

"Your aura is way too different from Leislet when she's with me." Acht said casually.

"Heheheheh, you love them a lot, don't you? That is good, too good. That will make the pen even stronger." The shadowy figure said.

"I think I didn't amke myself clear the first time we met. Your cheap tricks will not work. Keep trying until you lose hope and that's when I will make you go through hell for doing this."


He threw the shadow in the air before he kicked it with his right leg, sending it flying into a nearby wall.

Everyone looked at the chaos with shock on their face. Even the headmaster didn't react immediately.

"Heheheheh, you are truly one of a kind, Acht. A true entertainment material."

After saying that, the shadowy figure turned into a flat, black dot and moved under the door that was the exit for the hall.

"You ain't running away this time." Acht muttered and ran after him without looking back.

He didn't want to let this abomination stay alive and keep trying to ambush the people around him just to satisfy its twisted desires. Besides, that will also keep him tense 24/7.

'Where did it go?' He looked around outside and tried to sense its presence. Luckily, a few hundred meters away from him, he sensed the presence of the shadow moving from one building to another at an inhuman speed. He was sure that if he doesn't reach it in the next minute or so, he would lose its tracks easily.

'It's gonna escape.' He cursed under his breath and channelled all of his soul force before blasting in the air using gravity manipulation.

A fight against time has begun.


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